being open can give you MA a bad name

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Originally posted by tonbo
.....No one gives two hoots what style you're a Black Belt in, especially the guy you may be fighting. All that person is gonna care about is if his "no belt" in "kick-your-a$$-do" is gonna work.

Remember: with just one well-placed strike, a no-belt can beat even a 10th Dan. ..........

How true , especially the last point. Unlikely to happen in a duel, but in a street situation, it is entirely possible. (But, knowing my luck, I won't bet my luck on that :D )
Originally posted by D.Cobb

The bad guy rang the school and complained. My friend was stripped of his black belt and asked to leave the school.
Not because he had won but because he bragged of where he got his stuff from.

Go figure..........

Wow, he ran all the way with a broken leg? :p (j/k, I know what you mean.) [EDIT: Sorry, I misread what you wrote as "he ran to the school and complained." :rolleyes:]

Maybe I shouldn't be throwing my $0.02 in (I'm as newbie as you can get; I haven't even joined a dojo yet so I can't even claim to be a white belt :shrug: ) but I don't see why you should brag in a situation like that. It's one thing if you win a competition or something, but if you're using your art as self-defense then shouldn't you have some humility about it? (and if anything, wouldn't that be even more insulting to the guy you fought? It's one thing to get beaten up by someone who you know is a black belt or something, but if you don't say anything then for all this guy knows he was just defeated by some average guy. Adds insult to injury.)

Originally posted by tonbo

And I still like the guys that brag to me about what kind of style they study. Like I said, it eliminates guesswork. Guy brags about being a 3rd Dan in TKD, guess what I'm expecting? So he's a BB in jiu-jitsu? Hmmmm.....lemme think...;)

That's a good point. Brag, and if your opponent knows about the art you're bragging about then you've just given him a list of your strengths and weaknesses.
hand2handCombat said:
i encounterd this tough guy on the street. he started problems with me. how it started: i bumped into him and apologized, he said "what where youre goin idiot".
me: "are you talking to me ?"
i was surprised. then he said "wtf", you want trouble dont you". so i tried to walk away but for no reason said get back here puss and kicked me. i was so surprised at this very ackward situation. someone is trying to start a fight with me!

so since he hit me, i turned and he got into a stance. then said, "im a black belt in [not mentioning arts]. then did some moves on the air and then came at me. i knocked him down with only a kcik and waked away. the embarrasement he went through when ppl were just watching. he gave that art a bad name.

I remember something similar at school when a guy said " i do kickboxing!" Oooh now I'm scared, not! I try to hide the fact I do a Martial Art and try to keep it a secret from those idiots who will belittle what i do or who want to challenge me! I know I'm a bit late in replying here but I think that guy deserved it, as he has not learnt humility! " I know Karate", " I know Winchester"!
Its sad that there are those people who feel they have to prove themselves by picking fights with strangers!
Nightingale said:
are you sure he was human? It sounds like he had the brain of a shrub... of course, that would be an insult to shrubbery.

well, I kind of have a hard time with keeping my MA life a it happens that everyone is always asking what I do in my life, and why I never have time to do stuff, and where my money goes and what sports I play...those questions are kind of hard to answer without saying MA...heh

I think that guys deserved to be laying on the ground...bragging about your skills in open public just to show up people and then want to show off by acting like someone on TV and beating up somebody is really irresponisible with your "powers". And my friends are always like "why don't you ever use your MA moves for fun or messing around"

My"I'm too afraid of hurting someone"...yeah I know it sounds cocky, but then if I said something else, which I've said before, I get, that makes it sound like it's too intense...only problem is that someday I'm gonna get into a fight for saying that...heh
The fact that the guy disclosed that he trains, did not give his art a bad name. The fact that he was a jacka** gave his art a bad name.
hand2handCombat said:
i encounterd this tough guy on the street. he started problems with me. how it started: i bumped into him and apologized, he said "what where youre goin idiot".
me: "are you talking to me ?"
i was surprised. then he said "wtf", you want trouble dont you". so i tried to walk away but for no reason said get back here puss and kicked me. i was so surprised at this very ackward situation. someone is trying to start a fight with me!

so since he hit me, i turned and he got into a stance. then said, "im a black belt in [not mentioning arts]. then did some moves on the air and then came at me. i knocked him down with only a kcik and waked away. the embarrasement he went through when ppl were just watching. he gave that art a bad name.

i heard someone say onetime "a big mouth and a small brain are usually contained in the same head". :-popcorn:
Lol...yeah...That's what happens when you take steroids, too...heh
hand2handCombat said:
i did go back there. at first i didnt see the instructor in sight. then a guy in his late 20's approached me. like a tough guy, he was looking at me. starting from my toes to my face, with his chest up.

he asked if he could help me. i asked him if i could see the cheif instructor. he said he was the cheif inst. the moment he said that i didnt want anything to do with THAT dojang. so to be polite i talked to him in his office. and you guys know how ppl describe and art, well this guy seemed to be bragging. he was talking about it beign the best MA. he asked me if i done anything else. i said yes, he told me i should quit.
and for a moment, i thought "wow!!!!, whats up with this place??!!"

so i was thinking, maybe the instructor influenced his students to act inveinclible adn egotistic

Also sometimes certian school environments/instructor attitude attract certian types of people. If the instructor is a jerk, then jerks are more than likely they type of people who relate to his teaching method, reason for training, and attitude on life.
clapping_tiger said:
Also sometimes certian school environments/instructor attitude attract certian types of people. If the instructor is a jerk, then jerks are more than likely they type of people who relate to his teaching method, reason for training, and attitude on life.
OUTSTANDING POINT!! Yes, I know that's in all caps but I agree with it to the point that I felt I needed to yell it. Before I started training in the MA I saw all kinds of movies (i.e. The Karate Kid) where an instructor of questionable morals "turned" average kids into thugs. Once I began training I realized that that isn't the case. The balance between student and instructor is an impalpable thing. If the instructor is of the type previously discussed then a student who has an attitude problem is often encouraged in their aggresive behavior. I sometimes think that the instructor gets a vicarious rush from the behavior of this type of student. On the other hand, a student who has a better grip on humility or simply social skills is more likely to become disenchanted with this type of instructor and look else where. This is a part of what spurred me to change schools. The instructors attitude is much more in tune with mine. I've noticed that when we get a new student who is looking for a way to boost their ego they don't last long. One of the new ones even stated that he saw a couple of Seagal movies and "that stuff looks like you could really kick @$$ with it." He lasted no more than a month.

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