user names once againe

Old family motto from Scotland. Bydand = Abiding, remaining. stand ready, and several other translations which nobody seems to know for sure which is 100% correct. Any of them appealed to me so, I adopted it for my screen name online.


My great uncle has called me Buzzy since I was born basically (my grandfather's nickname was Buzz) and my last name is MBuzzy works.
My name is Don, and I'm 5'11 265, so my Sifu started calling me Big Don.

Just like the girls do...
So does this mean that I finally found someone who doesn't consider me crazy for spending money on the 75th Anniversary Edition of the movie? I have to sit down and watch the movie at least once a week!

I am SO into it that I use to freak out my brother by muting the volume and speaking Lugosi's lines...

As long as it hasn't been Turnerized. *shudder*

Bart Simpson Kenpo episode. He spent his dues on the "Touch of Death" video game. The best line was, "Bart! stop using the touch of death on your sister."
My screen-name: Bookworm_cn317
Bookworm: pretty self-explainatory, actually. It's what I am. If you EVER saw my house, you wouldn't be surprised.
cn: my initials
317: I was born on March 17th, or 3-17

Terry is my first name L is my middle initial and 965 was the ages of my three boys when I joined now they are 13-10-9 so it has been a while.
My user name has it's roots in the days when I used to play BattleTech (tabletop wargame), in that I named my first ever 'mechpilot "Dallas Sukerkin".

His name derived from the idea that as humanity spread out into the galaxy, the various cultures would intermingle and meld. So he had a North American matralinial line and a Central Russian patralinial line Thus, Russian surname and a given name taken from an American city.

Of course the rational for the name came after a bit of thought. At the start he was just 'Dallas' as I'd watched "Alien" the night before and the character of the Nostromo captain struck me as cool, so I pinched both his persona and his name :D.

When the internet came along and I began to surf, I needed an on-line, unique, identifier and as noone it seems has ever used Sukerkin but me it was an easy fit :). At the time too, I was playing so much BattleTech that I would answer as easily to Dallas Sukerkin as my real name; so no danger of ever forgetting it (or the associated passords) :o.

Same game roots for me, so long ago...

Grydth = Gray Death, the unit I played.

As I've gotten older, it seems appropriate for other reasons.... sounds much better than Olddeath or Geezerdeath.

Y'know... that takes on a whole new level of meaning with you vampire minded folks...

Mine's simple. My original AOL screenname was my name; there was a person frequenting some of the LE oriented message boards there who began stalking some folks and causing trouble for them at work. I decided to change my SN for obvious reasons... but I wanted something sort of recognizable.

So, I took my initials, and added some years of personal significance.
Well, despite its mysterious aura, there's really nothing too exciting about how I ended up with Yeti.

I used to work quite a bit with a guy up in Ottawa. Many times, he would simply disappear for a week or more at a time - no phone calls, no emails...nothing. Since it was winter and Ottawa, we teased that he would retreat into his snow cave to ride out the winter. That evolved into calling him the Yeti. It wasn't long after we started calling him that, that I joined up.

So there you have it. My secrets are still safe though...I know of only two people on this board who actually know the true identity of the Yeti! :wink:
At first, I didn't want to use my real name on the Internet, so I used ChingChuan Chiu, which is my (official) Chinese name. Now I'm totally comfortable using my real name, but I think that CC sounds way better than 'Femke Brouwer' ;).
Old family motto from Scotland. Bydand = Abiding, remaining. stand ready, and several other translations which nobody seems to know for sure which is 100% correct. Any of them appealed to me so, I adopted it for my screen name online.
Nice one. It's the crest from the Gordon clan. My surname is Adie, which is a sect of the Gordon clan, so that's my family motto you've got there :) I've always like the translation of "stand strong" personally.

As for my username- my big brother was nicknamed "Big Dez", and all his friends started calling me Mini Dez. I've been using it as my internet pseudo name for about 10 years now I guess.
My username is a Japanese phrase - translates to "Old Pine Tree Student".

The main art I study is called Kosho Shorei Ryu = "Old Pine Tree School of Encouragement".

I chose my username because I think the attitude of a beginner is one that we should strive to never loose no matter how much we learn. It serves as a reminder to me that Martial Arts is about study not rank.

_Don Flatt
Mine is the start of my email address. Which begs the question why this name for my email?

Well, I got nicknamed method man during the ages of around 17-19. So I shortened it to meth, I was 18 years old when I got the email address, and au- abbreviation of Australia, my country!!!


Mine is the start of my email address. Which begs the question why this name for my email?

Well, I got nicknamed method man during the ages of around 17-19. So I shortened it to meth, I was 18 years old when I got the email address, and au- abbreviation of Australia, my country!!!



Australia? Easy? All this time I thought you were an alchemist with a method for making gold!
I chose my user name for personal significance.

This gem stone is the ultimate symbol of calm and serenity. It helps bring serenity to the mind by releasing negative thoughts. A stone of balance and healing, it alleviates anxiety and fear based emotions. Vibrates in harmony with the Heart Chakra unlike any other stone. Opens up the heart Chakra to love energy .

Tigress (cuz I'm a girl):
The Tigers Strength, bravado and attitude actually protects a softer, gentler and even vulnerable person inside. Tigers will be easily hurt by words, lies and innuendos; and will often not have a way of dealing with this unless they resort to action.

Tigers also symbolize courage in Chinese culture.

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