.... The Dwight Hemmings video is ok for me though, as I mentioned above
The fact that this video looks OK to you (and me too) clears up exactly what I think is at the root of your disagreement with
Juany and some others posting on this thread. I think it really boils down to a simple miscommunication revolving around whether you are talking about the distance covered by the
entire punch from initiation to completion, or are talking about the distance you are from your target
at the moment contact is made.
You seem to be saying that the punch can be initiated from any range, from near to far, since the punch and the body movement are
united as one totality. So a punch from a
long distance will be united with an long, explosive step, while a very close punch will involve a powerful, but very small body movement. But close or far, both are the same punch. So, as you have been saying all along, the VT punch isn't restricted by distance to a "sweet spot".
I get this. In fact I think we all do. Where the miscommunication comes in to play is when
Juany and others are talking about the distance between the puncher's body and the target
when contact is made. In all my experience, and in all the videos posted, there is plainly
an ideal distance between puncher and target at the moment of impact. If you are too far away, or very much closer than this distance when your fist impacts your target, you will not achieve maximum transfer of power, and your punch will not be optimal.
I believe we can all agree on this too. And I think this is basically what
Juany and
KPM have been saying all along. Unfortunately, for much of this thread, you guys have been talking past each other, each insisting that the other understand their terms in a very particular way. This was what the poster "Guy" often did to disrupt threads. You know, WC/VT/WT is hard enough to discuss with words to begin with. Let's all work a little harder to be flexible in our use of terminology and
actually communicate something meaningful!