Wing Chun and Crosstraining


your spending an awfull lot of time in our little wingchun forum.

you sure you not on the change :wink2:
LOL. skinters, let me assure you that there's nothing nefarious going on. I am guilty of pressing the "New Posts" button and often forget which forum I'm in.

For what it's worth, I will say I do like the idea of WC and wouldn't mind getting together with friendly people in my area to trade ideas.

EDIT: Also, in my defense, I don't bring BJJ up unless it's brought up to me (or specifically posting in the BJJ/Grappling subforums).
How is Savatte different from Sambo and BJJ?

Sambo is a Russian martial art that is, like BJJ, a derivative of Judo. Lots of good groundfighting technique, leg locks, throws and submissions.

Savatte is a French Martial art that is pretty cool. I'm not an expert, but I've enjoyed what I've seen. Check it out.
Wing Chun goes back to Shaolin Temple and is direct descendant of Crane and Snake Boxing.

BJJ is fairly new as it is taught today. it originated from Judo and Jujutsu. But JJJ is not BJJ...There is a difference. The Gracies have modified the BJJ to fit their situtations so they could fight with it.

So BJJ is fairly new.

like the late 1900's.

But good try.

My Lineage is not Yip Man by the way....

Actually, WC is newer than BJJ. WC as taught today is very young, but I thought Wing Chun was really only going back to the middle 1800s. If you consider Yip Man Wing Chun to be a derivative of older Wing Chun, BJJ is actually MUCH older than WC as it is a direct descendent of traditional Japanese Jujutsu.
How is Savatte different from Sambo and BJJ?

From what I understand savate is the french art of foot fighting , they use a lot of long range kicks with the toes , which target soft areas like the inner calf muscles .

They use the toes because the people who fought with this style were mostly sailors who wore heavy boots , I've read that in the old days there were quite a few encounters between english boxers and french savateurs as they are known I can't remember what the outcomes were .

But after their exposure to english boxers they started adding the boxing hands to it , some of the throws and takedowns that I have seen are quite gymnastic in nature . I think Sambo and BJJ are different in that they are mostly concerned with what happens after the fight hits the ground .
Yoshi! What are your thoughts, since you're the OP'er? All you give is question after question, even after they've been answered multiple times. Give us your opininion on the subject you're asking about. :asian:
I think Savatte is very interesting...I am greatful to all the knowledge that has been shared.

Yoshi! What are your thoughts, since you're the OP'er? All you give is question after question, even after they've been answered multiple times. Give us your opininion on the subject you're asking about. :asian:
Ok. Great! Now how about your thoughts on WC and Crosstraining, as the thread asks?
I think a Wing Chun Figther who has been studing WC for some years could benefit from cross training maybe Karate or Tae Kwon Do.

But this is my mere humble opinion.

Ok. Great! Now how about your thoughts on WC and Crosstraining, as the thread asks?
From what I understand savate is the french art of foot fighting , they use a lot of long range kicks with the toes , which target soft areas like the inner calf muscles .

They use the toes because the people who fought with this style were mostly sailors who wore heavy boots , I've read that in the old days there were quite a few encounters between english boxers and french savateurs as they are known I can't remember what the outcomes were .

But after their exposure to english boxers they started adding the boxing hands to it , some of the throws and takedowns that I have seen are quite gymnastic in nature . I think Sambo and BJJ are different in that they are mostly concerned with what happens after the fight hits the ground .

savat also uses a similar wing chun kick.
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Wing Chun goes back to Shaolin Temple and is direct descendant of Crane and Snake Boxing.

That’s HIGHLY debatable and even people like Ip Chun are not as sure about that as you appear to be

As to Wing Chun and Cross training again I ask why and as many have already said we seem to have been down this road many many times before, but why limit yourself to MA. Try cross training with Yoga to gain more strength and flexibility or just go to a gym and workout with weights or do body weight exercises.

But if you insist on going MA and want a compliment, and I will say I am no longer exactly sure what you mean by a compliment, but you might best approach this from the POV of what you think is lacking in Wing Chun and then look for arts that cover that aspect.
Well as for what WC may be lacking. I wouldnt say that.

I look at what I feel I am lacking...

If its flexibilty and strength I would take up karate. So I could learn how to do a chinese split like a karate guy.

If I felt I needed more light skills or speed than I might take up boxing.

If I felt I was lacking in powerful kicks than I would take TKD or TSD. But this is my point of view. I like your point of view from the Yoga concept. But as for me. I never met anyone who practice yoga who was as flexibe as me. I have met ballet dancers who were very flexible. So I think if It was non-martial arts it would be ballet just for the stretching. But I would never wear those tights. So you won't find me enrolling in ballet no time soon.

I remmeber there were several guys who said they did Yoga. But when I asked them to show me a split of sit in a full lotus. They could do so.

But I am glad you shared about body weight training,weights,and yoga.

I think Yoga and Hindu Body Weight exercises are cool An beneficial for you if you ever needed to work out with out weights and what not. I saw some videos of Hindu exercises impressive.

Question Xue Sheng I have heard and read that Shaolin gung fu came from India? Do you agree?

ThatÂ’s HIGHLY debatable and even people like Ip Chun are not as sure about that as you appear to be

As to Wing Chun and Cross training again I ask why and as many have already said we seem to have been down this road many many times before, but why limit yourself to MA. Try cross training with Yoga to gain more strength and flexibility or just go to a gym and workout with weights or do body weight exercises.

But if you insist on going MA and want a compliment, and I will say I am no longer exactly sure what you mean by a compliment, but you might best approach this from the POV of what you think is lacking in Wing Chun and then look for arts that cover that aspect.
Question Xue Sheng I have heard and read that Shaolin gung fu came from India? Do you agree?

Nope I do not believe it came from India. Buddhism Yes, Shaolin Kung Fu no.

That is a reference to Da Mo which, as far as I can tell and as far as several Chinese historians can tell, is a myth. There was a lot of CMA prior to Shaolin and it is highly likely that got picked up and changed by monks and later became Shaolin Kung Fu.
Where do you believe Gung Fu came from?

Nope I do not believe it came from India. Buddhism Yes, Shaolin Kung Fu no.

That is a reference to Da Mo which, as far as I can tell and as far as several Chinese historians can tell, is a myth. There was a lot of CMA prior to Shaolin and it is highly likely that got picked up and changed by monks and later became Shaolin Kung Fu.
Okay who in china inventing gung fu?

A guy named Ping....

Come on, do you honestly believe it was one guy? It was out of a need for survival and it was multiple people

Read The Spring and Autumn of Chinese Martial Arts and you will get a good idea of where it came form and why

I'm pretty sure it was Michelle Yeoh , she founded the art of Bow Chicka Wow Wow.

Oh man now you did it... you just had to bring up Michelle Yeoh didn't you.

I mean I would not have mentioned Michelle Yeoh but you went and posted Michelle Yeoh in your post...which by the way the OPs post had nothing to do with Michelle Yeoh in the first place.

So in the future should you decide to interject Michelle Yeoh into the conversation please be aware that I am likely to do this whole Michelle Yeoh thing all over again :D

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