Claims on the Internet.

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Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Although you didn't post it here on this BBs isn’t this your bio from “Grandmaster” Schultz website?

“Master David Craine
Board of Directors International League of Martial Arts Masters
Vice President Gulf Coast Martial Artists Guild
A.R.K./CQDT Master Instructor
6th Dan Tae Kwon Do”

and with this caption under the photo.

GM Schultz inducting Master Craine into the League

Yeh! its me. Why?

I didnt post my rank here because it is not necessary and I have nothing to prove to anyone.
Originally posted by KennethKu
Of course, one does not have to give proof. The only consequence is, NO ONE BELIEVES ANY OF YOUR CRAP. So, if you don't feel like giving proof, fine with us. That just tells us ALL WE NEED TO KNOW. Quite simple, wouldn't you say?

No everything is not always black and white!

I thought you wanted this issue to die and you didnt give a rats a#$.
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
It is my understanding that authentic hanko (not sure of the Chinese or Korean terms for them) are carved in the tensho style...

Not an easy task, seeing as how many of the characters are archaic, no longer in use, or difficult to translate...

Please, RyuShiKan, correct me if I am wrong.



Hanko making is a hobby of mine so I have read a bit about them. To make a nice hanko you need the hands of a Swiss watch maker and the patients of the PopeÂ…Â…so it is a kind of training for me. ;) since I have neither.
I might add that all the kanji on the hanko have to be carved backwards (mirror image) so they come out correctly when stamped.

Most MA certification hankos are written in either Japanese tensho, Chinese zhuan, and sometimes Chinese lishu script.
Because they are hard to duplicate.
Originally posted by DAC..florida
Yeh! its me. Why?

Just curious.

Originally posted by DAC..florida
I didnt post my rank here because it is not necessary and I have nothing to prove to anyone.

Whatever you say.
Originally posted by Don Roley
Well, your teacher did claim rank and the last time I checked his web site, (by clicking on the "WWW" button on your posts) those claims were still there along with those of his senior students.

And the aurgument you use, about how some people will never accept proof, so why bother give it to anyone kind of sets of alarms in my mind. As I said before, there are some people that will look at proof and still deny it. You are not trying to prove things to those people. You are trying to prove things to people who are not involved so they can check for themselves.

If someone makes a claim, and another person states that the proof is untrue, then from an observers standpoint it is hard to tell who is telling the truth. But if they can look up the proof themselves, then they know who to believe. However, when a person makes claims about having rank, and then refuses to back up that story, the person like me who has no stake in the matter naturally assumes that the person trying to make the claims is an incompetent fraud. Especially after making a claim that is proven false they then start to say that the claim was not important anyways.

I stand by my earlier statements on this issue, thats my opinion and I am entitled to it.
Your point has been made and I respect your opinion.
Here is an example of xingshu or running hand style script along with several hanko of various styles off to the side.


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On the basis of lishu also evolved caoshu (grass writing or cursive hand), which is rapid and used for making quick but rough copies. This style is subdivided into two schools: zhangcao and jincao..notice the “normal kanji off to the right so you can read it just incase you don’t understand caoshu style hand writing.


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Originally posted by MartialArtist
I have another question...

I remember something in the past where Mr. Schultz said he was not really interested in the Korean arts, he was having a great time with what he already does and I totally understand that. But then why are you a representative of the organization? I went to your website, and ARK is your own special blend of close quarters combat karate, am I right? Well, shouldn't you belong to an organization that kinda pertains to that instead of the Korean Yudo and Hapkido Organization? And in Korea, there is no such thing as the Korean Yudo and Hapkido Organization. There might be some people in Korea that belong to the organization, but it is not based out of Korea, yet it calls itself the Korean Yudo and Hapkido Organization. Actually, according to its website, it is located in Florida by a guy of Jack Stern. And why does he use a Japanese term, and some washed out non-Korean characters as his head?

I understand that yudo is judo which is Japanese, but it calls itself the Korean Yudo and Hapkido Organization. Yudo, although a Japanese art, is a Korean term. Hapkido is a Korean art. There is "Korean" in the title. Yet nothing there is remotely Korean. The logo does look like a that of an ITF patch that I've seen. The only thing Korean I've seen is the whole paragraph right under his logo on his dobuk, which is too small to read but obviously Korean. And, what it looks like to be a WTF patch, but too distant to see.

I think the Korean Yudo and Hapkido Organization would do better if it renamed it to a name that suited the organization better. Obviously, Stern has very little yudo and hapkido experience, even on his website, but does seem to have more Japanese references. Just a suggestion.

I cant answer this as good as Schultz but I do know that this organization has afiliation with Korea as well as the rest of the world. This organization accepts Martial artists from many differant styles from all over the world, if you have time read through the web site and I think your questions will be answered a little better.
Originally posted by DAC..florida
I cant answer this as good as Schultz but I do know that this organization has afiliation with Korea as well as the rest of the world.

You call your instructor “Schultz”……..not “Mr.”……..kinda rude don’t ya think?
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Now we are to believe that DAC is an 8th dan in about 16 different arts?


I will be more careful about pissing him off in the future... you REALLY post that kind of rank???
Give me a break...
8th dan in ONE art is a lifetime endeavor...and not one that one actually seeks, but which catches up to him as his training progresses...

I honestly hope you never run into a REAL 5th dan...
He'll eat your lunch...

Aren't you just a little embarrassed to post the "bio" that you've posted?
Aren't you just a little bit ashamed of shamming those who look up to you?

Your claims are even more outrageous than your teacher's...

VERY disappointed in Puyallup...

Ooops...couldn't let the frickin' dead horse die, could you...Welcome to peer review...

Based on the above information I have displayed you can understand why calligraphy is a matter of pride for several countries in Asia that use Chinese kanji. It is also a past time of most Asian MA people since they use it to make certifications and makimono (scrolls) dealing with their art.
Therefore, it is understandable that a certificate “supposedly” issued in Asia that has “banged out” on a word processor is a joke at best.
Originally posted by MartialArtist
Dong Koo Yudo Kwon... I have never heard of this organization. I'm Korean, and the words do sound Korean, although they really don't make sense in how they are used, but maybe it's just a name for their organization or archaic (before 1600s)?

I really have no clue on your organization. I'm confused, care to enlighten me? The name Zhao Dei Whei or whatever in the beginning, sounded Mandarin or Catonese. Then mya ryu jitsu is obviously Japanese. Then you have some remote Korean organization promoting it? Can anyone clarify for me what this is?

Dong Koo Yudo Kwon if I'm not mistaken is affiliated with WTF and again I'm not 100% sure but I believe there headquarters is located in the kookiwon. not possative of the spelling>

I believe the names have been explained before so I'll make this short. 1. Zhoa Dai Weh
(schultz) ( david) chinease

2. Mya Ryu Jitsu
(arabic for water) (style of) (jitsu) Japanease

Our system is a mix of many styles from all over the world.
Originally posted by chufeng
Ooops...couldn't let the frickin' dead horse die, could you...Welcome to peer review...


I think a Haiku is in order:

Furui ike ya (An old pond)

Kowazu tobikomu (A frog leaps)

Mizu no oto (A splash resounds)

let me know if you get it.... ;)


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Originally posted by DAC..florida
I believe the names have been explained before so I'll make this short. 1. Zhoa Dai Weh
(schultz) ( david) chinease

Chinease? Is that anything like Chinese?

Originally posted by DAC..florida
2. Mya Ryu Jitsu
(arabic for water) (style of) (jitsu) Japanease

Can't comment on the Arabic, but the “Japanease” is FUBARed.
Ryu has about 10 different variations depending on the kanji, and “jitsu” means “actually” or in some cases “day”.
So by your rendition you have “water something (possibly style) of day".
Given the fact that your teacher changes the name of his art almost daily thatÂ’s not a bad name for it.

Originally posted by DAC..florida
Our system is a mix of many styles from all over the world.

You should care it “Quisinart” like the thing that mixes food.
(just kidding)
Originally posted by MartialArtist
Yuk dan in TKD?

Even McDojangs in the United States have more decency than that. It takes at least 15 years even for a McDojang kid to get to 6th dan. It takes about over a year (usually two years) to get to il dan in a McDojang. After that, McDojangs don't let people test so fast, maybe beacuse Kukkiwon might catch on to something :rolleyes:

I don't believe someone can have a yuk dan at that young an age (you really don't look that old Schultz, a compliment), especially when he studied many of the Japanese and Chinese arts, unless it was an organization elsewhere? What organization is the rank from?

I do not want this to turn into another bashing that goes on for two months.
Schultz doesnt have the yuk dan its me Ive been a student of TKD since I was 7 and am now 28 three organizations that recognize it are The Korean Yudo and Hapkido ***.
The Dong Koo Yudo Kwon
The world TKD Federation

Please dont drag this topic on to long I chose not to post my rank here for a reason now that its out theres your proof but thats all I am willing to post.
Originally posted by DAC..florida
I do not want this to turn into another bashing that goes on for two months.

I am sure you wouldnÂ’t like that at all.

Originally posted by DAC..florida
Schultz doesnt have the yuk dan its me Ive been a student of TKD since I was 7 and am now 28 three organizations that recognize it are The Korean Yudo and Hapkido ***.

Don’t ya think you should call him “Mr.” Schultz…….or sensei……I mean after all he is your instructor………show a little respect.
Here is a nice chart I found that gives the style next to each other.


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