Doesn't that depend on the type of warfare? A battalion over a mile away who launch a missile at you... well, none of us can train a technique that will defend against that.
Like I've said before, I have not yet trained in WC. I would really like to find an instructor and see if WC is a good fit for me. Being an "outsider", I wonder at the stories I've read of Ip Man and other WC practitioners. the stories mention strengths of WC, but I wonder (1) are the stories more of a mythology, and (2) the stories usually tend to mention a WC practitioner versus a CMA or JMA practitioner or someone of no martial arts background at all. I wonder, do any of you WC practitioners spar with people who train in other arts?
From the view I've had of WC so far, I reallt think an understanding of Wing Chun would benefit me. I guess I really won't be able to chime in as to the effectiveness of WC again until I actually train in the style and learn a bit more about it and then put it to the test (hopefully in full-on sparring rather than a street fight, though).
Well honestly. Back in the day (not to long ago either) folks in China would fight the hell out of eachother all the time. They would have big stages in the marketplace where people could challenge and fight eachother for all to see. This was really common. The move "Fearless" was based on a true story with the real man that unified Wu Shu Kung Fu. So, sure take the stories with a grain of salt, but also know that even in the 1960's WC people still fought eachother on the rooftops in Hong Kong, that Eagle Claw Kung Fu and WC have been enemies for ever and I'd bet they Still fight in the streets about it. Sometimes to the death. It's a different country, different rules and it does sound fantastic from the perpective of our culture and laws. But, folks do different stuff overseas.

Probably the reason most of these stories include WC fighting against another CMA or JMA is because well, in China (even still today) everybody's always fighting over who has the best kung fu. And you better prove it.
The Japanese and the Chinese have hated eachother for like, well, forever probably. And the Japanese have actually in times conqured parts of China and oppressed the people there, so, they've fought alot.
Not until Bruce Lee came along did anyone in America ever even hear of Wing Chun. He was a big movie star, but before that he was a Wing Chun teacher in California. The Chinese masters kinda freaked and didn't like him teaching their good stuff to us sloppy Americans. So, he moved on with JKD, and for other reasons created that art and was more known for it too.
But, he was a hard core chunner, and fought alot in Hong Kong before coming to the states, he exposed more people to the art. Yip Man taught more people than previous masters of Wing Chun, but Bruce Lee made it famous. Internationally. Yip Man was Bruce's teacher. Well, one of them, his first teacher of WC.
So, it's a young art for a kung fu style. (only about 200 years old)
It's been tested time and time again in the heat of battle.
It's been largely taught to only one or two students of a master at a time, until GM Yip Man who taught many.
Ex. Some say it came from a nun (or 5 monks, whatever)
she or they had One official student, Yim Wing Chun.
She taught only her husband.
He taught only like two people. and so on and so on until GM Yip Man. WC was largely passed down to only a very select few. Why? I don't know.
But, now it's available to almost anyone who wants to seek it out. Thanks to Yip Man and Bruce Lee, I think, for opening the door to more people, they stoped making it a "secret".
If you get the chance man, take the art. Don't worry so much about "practicality", train. It's foundatation is baptised in the very blood of practicality. Others did the work for us, reap the benefits. Train it for a good 6 months to a year whatever and get in a match at a tournament, cage, MMA club, sparr with friends and try it out.
And to answer the other question, yes, many here do spar and train with other stylists to keep their WC sharp.

That's all part of the best of the fun of WC. If you want to compete it's a good art for that, if you want serious self defense, it's one of the best you could take for that. You just have to put the time in training, just like anyother art.