Wing Chun/Tsun + Brazillian Jiujitsu =

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What's a Sodai?

I think she meant shodai, but I'll leave it alone. Won't even ask if that's Jim or George Brock. She can answer questions about her training herself.......

.....gomi was awesome! Got a perfectly good bicycle and a stereo out of someone's garbage in Osaka, back in '80....:lol:
good god, I can't believe this thread has gone on this long.

c'mon folks, let this one die, it's just getting embarrassing all the way around.

what the hell do any of you really care what your oponents in this argument think? Nobody's gonna change anybody's mind at this point, why does it matter? think what you want, don't worry about the others.

Somebody's got to be big enough to walk away without getting in the last shot. Maybe everyone will quit posting then, or maybe the thread just ought to be locked.

walk away, walk away.
Problem is, while theres a lot of good information, good concerns, etc here, there's also been alot of shots, slings, slights, and flat out insults tossed around.

I think if people want to discuss the good parts, new threads should be started. This one's IMO poisoned with ill will and anger.

Locking pending staff review.
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