Gettin' tired.........

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Let me say this as a guy who has experience being a moderator here and shared a beer with you in Shinjuku.

You know I do not like frauds. You know I make fun of people who call themselves soke. And yet I agreed to be a moderator here. Do you think I would join if I thought is gave free run to the frauds?

The reason I am here is that I want people to leave me alone to do what I want the way I want to do it. And I give that right to others. I do not try to change what they think about me or my art, and I can be quite vocal with my opinions of them. But with no forcing of standards and ways of training on anyone else.

There are sites I could mention that claim to be devoted to exposing fraud in the martial arts. The ones I know of would flame you and me for being traditional and not training the way they do. In their eyes, this makes us just as big a target as Jack Stern or Frank Dux.

Recently the Horror Stories section has been frozen while we decide what to do with it. That section is supposed to be used for fraud and abuse. Now you know that I think that western sokes are egotistical incompetents, but is stupidity and ego a definition of "fraud and abuse"?

Yeah, they are idiots. That is my opinion. There are people and boards that think that the way you and I train is idiotic. Those boards will not allow any philosophy outside their narrow range. I do not like that and I do not want martialtalk to become like that.

I came on board as a moderator knowing that there would be a section for ninjutsu devoted to the arts that actually came from Japan and another for every other art- even if the founder had no experience with Japanese arts. I do feel that to call what you do ninjutsu without a lot of experience with the original art is just plain damn silly. Yet I still agreed. As long as it was clear that what they did was not Japanese or had a link to it then I did not see a problem in them doing what they did. What they did had no direct impact on what we do. Maybe their silliness dragged down the image of the art as a whole, but nothing direct. There were a lot of problems, mainly because the neo ninja guys kept trying to tear down the Japanese arts to build themselves up rather than appear to be pale imitations. But the central concept that people should be allowed to do what they want if it is honest and has no impact on others is a valid one.

Ok, so there are people calling themselves soke. As long as they are honest in the fact that they got it from a group of people that dress in silly outfits and call each other master rather than from a Japanese tradition, then they are merely silly and not fraudulant. They can be silly- that is their right. If I do not give them the right to do what I consider silly I have no right to complain about those that will not give me the right to practice and post about something they feel to be silly like Japanese martial arts. They have right to practice, I have the right to think they are idiots. You want to ask me my opinion, I will give it. But chasing people over the board that do not meet a standard you hold in the martial arts and giving them hell is not the sort of thing I want to see here. It is not really just a matter of being fair, it is a case that if it starts, who knows what kind of martial arts facist will impose their way of training on anyone who visits this board.

So I know how you feel about the matter. But I still feel that as long as it is clear that a guy is merely an idiot and not a fraud that we have to give them the right to do what they do just as we demand others allow us to do what we do. And.... if you look around, most of the idiots drop out and then start complaining about us on other boards.
Oh, the things I have seen...I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.

Trying to decide who is a fraud and who isn't is a thorny and time-consuming matter.
arnisador said:
Oh, the things I have seen...I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.

Trying to decide who is a fraud and who isn't is a thorny and time-consuming matter.

I liked that movie and that quote it showed the humanity of the moment as well as his decision later to allow the main character to live.

I hadnÂ’t planned on coming back for another month or so as I was taking a self imposed break for a while. However, I was unexpectedly brought back to posting on MT today by the following thread.
Called: martial arts family tree
Found in the General Discussion section

(I couldn’t even see the point of the above thread topic unless it was started to say “Hey look at me and who I trained with”)

As a result of my first post on that thread I received two (-) dings totaling -19 points on my “Rep-o-meter”…..obviously some people on MT with a large amount of “Rep-o-points” themselves were responsible since they knocked off about 8 points a piece……they were unsigned of course. To those that gave me those two dings you know where to put the lipstick.

The above mentioned thread is in the same style as the ones that inspired me to take a break. Someone claims something that is totally false, then I countered and give facts, names, and articles, eyewitness accounts, eyewitness testimony and what have you to dispute said claims. The claimer then throws out some insults directed at me as some sort of defense mechanism since he canÂ’t refute what I have put forth.

I asked several questions about techniques taught by the teachers to the person who claimed lineageÂ….answering correctly would have given them a chance to prove their association to those teachersÂ…Â…they couldnÂ’t answer, they said rank was given by my teacher to their teacher as if to make some basis for their claim.

I told them the rank that was given was “Honorary” rank and was different than rank that was actually “tested” for. (The actual certificate is different.)

I am sure Don Roley can understand my contention on this matter…Socharnoski’s “Honorary” 10 tenth dan from Hatsumi.

I asked the same person if he had seen the rank certificate in question, since I have. They replied they had not.

Because Dillman came to a few (6 total) seminars given by my teacher, after which Dillman then decided himself eligible to teach what precious little he had gleaned from 6 whole seminars…and then use the same name my teacher for what he does “Ryukyu Kempo”….He was asked not to use it but kept on doing so. Most of what Dillman has managed to learn has come from the 12 tapes he bought from Oyata Enterprises. The tapes were made to introduce people to kyusho and tuite and not to take the place of a teacher. So by that logic anyone having seen the tapes could claim they were a student of Mr. Oyata…….which they aren’t.

Since Dillman wouldn’t drop the name “Ryukyu Kempo” (he hadn’t used it prior to meeting Mr. Oyata) and was doing such a poor job of demonstrating what he thought “Ryukyu Kempo” was my teacher spent literally $1,000s of dollars getting a Trademark License (go out and price one sometime….they aint cheap) on a name for his style so that Dillman and others like him could not associate themselves with him or what he teaches. And yet even to this day Dillman followers on the Internet are trying to align what they do from a man who went to only 6 seminars and bought a couple of videos with what Mr. Oyata and his teachers do/did. Seems odd that Mr. Oyata spent years training with his teachers and Dillman only needed 6 seminars. :rolleyes:

If Dillman had tested for and earned his rank I wouldn’t have a problem with his students claiming certain things….but the FACT remains Dillman was given “Honorary” rank which does not constitute he learned or received knowledge.

So why do I mention all this? Because it is the typical kind of crap that goes on here that makes posting more “work” than fun. I certainly do not like going around debunking claims like the ones above but I will not sit by and have people try and pass off BS.

Especially when it is about something I am connected to.

People claim they come here in search of knowledgeÂ….. thatÂ’s all well and good.

How is posting dubious claims helping people find knowledge?

It obviously isnÂ’t.

Lately I have seen too few threads that pass on “knowledge”, however, here is an excellent example of someone who has done their homework and knows something. It’s an excellent thread that passes on “knowledge”.
I wish there could be more threads like this and fewer threads of bozos claiming things that can't prove.

Certain members of the MT staff have contacted me privately and asked for my opinions on how MT can be improved and I have given my opinion. Maybe other people should give theirs.

So, having said all that I guess I will go back on my self-imposed vacation from hereÂ…Â…or at least until something else disturbs me.

(By the way, to all the folks that sent me emails. They are appreciated. Thanks.)
Big forums draw all sorts of people, some are knowledgable, some are less then... Some come from good instructors with integrity, others not.

Just need to work on that ancient ninja skill of shooting down nonsense without seeming offensive :D

As for how to make things "better" I am all for a rule against threads about peoples lineage and rank. It's just a way of pluggin in some names to boost yourself anyways. Let everyone stand on there own legs rather then putting up a wall of other people in front of them...

Poking piles of poo only make things smell worse... although sometimes it is fun :D

And red marks aren't always bad, sometimes people need to be "offended" :D
Seeing his post about Dillman makes me understand why he was on such a crusade. One cannot put forth total avenues of disgust in either direction. There should be a certain tolerence when coming to a public forum as this-IMHO. Indeed, I have learned much about martial arts besides methods and routines. But to have such a crusade when posting the first greeting of someone, instead of warm "Hello-Welcome", thus was one just to ask about background, is a little forward. Not to mention without transgression, that some areas were obdurated

Now, I do not want this to be misconstrued as such refruting should not be posted. Certainly there are many whose ranks and titles are questionable. Perhaps out of several reasons, they claim these. However, this is a forum that makes every attempt to maintain a freindly milieu. And expect its members to partcipate in good deportment. In all, everyone following a order of proper decorum.

I did not enjoy too many of his emails, though one or two pushed me emotionally. Of those I overcame quickly upon understanding him. I very much enjoyed his posts that didn't reflect discussions of background.

I hope that he has good moments and peace in his lifestyle to come, as well as a favorable return.

My signature is my summary.

The problem is that in the real (physical) world if someone came up to you at a tournament, seminar, bar-whatever with a Gi with everything but the kitchen sink sewn onto it, claiming higher rank from your teacher's teacher. Yet this person was so out of shape merely walking was a chore. His grasp of language, history, philosophy and tactics was so cheesy that it put most saturday morning cartoons to shame. Now , this person basically says You can call me God, Soke whatever. What would happen?

Some people just don't get the the web is not the real world!
arnisador said:
A.) Anything with George DIllman ends up being controversial.

B.) I missed the reason for the suspension?
A.) Yeah, I could see him as well as others.

B.) I thought he left on his own accord?
47MartialMan said:
B.) I thought he left on his own accord?
He did leave on his own accord at first, but came back and got into trouble on another thread (I think the lineage one). :idunno: I suspect that is what led to the suspension.

To stay on topic, these kinds of arguments/debates can be rather tiresome for some of us who aren't interested in the same cycle. I applaud Kaith (Bob) for setting up "The Great Debate" forum to handle those.

- Ceicei
Ceicei said:
A.) He did leave on his own accord at first, but came back and got into trouble on another thread (I think the lineage one). :idunno: I suspect that is what led to the suspension.

B.) To stay on topic, these kinds of arguments/debates can be rather tiresome for some of us who aren't interested in the same cycle. I applaud Kaith (Bob) for setting up "The Great Debate" forum to handle those.

- Ceicei
A.) Ah, I see. Amazing how this thread is going and no one seems "tired" of it.

I try to post objectively and congenial. I have no intention to create controversy, although on a few occasions, I had "stumbled" into it. I am quick to apologize for I mean no offense to anyone unless provoked. To such, as a martial artist, I must maintain politeness and courtesy. I cannot put forth and "condem" anyone without knowing them personally. And such being years. To which, seems not accountable on forums.

So my view, is to treat everyone like I would want to be treated, although there are those, that want to be aggresive towards others in reply posts.

My signature is my summary

47MartialMan said:
Seeing his post about Dillman makes me understand why he was on such a crusade.

Crusade ? I don't see it that way. I just think that he was after the truth and Dillman's claiming of rank from his teacher is obviously something he is very passionate about
TimoS said:
Crusade ? I don't see it that way. I just think that he was after the truth and Dillman's claiming of rank from his teacher is obviously something he is very passionate about
No, not speaking on that one on specific. I had used that one as a reference on how passionate he got with any such-other posts. And besides, I cant say for sure if his instructor did teach Dillman, they had a "beef", and each other now have indifferences. I dont know the details nor I am concerend for such.

As with many, there are many "Dillmans out there. The idea is to sell. In order to sell, extraoridinary things are done or said to become recognized.
Curious. I think what some people are getting tired of is the users who take the "Friendly" out of the discussion and drive away other members because they're too wrapped up in their own agenda.

Perhaps they're tired of people getting bent out of shape because someone else here doesn't share their opinion.

Tired of users who blatanly ignore the rules, then wonder why they receive a warning or get suspended and complain about it.

C'mon, folks - this used to be a great place to hang - still is, really. MT is unique among all other discussion boards. The success of this forum is in the hands of the users. :wavey: If you like reading and discussing things that aren't currently being talked about, start a discussion. If a user really annoys you, use the Ignore feature. We have a great group of people here - let's get on it!:-partyon:
shesulsa said:
Curious. I think what some people are getting tired of is the users who take the "Friendly" out of the discussion and drive away other members because they're too wrapped up in their own agenda.

Perhaps they're tired of people getting bent out of shape because someone else here doesn't share their opinion.

Tired of users who blatanly ignore the rules, then wonder why they receive a warning or get suspended and complain about it.

C'mon, folks - this used to be a great place to hang - still is, really. MT is unique among all other discussion boards. The success of this forum is in the hands of the users. :wavey: If you like reading and discussing things that aren't currently being talked about, start a discussion. If a user really annoys you, use the Ignore feature. We have a great group of people here - let's get on it!:-partyon:
Thanks....the main reason why I came here was its friendliness. If there was going to be such debunking/refruting in a manner causing disrespect and rudeness, I know of a few other forums that do this.

This forum is unique and the mods are polite. I like to keep it that way.
Which is why I try to remain observant of what I post may offend. If it slips out that I have, I make no haste to apologize for my action(s).

shesulsa said:
Curious. I think what some people are getting tired of is the users who take the "Friendly" out of the discussion and drive away other members because they're too wrapped up in their own agenda.

Perhaps they're tired of people getting bent out of shape because someone else here doesn't share their opinion.

Tired of users who blatanly ignore the rules, then wonder why they receive a warning or get suspended and complain about it.

C'mon, folks - this used to be a great place to hang - still is, really. MT is unique among all other discussion boards. The success of this forum is in the hands of the users. :wavey: If you like reading and discussing things that aren't currently being talked about, start a discussion. If a user really annoys you, use the Ignore feature. We have a great group of people here - let's get on it!:-partyon:
Well I would have to agree with this statement, but for some of us that have been around doing our style longer than some people life's we know the truth and it hurts, tha MA community as a whole when somebody claims what is not.
I personally do not care about Dillman or anybody else but I did understand the origial poster passion and if some of you where that passonate about your Art or instructor, it would be like getting slapped in the face. My sincere apology if I hurt anybody feelings for that is not my way and most of you relize this. Take care and good luck in your journey of life.
shesulsa said:
Curious. I think what some people are getting tired of is the users who take the "Friendly" out of the discussion and drive away other members because they're too wrapped up in their own agenda.
Nah... what some people are getting tired of are fakers, frauds, fan boys(girls) & wannabes. They proclaim all this secret high knowledge, to have trained with a secret Shaolin monk, traveled the to the most remote areas of the world, trained with specific individuals... all with no verifiable or tangible evidence & skills that are shoddy at best.

Then when "BS" is called... they get defensive & personal with attacks. Then at times, the community tends to villify the one who brought it out that person isn't what they claimed to be since the no-good liar is not around any more saying they were the subject of a witch hunt. No... no witch hunt involved.

Martial arts is a contact game with lots of pride & ego involved. If you make up a story, expect to be called & don't go looking for hugs to make it all better. If you're caught, you're caught. Man up & admit it or bugger off. Don't cry foul though.

shesulsa said:
Perhaps they're tired of people getting bent out of shape because someone else here doesn't share their opinion.
Opinions don't have to be shared, but at least be correct (grammatically, geographically, historically, ethically) & when you don't agree, fine go on. But don't try to deflect attention from a called BS by running circles or making other outlandish claims.

shesulsa said:
Tired of users who blatanly ignore the rules, then wonder why they receive a warning or get suspended and complain about it.
Ehh... happens everywhere. Life is a contact game... take your lumps & move along

shesulsa said:
C'mon, folks - this used to be a great place to hang - still is, really. MT is unique among all other discussion boards. The success of this forum is in the hands of the users. :wavey: If you like reading and discussing things that aren't currently being talked about, start a discussion. If a user really annoys you, use the Ignore feature. We have a great group of people here - let's get on it!:-partyon:
Sure... but you gotta ask yourself, what would you rather have...

People are honest & forthright about their training & experiences??

Armchair black belts with 50 billion degrees of made up black belt teaching Hiten Mitsurigi-ryu they learned from a cartoon that they know is based in fact because their super secret squirrel master from Parts Unknown, told them???

Or worse??

Just an observation... it appears personal responsibility & professional ethics are being waived of late in favor of hugs & kisses. People wonder why the "Mc________" (fill in the blank) is now the prevelant form of MA school around... does one really need to ask with this kind of coddling & blind eye epidemic going around?

I'm going on vacation...
I think that Kaith's solution is a good one. I agree with the above poster, this type of discussion is needed, but there needs to be a time and place. We can't have people running around and interupting the entire community to pursue some of these issues. People who do that stuff only bring down the quality of discussion on MT and deserve to be suspended or banned. Hopefully, the knowledge that a person may be called out for BS claims will cut down some of the bogus stuff we see here.

Also, I think it is good to remember that the majority of stuff we see here on MT is pretty good stuff. I don't think this board is populated by a bunch of frauds and cranks...

This thread has been locked.

It has drifted off topic and back on numerous times.

The original Poster is not currently present.

Rich Parsons
Martial Talk
Super Moderator
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