Hello Darklord,
1. No the styles that I studied before are awesome. I would never take anything away from them. I have a Karazenpo / Shaolin Kempo / Hakkoryu Ju Jitsu background. If there are two things I enjoy doing in the Martial Arts, that would be Kenpo and Ju Jitsu. So that being said, with a little bit of changing here and there with what I have learned, I managed to combine the two and make it my own with just a few slight differences. It is in in't infancy but there was a enough difference, even just slightly, to be accepted by the Soke Council, North American Grandmasters Council, GM Al C., and my GM Simms to be sent and approvd for Sokeship. Even with that I am not a 10th Dan.
2. I have been in the Martial Arts for going on 32 years now and have trained with Prof. Cerio, Prof. Godin, Prof. Gascon, GM Simms, Prof. Shuras, Master Corrigan, Master Longacre, and Soke Kuniba and GM Barbara Meyers (Hakkoryu) who trained under Soke Kuniba before his death. All of which, who are still living, would more than likely vouch for me.
3. This posting was not about any organization. It was about being promoted from 1st Dan to 9th Dan in less than 10 years and trying to let everyone know that there are some real frauds out there. To be careful and do your research. The person I was talking about had made some very serious claims to have been promoted by Prof. Cerio to 9th Dan in 2003-4. It was a lie and I called him out on it. His website does not even connect anymore. So he got the message.
4. My promotions have all been within a normal time range. And in 32 years I have only made it to 7th. Even with my own style. And to be honest with you, I really don't expect any further. And if I were to be promoted. I am sure it would be before a panel of 9th / 10th Dan. My promotions are well documented from White Belt to 7th Dan and I assure you I earned everyone of them. No one gave me anything at all.
Thank you for your inqury though. And have a great week.
Prof. Todd:asian: