Hey there my cave sorcerer and wiser friend thank you SO much for sharing this and this paragraph above is wonderful truly you have the ability to step back and take a wider view which is a great thing and yes to say we are not our bodies is an uplifting way to think especially when the body is not the vehicle we may have wanted it to be ideally and your stories are sad but show that inspiration can even rise out from dejection thank you!elder999 said:I have my faith, my spiritual beliefs. I know that Diane has gone on to somewhere and something else, other than this place, and it may be better, but I miss my friend. I think of her whenever I hear a song by Elton John. She especially loved his Crocodile Rock. I cant stand him, but it seems I hear it on the radio all the time. Diane, thanks for being my friend. Thanks for accepting my search for faces of God other than Jesus, and for listening to my endless quotes from the Avatamsaka Sutra I will miss you, dear friend. Have fun surfing the universe.
And I also watched and nursed friend who I cared for more than anything and was my own age die from cancer not so very long ago and it took a hold of him extremely quickly and shook the life from him and he was an incredibly fit and healthy guy and it was exactly BECAUSE of his age and level of fitness we had explained to us that the disease spread so quickly and I can hardly believe we were told by his consultant that it would have been better for him if he was older or unfit or unhealthy to slow the cancer and what sort of thing is this? But I only mention because we aspire to the healthy body when here was the case of physical vigour which expedited a more painful death and I will say I do fear dying greatly because of what I saw on his face and the yearning and a hundred thousand words in the tight squeeze of his hand and the ricktus of muscles in him even through all the morphine as he ground his teeth and juddered to a complete halt and I was not inspired that day that dying was a wonderful and serene thing but just a haunting horrible pointless and painful mess which casts a mist of sadness that penetrates through to the marrow of everyone around
I am sorry for being morose but I am glad for words such as yours which point to another truth and viewpoint and this is the one I would wish someday to believe which is to say death has a point. And I think you are correct people are not keen to consider their demise which is of course understandable but sometimes I think it is useful to get a perspective on what is current and which we often take for granted wasting time and procrastinating.
Thank you for your kind words and inspiring stories
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,