Danny T
Senior Master
Xequat said:Thought I'd start a thread about how we came up with our user names (or real names, if you'd like). Some of our user names are kind of obvious because they're our real names, but others...not so much. For example, I've been asked what "Xequat" means, so I wondered how other people came up with their names, too. Mine just came up one day many years ago when a friend and I were creating a user name for something we were never going to use again, so one of us just randomly hit the keyboard a few times and came up with XeQUae, which, except for the caps, kind of looks like a word, with the q and u next to each other. So he kept that one and I changed the last letter to a T, for Tony. It's nice to have a name that nobody else uses, too, because I don't get a lot of "that name is taken, please try another name" messages when I set up new accounts. I'm sure everything that has a userID already has a "Tony."
My User Name is Danny T. Danny is a nickname for Daniel. Daniel is a Bible name meaning "Judge" not that I am a judge. T is from Terrell my family name. How did I come by using it? It is my name. Father called me Daniel, mother called me Danny, most of my friends call me Dan. Nothing fancy, nothing special, nothing to brag about. It is just me, Danny T