What does your name mean?

Flatlander said:
My handle is reflective of the local topography. Which, by the way, is rather unhilly and lacks mountains.

I grew up a farmboy, and have always felt a very close connection to the land here. Beyond that, it was a bit of a play on Highlander.
Go figure :-) I always thought your handle was regarding the book Flatland, but Edwin Abbot. Should read it when you get the time. Good book!
mrhnau said:
Go figure :-) I always thought your handle was regarding the book Flatland, by Edwin Abbot. Should read it when you get the time. Good book!
that's also what I thought. and I believe its called "A square in flatland" but I may be mistaken.
coulrophobia is the fear of clowns. i'm not scared of clowns, but i think that it is hilarious that other people are. one of my best friends is terrified of them. needless to say, i talked him into watching every scary clown movie i could find. :)

my real name is hunter. my dad gave it to me because, well... he likes to hunt. he's a redneck, and so killing stuff was bred into me at an early age.
I'm deeply afraid of clowns.

I think it goes back to the time our family went to the circus and a clown killed my Dad....

Rick is my first Name
Wade is my middle name

but together it sounds cool for a user name; however, I get messeges saying Mr. Wade.

Oh heck I will answer to just about anything.


Sapper is the slang term for Combat Engineer, highly versed in demolitions, field expedient explosives, landmine warfare, battlefield mobility and counter-mobility, and battlefield construction/destruction.

for more, check out the Sapper Leader Course Homepage.

just last year, soldiers who graduated the SLC were authorized to wear the coveted Sapper tab on their uniforms. before then, the only other group of soldiers authorized to wear a "tab" over their unit patch were Rangers, airborne, and special forces group soldiers.

my first job in the army was as a sapper squad leader. the number 6 in a combat platoon designates "leader", so in a combat environment my callsign was "Sapper 06".

more great info on Sappers and the history located HERE .

By Rudyard Kipling, British Army

When the Waters were dried an' the Earth did appear,
("It's all one," says the Sapper),
The Lord He created the Engineer,
Her Majesty's Royal Engineer,
With the rank and pay of a Sapper!

When the Flood come along for an extra monsoon,
'Twas Noah constructed the first pontoon
To the plans of Her Majesty's, etc.

But after fatigue in the wet an' the sun,
Old Noah got drunk, which he wouldn't ha' done
If he'd trained with, etc.

When the Tower o' Babel had mixed up men's bat,
Some clever civilian was managing that,
An' none of, etc.

When the Jews had a fight at the foot of a hill,
Young Joshua ordered the sun to stand still,
For he was a Captain of Engineers, etc.

When the Children of Israel made bricks without straw,
They were learnin' the regular work of our Corps,
The work of, etc.

For ever since then, if a war they would wage,
Behold us a-shinin' on history's page --
First page for, etc.

We lay down their sidings an' help 'em entrain,
An' we sweep up their mess through the bloomin' campaign,
In the style of, etc.

They send us in front with a fuse an' a mine
To blow up the gates that are rushed by the Line,
But bent by, etc.

They send us behind with a pick an' a spade,
To dig for the guns of a bullock-brigade
Which has asked for, etc.

We work under escort in trousers and shirt,
An' the heathen they plug us tail-up in the dirt,
Annoying, etc.

We blast out the rock an' we shovel the mud,
We make 'em good roads an' -- they roll down the khud,
Reporting, etc.

We make 'em their bridges, their wells, an' their huts,
An' the telegraph-wire the enemy cuts,
An' it's blamed on, etc.

An' when we return, an' from war we would cease,
They grudge us adornin' the billets of peace,
Which are kept for, etc.

We build 'em nice barracks -- they swear they are bad,
That our Colonels are Methodist, married or mad,
Insultin', etc.

They haven't no manners nor gratitude too,
For the more that we help 'em, the less will they do,
But mock at, etc.

Now the Line's but a man with a gun in his hand,
An' Cavalry's only what horses can stand,
When helped by, etc.

Artillery moves by the leave o' the ground,
But we are the men that do something all round,
For we are, etc.

I have stated it plain, an' my argument's thus
("It's all one," says the Sapper),
There's only one Corps which is perfect -- that's us;
An' they call us Her Majesty's Engineers,
Her Majesty's Royal Engineers,
With the rank and pay of a Sapper!
I was a very big Pearl Jam fan, well I still am, and that was one of the best songs I ever learned to play. Its not a hard song to learn but it sounds great. 11-21 my d-o-b.
It means I have no originality.

(And it's what they called me at my old kenpo school)
Ah, who needs originality if you're funny?

Anyway, this is really cool. It's kind of fun to get to know a little more about everyone like this. Keep 'em coming!
MisterMike said:
It means I have no originality.

(And it's what they called me at my old kenpo school)
Are you inferring I have no originality? :whip:

Seriously though, Hnau are one of the species that inhabit Mars in one of CS Lewis Space Trilogy books, Out of the Silent Planet
I was given the name jonah by a school friend when I was around 8 yrs old and its stuck with me since then - most people that know me think its my real name and I actually prefer it. All my family including my kids call me it too.

I dont know if its because I was a bringer of bad luck or because my surname is jones. I didn't ask him at the time.

the '2' on the end is because I registered on MT as jonah originally then moved work and forgot my password so I re-registered as jonah2 - as in - jonah too

As a seperate note to the moderators could the first user name of Jonah now be deleted - It is me honestly. I mean - who else would have that unlucky name as a user name but me!!!

Mine is just my favorite season with the year I was born...Boring. I use an autumn variant for a name on every message board I go to, I should have used my usual user-name...Songe D'Automne (french for Dream of Autumn) but it seemed kind of a weird name to use on a Martial Arts board, too girly, you know?
mine is from one of my favourite blues songs by muddy waters. black cat bones were thought to be good luck charms that could bring back the owner a lost love or make him invisible. an elaborate ceremony was involved in obtaining the elusive magical bone that included boiling a live cat at the stroke of midnight. once the bone was found it was carried in a mojo bag.
BlackCatBonz said:
mine is from one of my favourite blues songs by muddy waters. black cat bones were thought to be good luck charms that could bring back the owner a lost love or make him invisible. an elaborate ceremony was involved in obtaining the elusive magical bone that included boiling a live cat at the stroke of midnight. once the bone was found it was carried in a mojo bag.
A'ight, y'all just stay the hell away from my cat ....:2pistols:
My name is Andrew and that for me translates into "dumb bastard".

Oh, my USER name. :rolleyes:

"NGAzone" When I practice my NGA, I just get into the zone! Everything else doesnt matter, any problems or whatever.. It all about the current technique Im learning or doing! :wink2:

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