Just posting and talking about WC groundfighting technique. Giving personal experiences to folks who are interested. Gave examples of what I felt from other BJJ guys, wrestlers (whom I have a harder time with)
But a particular group of folks keep assuming that I've never ever trained or worked with stylists of other arts, especially grapplers and MMA guys, boxers, etc. Or that I've got any knowledge in any other art than WC/WT.
Sigh. Whatever. I've trained MA since I was 10. I like, know stuff. lol!
But, I've got different views than some if not many. That works out okay for me. This is a great way to learn about the collective opinion and consciousness of martial artists from all over the world. And exposure to them in a way I'd never get. And that's great for when I'm talking to prospective students. I already know more of what they think about fighting, what they think works, why, and what questions they will ask.
For all of these things are repeated in this forum, and I get to learn exactly what folks really think in a way people don't often say in person.
This way I can be a better teacher, and answer student's questions more thouroghly. Usually, before they ask the question. Pre-emptively covering what they would ask before they ask it.
Groovy stuff.