What does your name mean?

Drac, short for Dracula..As a kid I loved the old Universal horor films, Dracula in particular..When the Haunted Houses that appear only during Halloween first started I joined one and they dressed me up as Dracula..Did radio commericals over the years using the Dracula voice, and if they couldn't remember my real name they would call me Drac guy and the name stuck permanently..There's more but it would bore you..
It means that I'm a dirty, smelly, antisocial rock climber.:ultracool

Actually I use this name for all my computer stuff and it is a term of endearment used between "traditional" rock climbers who prefer to climb big rocks the old fashioned way - from the ground up without altering the rock face (no permanent protection, no chipping the rock). It tells a little about me that might otherwise never appear on the forum, and I like that idea

If I ever join a chat group about rock climbing, I'll prob'lly use the name DrunkNfool :drinkbeer
My nick comes from 'Stranger In A Strange Land' by Robert Heinlein. It was a phrase used by the chief protagonist, Michael Valentine Smith, whenever he was presented with a situation he knew he had limited information about.

I use it to denote my self as a beginner.

Mine was a nickname given to me by GoldenDragon7 at a camp some years ago (forget which one). My real first name is Jynne (pronounced "gin"), so he started calling me "Gin-Gin" & I thought it would be a good username. :D
Once upon a time, there was a Roman Emperor who marched against the Gauls with a large army. One of the units of that military force was the Theban Legion, which was composed of 6,600 men.

After defeating the Gauls, Emperor Maximian ordered all of his men to make sacrifices to the many gods of the Empire (judging by the record of emperor worship, it is likely that this order included offering a sacrifice to the emperor himself [personal speculation]).

The Theban Legion refused.

No one refuses an order from an Emperor...

Emperor Maximian ordered that the Theban Legion be "decimated." Every tenth man was to be killed.

The Theban Legion held fast.

The order was given to "decimate" them again.

The Theban Legion would not relent.

Finally, the order was given to slaughter the Theban Legion completely.

Theban Legion did not resist their fellow Romans. All of Theban Legion died that day, and whoever was not present was slaughtered where they were found.

...and no one lived happily ever-after.

The End.
One of the members here asked me today where my screen name came from. Since there was already this cool thread on the board I decided to answer here. Despite all usual appearances, I am not the self-aggrandizing person I might seem...that would not be fitting of my celestial magnificence.

Navarre is from the movie Ladyhawke. It's a movie from 1985 (ouch) starring Michelle Pfeiffer. Rutger Hauer plays Captain Etienne Navarre.

Ten years ago, when I was under mistaken impressions about where true love might lead me, I saw myself much as Navarre did. I often refer to him as "noble and tortured". Despite all evidence that he would be alone forever, he continued to act with nobility and honor, holding on to his faith yet doubting it every day.

It was the screen name I picked up the first day I was in a chat room...way back when it was all text driven and you had to type things like "/tell user whatever". Two days after signing onto the net for the first time I met a lady in a chat room as Navarre.

Now we have been married for 8 years and have 2 kids. Yep, that's right; I met my wife on the internet. My wedding ring has "Navarre" inscribed inside the band and my wife's has "Isabeau", the name of Navarre's true love.

So, I have used Navarre ever since as my screen name. ... aren't you sorry you asked now? lol
Because we're twins! (duh) :uhyeah:

Actually, everything about me relates back to Gemini. I also could give the lengthy reason for it, but after the novels that Theban_Legion and Navarre wrote, I'd use up all Bob's bandwidth. :rolleyes:

j/k guys. Both stories are far more intersting than mine. :)
Gemini said:
Because we're twins! (duh) :uhyeah:

Actually, everything about me relates back to Gemini. I also could give the lengthy reason for it, but after the novels that Theban_Legion and Navarre wrote, I'd use up all Bob's bandwidth. :rolleyes:

j/k guys. Both stories are far more intersting than mine. :)
Which twim are we talking to now? The good twin :angel: or the evil twin :angry:
My nickname has been with me for about 7 or 8 years. It was the first account I had on hotmail and I don't like to change addresses much. It started out from my fanaticism for the game "Metal Gear Solid". I was going to take them name Solid Snake, but it was obviously taken (I didn't know how expansive the internet was at the time). I ended up changing the code name from snake to man (I figured it would be a good animal to be in the metal gear coding system). and 82 was just to make sure I got the name, I thought nobody else would take the number (no, I'm not actually 23). I get alot of flack about how perverted my name is, I had to get another address for professional purposes. People just have perverted minds for thinking that but to quote Men in Black, "A person is smart, people are dumb"
I'd never thought about your name as being perverted, Solidman. Maybe you're safe because I'm a perverted kinda guy and I didn't think of it.

I kinda thought "Solidman" was more like "a stable responsible fellow"...Guess I don't know you very well, huh? lol

I would have been more worried if your screen name was StiffWilly or UberPenis.
Yeah, I don't get the prevertedness either, maybe I should come out from beneath my rock I'm living under or something, but like Navarre, I always thought my mind was in the gutter, too, and I didn't think your name was perverted. By the way, my parents live in Navarre, Florida, so I was kind of wondering where your name came from too. Pretty cool.
Thanks, Xequat. I was aware of Navarre, FL but have never been there.

Every once in a while I will try to join some board where my name is already taken. I always wondered why that person had chosen the name.

If you haven't seen Ladyhawke, you might check it out. In many ways it's low budget 80's fare but I really enjoyed it. It used to be my favorite movie although it slowly got ousted by The Matrix and Unbreakable.

I always saw myself much like a knight, trained and noble. We were taught in my system that all martial artists are ambassadors for the Art at all times and that black belt was a form of knighthood. I've always taken that very seriously.
Add it to your NetFlix queue or you could buy it for practically nothing. I own it on dvd so I can always hook you up.

Michelle Pfeiffer is always great. Seems like Rutger will be making movies until he's 140, although he never got a real breakthrough role.

Of course, Matthew Broderick is in it too. Guess he had time to galavant around France on his "Day Off". ... Bueller? ... Bueller?
Hi. This was part of my intro. I'll just repost it here:

Green Meanie is a nickname I've had for awhile. When I wrestled in high school I wore a dark green and white uniform and that sort of thing stands out when you're the only school in the district using those colors. I never looked at what I did then (or now) as mean... I didn't cheat, I never gave anyone a cheap shot, etc. But I was rough. Anyway, after one of my matches a distraught mother was overheard saying, "I hate that green wrestler, he's so mean!" and the name stuck.
I picked my handle and avatar based on the anime series Rurouni Kenshin. I liked the show because of after his life experiances, after being exposed to exp. he choose a better path in life that I agreed with , even after all the things he done before. I choose his first (techniquely second, but you should watch the show) Battousai because I feel that I'm not at the enlightend stage in my life yet and feel that I'm not were I need to be. Plus he is a MA and red headed like me.:)
I shared a long look with a coyote on the edge of town out by this field where I run, in another little town in New Mexico, saw him dead out there a few days later. People have their practical reasons for killing them out here, and I understand that, and respect it, but still, it really affected me.

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