Traditional arts no good in the real world!? HA!

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I was just reading something up on krav-maga and how they say its not like traditional martial arts because according to this, the defenses we learn may be no good in the real world. Just a peeve when other 'arts' such as this consider the more traditional ones retarded when brought to the real world.

just my 2 bits.
Everything I have seen from Krav Maga has been rip off from Kempo, Jujutsu, Kung fu. The only thing they don't do is kata/forms. This maybe where they believe traditional martial arts would not hold up in the real world. If it wasn't for the traditional arts Krav Maga wouldn't exist.
Bob :asian:
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu

If it wasn't for the traditional arts Krav Maga wouldn't exist.

Agreed, though that includes boxing, werestling, and a fair amount of experience and experimentation as well.
Let me guess as to their 'new' street fighting moves. Groin strikes, eye gouging, hair pulling, fish hooks and foot stomping?I wonder where these amazing tech. came from.
I hope my sarcasm is apparent!:EG:
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu

I had a mental Block and forgot all the arts that Krav Maga ripped off.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The "Traditional Arts dont work in the real world!" argument is used a LOT by "newer" arts. While ther are [IMHO], some arts that are less directed at simple, brutal destruction, what it comes down to is the artist, not the art.

I've seen Taiji Quan (sp?) demonstrated very effectively against a proficient MT stylist, because the TQ guy had done a lot of freestyle sparring and ringtime...he got his traditional business really working well at full speed. Was amazing to see.

So called "real-world effective" styles are always gonna level that sort of shot at traditional styles, especially internal styles. Get used to it.

If someone levels it at you personally, offer to educate them.


this guy doesnt know what hes talking about. the skill and effectiveness relies morely on experience than style.

have that guy come up against an MTer, which mt is a traditional art. lets see how ineffective mt is. or some jj/krt, lock his joints and break em
Im glad you all agree.

And yes Baoquan ill be sure to give a lesson if someone claims something like that to me personaly. :D lol

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