User Names

IsnÂ’t Cthulhu meant to be unpronounceable by the human tongue? Or is my memory playing tricks on me again?
Originally posted by white dragon

IsnÂ’t Cthulhu meant to be unpronounceable by the human tongue? Or is my memory playing tricks on me again?

This is very true, but I didn't want to get into all that :D

Axtually, I thought Cthulhu was a role playing game (RPG) that the was played. Since I played it once...... Very freaky and gothic at the same time.

All of my online names have mgd in them in one form or another. It was very easy for me to add my art to mgd to get a name for this forum.

MGD stands for Miller Genuine Draft which at one time in my life was my favorite drink. Even though that is no longer true. I still like using the name online. :)

Bye for now :asian:
Originally posted by VampyrSoul2000

Axtually, I thought Cthulhu was a role playing game (RPG) that the was played. Since I played it once...... Very freaky and gothic at the same time.

The Cthulhu RPG by Chaosium was based on the Cthulhu mythos gleaned from the horror works of H.P. Lovecraft. I have played it myself and really enjoyed it. You've got to love a game where you know that all the player characters will eventually go mad ;)

I played in a game like that... oh wait, you mean the players characrers, not the players themselves.

nevermind. :D
Originally posted by hapkido_mgd


All of my online names have mgd in them in one form or another. It was very easy for me to add my art to mgd to get a name for this forum.

MGD stands for Miller Genuine Draft which at one time in my life was my favorite drink. Even though that is no longer true. I still like using the name online. :)

Bye for now :asian:

MGD is my favorite beer. Good stuff! But favorite drink has been,
is and forever will be Iced Tea. Simple yet Godly concoction.
american beer, oh my... are you actually alowed to still call it beer or does that go against the trade descriptions act? :D
I don't drink beer or liquor much any more, but when I have a beer, ice cold too, it's bud light or a local micro brew. But I always have a Mtn Dew, yahoo that Mtn Dew (has to be the diet though, don't care for all the sugar).

I'd just like to say in my defense that I was on topic with my post. :p It just seemed to provoke a lot of replies.

No worries. We just gotta pop in occationally and stear things when they go on tangents. Its why we get the big buck. :D
Mine was because I did things my way while I was a member of the IMAF. Iwasn't affraid on speaking my mind and saying the things that no one else wpuld say.

Initially began my studies in the 70's and after a time felt I was ready for Shodan testing. However, politics and being in the inner circle has never been my forte, and as a result spent 10 years as Sempai. But, the time was not spent in vain since it gave me time to develop my skills at "mushin muso," and I reached a point wherein that all the obi does is hold the Gi closed while covering 3 inches of the "Tukkas." Ironically I received my Shodan in Go Ju years before receiving Shodan in Nihon Goshin Aikido, and now hold kyu grades in a number of Japanese sword arts.

But, it all comes down to what was written almost 1000 years ago in the Heiki Monogatari:

"The sound of the Gionshosha bells echo the impermance of all things.

The color of the soliflowers reveal that even the prosperous must decline.

The proud do not endure, they are like a dream on a spring night.

The mighty fall at last, they are as dust before the wind."


I just got back from my combination spring/Easter break at my parents' so I'm a bit behind on things here. This was an easy topic to answer first though, so here it is. :) My name is one that I made up for a D&D game back in high school. Somewhere along the way, I started using it as a nick name on the internet. Since almost no one else was using it and I liked the name, I just kept on using it. Now it's basically my standard internet nick name used where ever I need one. Not real exciting, but that's where my name came from; I made it up. :)
My real name; Terje means in old norwegian spear. And I practice mostly japanese arts, and a Yari is a spear, soooooo........

My user name? I just chose it because it sounds cool. And my husband goes by Henry Rhombus online.
nothing too exciting about my user name. "Idgie Threadgood" is a character in a book/movie called "Fried Green Tomatoes". Back when I first entered the world of the Internet, I needed a user name for email, chatting nickname, etc. I chose "idgie". Not sure why thinking back. . I suppose it was because the character reminded me a lot of myself - at the time. And I like the name. So since then, this is how I'm known on the Internet.

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