A pointed and personal but very simple question for all my soft-outer hard-inner Martial Talk thinkers
Just looking for a paragraph of inspiration I never quite seem to get what I want picking random books..... but anyway I found this and it is an exhortation to perform daily meditation on INEVITABLE death..... Hmmm and well that's the Hagakure for ya and yes right here Ch 11 if yous do not believe me and I know a very few of us would claim to walk a warriors path to that extent or anything like it but I think it is an interesting thought beyond its face value because maybe it is an exhortation NOT to be morose but because thinking of our death can shake us awake and make us realise what we are LIVING for.
So.... if you have ever performed that meditation or had a passing thought for your own death.... Q: are you afraid to die, afraid of the WAY you might die, afraid of the what after?
Thank you for sharing
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Just looking for a paragraph of inspiration I never quite seem to get what I want picking random books..... but anyway I found this and it is an exhortation to perform daily meditation on INEVITABLE death..... Hmmm and well that's the Hagakure for ya and yes right here Ch 11 if yous do not believe me and I know a very few of us would claim to walk a warriors path to that extent or anything like it but I think it is an interesting thought beyond its face value because maybe it is an exhortation NOT to be morose but because thinking of our death can shake us awake and make us realise what we are LIVING for.
So.... if you have ever performed that meditation or had a passing thought for your own death.... Q: are you afraid to die, afraid of the WAY you might die, afraid of the what after?
Thank you for sharing
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,