Claims on the Internet.

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Originally posted by Yiliquan1
For that matter, given the arguments you and others have advanced, there will never be a sufficient level of documentation in real life, much less via the internet.

At some point, you absolutely must break down and assume that some source at some point is authoritative.

The argument, as I have seen it to be, is less accepting a particular form of proof as finally authoritative than it is supporting and substantiating claims of rank(s) claimed.

You claim 10th dan in kung fu. First of all, that would send up red flags, since CMA don't use "dan/kyu" gradings... But, taking your example in the spirit I think you meant it, how do you prove it?

If you claim such a lofty grade in a well known style, then checking with the organization(s) that govern that style would be the first step. If you did not belong to those organizations (for whatever reason - I'm not going to argue the validity of a person promoting you outside the auspices of organizational authorization; that is an entirely separate argument dealing with the legitimacy of a teacher's right and ability to teach), then going to the person who promoted you would be the next step. Worrying about "offending" them would be a terribly convenient excuse for not providing their names... Somehow, I suspect that if a teacher's student's credibility were questioned, that teacher would want to support that student by providing whatever substantiation was required. When a teacher starts trying to become "Uber-Asian," as many non-Asians try to do when they buy into their own hype as so-called "masters," and says he/she would be "offended" by supporting your credibility, I would start calling into question the credibility of that teacher! It is one thing to avoid the spotlight, another thing to scurry back into the shadows like a cockroach...

There seems to be the potential for a semantic argument here. Legitimate and authentic are two different things. I could produce, in correct Chinese characters, a document proclaiming my status as Master of Time, Space and Dimension. I could even produce a stamp (hanko, not sure of the Chinese term for it) that would appear authentic. But this document, for its authentic appearance, would not be legitimate. Likewise, I have seen some legitimate certificates that looked a little too mass produced, initially calling into question its authenticity.

How could you prove documents to be legitimate? The same way you would check into things as I listed above. The same people would be called or contacted. If they were unable to be contacted for whatever reason, checking the linguistic reliability of the certificate would lend an air of legitimacy to the document. If the document appears to be an original, with original handwriting on it, then it would for all intents and purposes appear to be legitimate... This is when the suspension of disbelief must come into play - at some point you have to trust the source.

See my above comments about Uber-Asian teachers... If we are approaching this entire subject professionally, we must ask ourselves at what point we dispose of antiquated cultural baggage (i.e. "offending" a teacher, asking "permission" to give his/her name, etc.) in order to support the overall legitimacy of the MA community at large. In older times, such things were common but culturally linked. We are in a cross-cultural society where in any given MA school, you can find people of all races, religions, national origins, religious backgrounds, etc. We are no longer operating within the confines of cultural taboos which limit who is taught what by whom. We cannot pick and choose what rules we live and train by - if we demand that someone provide proof, or we make claims that may be questioned, then we must be prepared to provide proof ourselves and question others. In this way, we all police our own backgrounds as well as existing in a group where ones background could be queried at any time. Failing to provide proof that is universally accepted would result in immediate perception as holding questionable credentials.

If this were any other profession governed by requirements for certification and training that has a direct impact on public safety (i.e. doctors, attorneys, policemen, firemen, EMTs, nurses, etc.), we wouldn't even be having this conversation...

If you claim a 10th dan in Black Tiger Kung Fu, and I go to one of the 304,000 organizations that teach it, and I am able to show that you do in fact practice such an art, and your background in training and ranking can be verified through one of those 304,000 organizations, then you are what you claim. If you claim a lofty grade in a well known and widely practiced art, but don't belong to an organization, and are able to provide documentation (verbal or otherwise) of training and grading, no problem. Some folks don't like organizations. Fine.

As for "most don't test for the rank that you are being recognized at" I am unclear on the meaning of your response. An organization that maintains the standards of its students by imposing grading requirements and standards of performance that must be met prior to the issuance of grading would therefore issue ranks in its own style. Organizations that recognize you as a particular grade in a style you have never trained in should be avoided like the plague. They diminish us all when those within our ranks accepts such empty titles and grades. Honorary grades are given as a token of gratitude for some deed. Fine. But "recognizing" me as a 12th degree hidden master of Tae Kwon Leep when I have only ever studied Yiliiquan, but because you think my skill is equivalent to that of a 12th degree hidden master of Tae Kwon Leep, is total crap. Trying to pass such "recognitions" off as legitimate is nothing more than fraud aimed at taking advantage of an unsuspecting and ignorant public... :rolleyes:

In a perfect world, that should be enough. It is for me, as well. The students I have had were instructed not to refer to me in any honorific form, bereft of the use of any martial titles. I earned their respect as a person, then a martial artist, and later as a teacher, and they called me the things they called me based on that alone, not on my lineage or documentation. However, we live in a smaller world than we once did, and in order to protect ourselves, our students, and the public at large, we need to be able to do more than be satisfied with our perfect little backyard dojos...


Why dont you tell us how you really feel?:D

I'm not saying it is impossible but you cant prove somthing to someone who refuses to believe you, If I did have a 10th degree black belt no matter how I tried to prove it to some there would always be faults in my proof thats my point, and if you knew that this was thier attitude than why even bother.

Your points above were well said and I respect your opinions however as I mentioned above trying to prove you rank, abillity,credentials,credabillity or teaching skills to someone who has never met you and wont believe you no matter what is said is a waste of time.

As you and anyone else here who has looked at my profile knows I have posted no rank, nor will I because I do not feel it is necessary to do so in order to participate in this forum!

Originally posted by Don Roley
As I said before, if you do not wish to have your teacher bothered, you should not put him in a position where he could be bothered by claiming a rank or association. Once you do, the matter of proof comes up and you either back up your claims, or you refuse and everyone starts to laugh at you.

You solve the entire matter by truely trying to stand on your own abilities, rather than claiming rank or something and when asked for proof start making excuses as to why you do not have to because "only ability matters." Well, if that is so, why bother mentioning anything like rank, associations, years in training, etc in the first place? This type of behavior does give other people the chance to laugh at the people making excuses, but it really is kind of pitiful to see.

Again, if you do not want to go to the trouble of having to prove something, don't put yourself in a postion where you will be asked for proof by making claims. You may note that some people never mention their rank, who they trained under, or how long they have trained. They either do not want to try to impress others, or feel that their words alone carry the wisdom that others can see instead of relying on "wall candy" for the same effect.

I have never claimed any rank in this forum!

I think your missing my point, If I did and even gave the proof, to some people that wouldnt be good enough. so why even bother giving the proof to begin with.

I do agree that if you claim nothing you would never be challenged, there are a few people that have made claims that I thought were questionable, but I dont see the need to challenge them its not hurting me and most claims would be hard to prove or disprove so why even bother. I wont judge a persons claims or abillitys without having met them or at least knowing someone who has met them( just me i guess ).

Originally posted by KennethKu
This is not between YOU and RyuShiKan. This is between all of us and PEOPLE who make unsubstantiated claims on the internet.

Please do not bring up your credential and organizations you belong to or don't belong to. Most of us are tired of beating on the dead horse and dancing in circle. No, we are not satisfied with your answers nor explainations. We just DON"T GIVE A RAT *** anymore. We have a rather clear idea already. And many of us have already spelled it out, loud and clear. If you want to move on, then please don't bring up the cow chips again and again trying to make a banquet out of them. Since you have repeatedly claim that you don't care what people think of your qualification and that you can never convince people who don't think much of you, then would you please heed your own words and stop trying? May be then, we can all move on.

If you want to move on than do it stop posting on this subject, there was no reson for this above quote for someone who wants to move on!

As far as what my instructor knows or doesnt know isnt the issue, you to have ignored my point. (maybe your ego got in the way not sure but let me clarify it for you AGAIN) If I were to claim high rank in any style it wouldnt matter what I post certain people would chose not to beleive me, cant please everyone I guess. My instructor David Schultz (A.R.K.) has already posted proof but I guess the DONG KOO YUDO KWON doesnt count because its not in Okinawa. I wonder if anyone even bothered to check it out or if they just ignored it and continued to bash.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Uuuuh, most of us have forgotten about you, however, you and DAC keep popping in with your comments relating back to all of it claiming you donÂ’t care what others think.:rolleyes:


I am only playing defence I am not the who continues this issue!
Maybe I should take my instructors advise and ignore the children but its so much fun to watch them make themselves look so foolish, so I think I'll continue to play the defence.

I have a question for you, what did all of you do before A.R.K. joined whatever it was it must have been boring.:o :rofl: :rofl:


Originally posted by DAC..florida
I have a question for you, what did all of you do before A.R.K. joined whatever it was it must have been boring.:o :rofl: :rofl:

If you are playing "defense," then there is no need to bait anyone, is there...?

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
If you are playing "defense," then there is no need to bait anyone, is there...?


I am honestly not trying to insult or bait anyone just trying to find the humor in the scituation.:asian:

I'm sorry if you didnt find it funny.:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Nope, not funny. It appeared to be nothing more than a lightly veiled attempt at baiting RyuShiKan and others to engage in more argument over dead issues.

If you are playing "defense," then stick to reacting to the actions of others when they "attack" you or your teacher. For the rest of the time, I'd recommend staying far away from anything that could be implied to be remotely close to smelling like it deals with that other thread... That way it can die out and we can all move on.

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
Nope, not funny. It appeared to be nothing more than a lightly veiled attempt at baiting RyuShiKan and others to engage in more argument over dead issues.

If you are playing "defense," then stick to reacting to the actions of others when they "attack" you or your teacher. For the rest of the time, I'd recommend staying far away from anything that could be implied to be remotely close to smelling like it deals with that other thread... That way it can die out and we can all move on.


I'm sorry you misunderstood my meaning maybe it did come off wrong.

I will however take your advise due to the fact that I to would like to move on!!
Dead frickin' horse...

...strange sense of humor...I did not see anything funny...
If your teacher thinks we are children, then your post is even LESS funny...


Originally posted by Yiliquan1
Nope, not funny. It appeared to be nothing more than a lightly veiled attempt at baiting RyuShiKan and others to engage in more argument over dead issues.

Have no fear…….I smelled the “bait” and it was about as pungent as that dead horse that has been lying around here. I also found his “wit” to be about as sharp as a basketball.
Originally posted by DAC..florida
I have never claimed any rank in this forum!

I think your missing my point, If I did and even gave the proof, to some people that wouldnt be good enough. so why even bother giving the proof to begin with.

Well, your teacher did claim rank and the last time I checked his web site, (by clicking on the "WWW" button on your posts) those claims were still there along with those of his senior students.

And the aurgument you use, about how some people will never accept proof, so why bother give it to anyone kind of sets of alarms in my mind. As I said before, there are some people that will look at proof and still deny it. You are not trying to prove things to those people. You are trying to prove things to people who are not involved so they can check for themselves.

If someone makes a claim, and another person states that the proof is untrue, then from an observers standpoint it is hard to tell who is telling the truth. But if they can look up the proof themselves, then they know who to believe. However, when a person makes claims about having rank, and then refuses to back up that story, the person like me who has no stake in the matter naturally assumes that the person trying to make the claims is an incompetent fraud. Especially after making a claim that is proven false they then start to say that the claim was not important anyways.
Of course, one does not have to give proof. The only consequence is, NO ONE BELIEVES ANY OF YOUR CRAP. So, if you don't feel like giving proof, fine with us. That just tells us ALL WE NEED TO KNOW. Quite simple, wouldn't you say?
The following are some photos of how to spot fake dan certificates from real ones.

Notice the 2 types of “hanko”. The real one is more elaborate and therefore more difficult for scumbags to forge…….the fake one I can buy at almost any stationary shop in Japan and has been mass produced by the 1,000s.


  • $real1andfake.webp
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Next, dan certificates from shodan up are never done on a word processorÂ… this one is...Â…kyu ranks are sometimes mass produced but not dan ranks. They are hand written by the instructor.
(Note the poor hand writing for the dan grade and rank. )


  • $wordpro1.webp
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If anyone has any certificatesÂ…Â…theirs or other peoples that they would like me to look at you can post them here or send them to me privately. Privacy will be respected.
Originally posted by DAC..florida
I have never claimed any rank in this forum!

Although you didn't post it here on this BBs isn’t this your bio from “Grandmaster” Schultz website?

“Master David Craine
Board of Directors International League of Martial Arts Masters
Vice President Gulf Coast Martial Artists Guild
A.R.K./CQDT Master Instructor
6th Dan Tae Kwon Do”

and with this caption under the photo.

GM Schultz inducting Master Craine into the League


  • $award.webp
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Originally posted by DAC..florida
If you want to move on than do it stop posting on this subject, there was no reson for this above quote for someone who wants to move on!

As far as what my instructor knows or doesnt know isnt the issue, you to have ignored my point. (maybe your ego got in the way not sure but let me clarify it for you AGAIN) If I were to claim high rank in any style it wouldnt matter what I post certain people would chose not to beleive me, cant please everyone I guess. My instructor David Schultz (A.R.K.) has already posted proof but I guess the DONG KOO YUDO KWON doesnt count because its not in Okinawa. I wonder if anyone even bothered to check it out or if they just ignored it and continued to bash.
Dong Koo Yudo Kwon... I have never heard of this organization. I'm Korean, and the words do sound Korean, although they really don't make sense in how they are used, but maybe it's just a name for their organization or archaic (before 1600s)?

I really have no clue on your organization. I'm confused, care to enlighten me? The name Zhao Dei Whei or whatever in the beginning, sounded Mandarin or Catonese. Then mya ryu jitsu is obviously Japanese. Then you have some remote Korean organization promoting it? Can anyone clarify for me what this is?

You are Korean?
(romanized Korean)

Originally posted by MartialArtist
The name Zhao Dei Whei or whatever in the beginning, sounded Mandarin or Catonese.

That was Dave Shultz’s name “Chinese-efied” into what would seemed to have been Mandarin.

Originally posted by MartialArtist
Then mya ryu jitsu is obviously Japanese.

Actually itÂ’s not.
It’s a couple of “Japanese-esque” words stuck together that mean nothing.
I have another question...

I remember something in the past where Mr. Schultz said he was not really interested in the Korean arts, he was having a great time with what he already does and I totally understand that. But then why are you a representative of the organization? I went to your website, and ARK is your own special blend of close quarters combat karate, am I right? Well, shouldn't you belong to an organization that kinda pertains to that instead of the Korean Yudo and Hapkido Organization? And in Korea, there is no such thing as the Korean Yudo and Hapkido Organization. There might be some people in Korea that belong to the organization, but it is not based out of Korea, yet it calls itself the Korean Yudo and Hapkido Organization. Actually, according to its website, it is located in Florida by a guy of Jack Stern. And why does he use a Japanese term, and some washed out non-Korean characters as his head?

I understand that yudo is judo which is Japanese, but it calls itself the Korean Yudo and Hapkido Organization. Yudo, although a Japanese art, is a Korean term. Hapkido is a Korean art. There is "Korean" in the title. Yet nothing there is remotely Korean. The logo does look like a that of an ITF patch that I've seen. The only thing Korean I've seen is the whole paragraph right under his logo on his dobuk, which is too small to read but obviously Korean. And, what it looks like to be a WTF patch, but too distant to see.

I think the Korean Yudo and Hapkido Organization would do better if it renamed it to a name that suited the organization better. Obviously, Stern has very little yudo and hapkido experience, even on his website, but does seem to have more Japanese references. Just a suggestion.
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