Senior Master
I think you’re creeping toward the issues with AI as it stands: Specificity.I'm debating the ChatGpt. Luke Skywalker vs Superman. lol... I lost.
I asked the bot why was it always trying to be neutral. It said that it's designed to be balance. I told it that everything can't be balanced like an ant can't beat up a human.
Response: Too many questions in 1 hour lol.
we shall see... we shall
The colossal AI, Deep Thought, in ‘Hitchhiker’ Guide to the Galaxy’ was asked ‘what is the meaning of life (the universe and everything)’. It asked for seven million years to work it out and requested a meeting at that point. Seven million years later Deep Thought is met by the distant ancestors of those who posed the question and told announced the meaning of life, the universe and everything is….’forty two’. The initial question was not specific enough to give a meaningful answer and I feel this is where we might feel short changed due to our inadequate crafting of questions. An ant can’t ‘beat‘ a human at chess, rocket design or in a one-to-one fight. But in the formation of formic acid within it’s body, it’d hands down be the winner!
I know you’re only having a bit of fun and I suspect the phrase ‘too many questions in an hour’s chat’ is basically written into the code to fob off unanswerable questions!