Sr. Grandmaster
I guess we'll have to just agree that our definitions of "earth shattering" are different. I look at the growth and proliferation of BJJ and it seems pretty astounding to me. I've seen the local tournaments around here grow from 40 to 50 competitors in a 1 day tournament to almost 700 competitors over two days. The number of schools just 7 to 8 years ago in the area was less than 10. Now, there have to be about 40 or 50. Some are big, some are little, but even the crappy ones are still pretty good.
And, driving around, I'd say at least half of the traditional schools also advertise BJJ. Whether this is a young brown or black belt looking to start his own school who is leasing mat space, or an instructor who has decided to cross train, I don't know. Both are very common. But, it's getting rare to see "TKD" and very common to see "Kim's TKD and BJJ."
As is often the case, though, this is anecdotal. I don't think there is any reliable statistical information available. Just my impressions.
I agree with you. I dont deny the exponential growth of BJJ. That's not hard when you go from zero schools to 1000. My opinion of earth changing is like Walmart changed the landscape of retail and drove its competition out of business. The addition of BJJ to other schools is a win win for both. So in that regard yes it has changed Martial arts. But when I see claims like The Gracie's challenged the world and won and showed they are superior it puts me on the defensive because that's nonsense so then I see BJJ changed the face of Martial arts I revert back the default "that's nonsense". Which isn't the case