In another case, I had my black belt and some rank as well. I was invited to a Judo/Jujitsu class. They were just getting into BJJ. This was '94-'95 time frame. The person who invited me did not show up. So, I did not change into my uniform and was getting ready to leave when the instructor asked me to get changed and come on out. I tried to explain that I had rank but was wearing a white belt as I was there to see what they had with an open mind. He would not listen and just put me with a black belt to be able to learn more from him. And most likely not hurt anyone while learning. I did not have a problem with this. The problem arose when the Black Belt decided to not work on what the senior was teaching and to just work on what he called chokes so I would have to tap out. Now, I have no problem tapping out. It is a safety that is used to avoid injury and I support it. His technique he wanted was not an actual choke but was a neck compression/ spine separation and I tapped as I did not want a permanent neck injury. He laughed and told me that I would pass out because that is what he liked to see. I replied he would break my neck before I passed out. He just kept it up and applied more force. As his technique had been entered with me giving it to him my hands were free. I poked him in the throat he stiff armed up off me. I grabbed his wrist and with his stiff arm I was able to do a wrist lock and throw / reverse him to the ground./ He was in a mount on me. I ended up in his guard. I then explained what he was trying to me and then showed him the choke he meant to do instead of the break. He was tapping the whole time and screaming totally scarred that he was going to get hurt. I then released him before damage and passing out. the whole class was watching me as I stood up. I guess they heard me telling him all about the difference of the break versus the choke form his guard while he was tapping and trying to yell. The senior instructor just looked at me. I bowed and asked to be dismissed. He walked over to me and asked what the heck happened. I explained it to him. He was upset, and apologized, and said he would talk to the guy as he had been told not to do that in the past. The senior asked me to stay so I would not walk out and have him loose respect from other prospective / new students. As he apologized I said ok. So he put me with this guy that made me look and feel small. It was hard to get into good positions on him, but we both tried to make it all work. Afterwards I just left and never went back.
So, while I was wearing a white belt, I could be accused of pulling the wool over their eyes because of my actual training. So which is worse, having no training and claiming it or having some and denying it. Now, I did not deny it nor was it my intent, but that is how it fell into place .
This bit scared me! Would I be right in thinking this guy did this to whoever he was partnered with regardless of their rank or experience? Hopefully he'll have learnt from his encounter with you but the one thing I can't stand is people who do things like this.