Brown Belt
I've known more than a few BJJ guys who have had "real, in the street" fights. One of my friends in Australia, famous for being one of the guys to answer the Yellow Bamboo challenge, has on two separate occasions, been assaulted "on the street." One instance this is a literal statement. Exited cars. He choked the attacker out and threw his car keys into the bushes.
If your criteria is "works in an 'actual' life threatening street encounter" then BJJ has already delivered. End of story.
Peace favor your sword,
Kirk, I never disparaged any specific art, I merely contemplated decision theory, and how it is illogical to conclude that because your art (x) is good in a sporting contest, that it is therefore good in a life or death conflict. By way of extension, it is also illogical to conclude that because your art (y) is NOT good in a sporting contest, that it is therefore not good in a real life or death conflict.
You can't make those conclusions. The situations are not the same, and therefore this sort of reasoning simply doesn't hold water. REGARDLESS of specific martial style or type of art....