Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
My Tang Soo Do students are from the Queen's Royal Lancers, this is their cap badge, on it is their motto, Death or Glory and that's how it is. They lost soldiers last year in Afghanistan and are due out there again next Easter. No one wants to die but once you face the fact you are going to at some point anyway it tends to clear the mind and you just get on with it and fight!
Tez answered these quite well, but being an American I don't know when to shut my yap and I feel I need to throw in my 2 cents

There are two things that bother me bout this:
1. If I have admitted that I can be beaten [no matter how probable] then have I not weakened my own psychological position from the get-go?
No, now you can stop worrying about it and relax
2. The other issue that bothers me quite a lot is what then am I supposed to do when I meet this opponent who has me matched and bettered blow-for-blow? What am I supposed to do then, having realised that THIS is the opponent we considered; that THIS is the opponent who is my defeater; that THIS is my Waterloo? Then what?
If you are concerned about losing you are not thinking about the fight and you will loose but you are not concerned about whether or not you can be defeated because you know you can so you are not thinking about it at all, therefore you just keep fighting until you walk away or fall that is all. Just because you admit you can be beaten does not mean you will be
Were Samurai weaker or stronger, better or worse fighters because they admitted to themselves they would die in battle (aka already dead)?
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