Purple Belt
Hello GBlues
and thank you for taking the time to post your views. I think your view is certainly reflective of most views, my own probably included. I wonder though, have you ever felt the need to retaliate for something? No matter how petty, did you ever retaliate, even as a younger person? If so, what did you do? Act on it or suppress that desire? Your thoughts are appreciated, thank you
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Have I ever felt the need to retaliate? Well the short answer is yes. I think that most people have. Have I ever retaliated? Almost came real close once. That's the problem with vigilantism, the truth is hard to sort out. Give you a good story.
About six years ago, my little sister, calls my mom and dad's house. She was crying and really upset. She said that her inlaws wouldn't give her back her son, and that the father in law had tried to choke her. SO they meet my little sister down at the local grocery store, and sure enough she has finger marks all over her neck, where it looked like someone had tried to choke her. I get there, and I see it, and me and my dad are none to happy. So they call the cops, I'm already wanting to go stomp a mudhole in this guys ***, and my mom is holding me back, from jumping in my truck, racing up there, and just beating the hell out of this guy. Well, the cops take there pictures, and refuse to go even arrest the guy, as he was a former police officer in our town. Well, that set us right off. You couldn't twist of a string of drill pipe any better than we were. However, cooler heads prevailed, cause we wanted that man dead, and he's still alive. Here's what happened with that. My mom, told us to cool down, cause we didn't know what exactly had happened. Shorten this up, after we had cooled down and decided to just let things take there own course, we found out that my little sister, had gone up there, and started all kinds of ****, and when she left the inlaws house and called from the grocery store, she put those marks in her own neck. She had choked herself to make her story plausible. She had lied, and done that to herself. I am still remembering what she did and still in shock. She could have easily gotten a man killed, and two men thrown in prison. That is the problem with vigilantism. More often than not, it's in the heat of the moment, you get swept up, in something that isn't quite what it's supposed to be. You have to be careful, if that is your path, because, once you take a life, you can never give it back.
I learned a very valuable lesson that day and the days proceeding it. Justice is best left to the proffessionals. If your going to take matters into your own hands you had better be right. Even if you get thrown in prison at least if your right, you can live with yourself, if your not, well, in the state I live in, we still have corporal punishment, so eventually you wouldn't have to worry about living with it.
"Make sure your right, then go ahead."-Davy Crockett
Wise words from a wise man. Cause if your not, you'd better stop.

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Have I ever felt the need to retaliate? Well the short answer is yes. I think that most people have. Have I ever retaliated? Almost came real close once. That's the problem with vigilantism, the truth is hard to sort out. Give you a good story.
About six years ago, my little sister, calls my mom and dad's house. She was crying and really upset. She said that her inlaws wouldn't give her back her son, and that the father in law had tried to choke her. SO they meet my little sister down at the local grocery store, and sure enough she has finger marks all over her neck, where it looked like someone had tried to choke her. I get there, and I see it, and me and my dad are none to happy. So they call the cops, I'm already wanting to go stomp a mudhole in this guys ***, and my mom is holding me back, from jumping in my truck, racing up there, and just beating the hell out of this guy. Well, the cops take there pictures, and refuse to go even arrest the guy, as he was a former police officer in our town. Well, that set us right off. You couldn't twist of a string of drill pipe any better than we were. However, cooler heads prevailed, cause we wanted that man dead, and he's still alive. Here's what happened with that. My mom, told us to cool down, cause we didn't know what exactly had happened. Shorten this up, after we had cooled down and decided to just let things take there own course, we found out that my little sister, had gone up there, and started all kinds of ****, and when she left the inlaws house and called from the grocery store, she put those marks in her own neck. She had choked herself to make her story plausible. She had lied, and done that to herself. I am still remembering what she did and still in shock. She could have easily gotten a man killed, and two men thrown in prison. That is the problem with vigilantism. More often than not, it's in the heat of the moment, you get swept up, in something that isn't quite what it's supposed to be. You have to be careful, if that is your path, because, once you take a life, you can never give it back.
I learned a very valuable lesson that day and the days proceeding it. Justice is best left to the proffessionals. If your going to take matters into your own hands you had better be right. Even if you get thrown in prison at least if your right, you can live with yourself, if your not, well, in the state I live in, we still have corporal punishment, so eventually you wouldn't have to worry about living with it.
"Make sure your right, then go ahead."-Davy Crockett
Wise words from a wise man. Cause if your not, you'd better stop.