Shame on you.... for misrepresenting yourself.... and your ability.

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Only time I see those is when the wife bakes them. All the store bought stuff is strawberry rhubarb or apple rhubarb. Leave my damn rhubarb alone! It doesn't need a chaperone!

So far I have not seen any proof that MA training can help someone to achieve that.

I read these two in a row, and was confused. KFW, what the heck are you talking about MA in a pie thread for, man??
Don't tell him that. Listen, that fat Senior Moderator paycheck already goes to his head. If he thinks people like him, too, he'll be simply impossible to deal with.
I don't believe MA training can make a better person. 2 of my students had committed suicide because women. I had always told my students that 3 legs frog may be hard to find, but 2 legs woman are all over the world. Still my MA teaching could not help these 2 students.
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I don't believe MA training can make a better person. 2 of my students had committed suicide because women. I had always told my students that 3 legs frog may be hard to find, but 2 legs woman are all over the world. Still my MA teaching could not help these 2 students.
There's a difference between "can make a better person" and "will make a better person".

Personally, I prefer to say it can help people become better people. The MA training doesn't do the work, the people do. And there's nothing magical about MA in this respect. As @Steve has pointed out before, there are other activities that can help build the same traits. MA (or football, or tennis) can be hard work (if you train seriously in it), which builds discipline if people stick with it. Following rules for the benefit of others, showing respect for people who are helping you, etc. are all part of the package.

EDIT: And teaching about relationships is highly tangential to MA, so MA training is unlikely to be a big help in that area, other than helping people have better self-control.
I don't believe MA training can make a better person. 2 of my students had committed suicide because women. I had always told my students that 3 legs frog may be hard to find, but 2 legs woman are all over the world. Still my MA teaching could not help these 2 students.
It CAN help. It doesn’t mean that it DEFINITELY WILL help.

Rehab CAN help people overcome their addictions. It doesn’t mean it DEFINITELY WILL. People need to want to overcome their addictions with every bit discipline, desire, motivation, and so on. And even then it’s not always enough.

Putting an alcoholic into AA won’t guarantee anything. At best it provides the proper environment for them to commit to overcoming their addiction. Putting a person into MA won’t guarantee anything either, physically nor mentally. At best it provides them with the proper environment to be able to do so, but they have to want to do so.

Some people in MA might see some mental improvement just by being there and working out, but there’s not going to be any magical transformation unless they’re committed to it. For people with mental illness that’s severe enough to cause suicide (not just intentional failed attempts to get attention), MA is only one small part of the entire picture. They need far more than just being in a dojo. It can definitely help, but it isn’t a cure in and of itself.
There's a difference between "can make a better person" and "will make a better person".

Personally, I prefer to say it can help people become better people. The MA training doesn't do the work, the people do. And there's nothing magical about MA in this respect. As @Steve has pointed out before, there are other activities that can help build the same traits. MA (or football, or tennis) can be hard work (if you train seriously in it), which builds discipline if people stick with it. Following rules for the benefit of others, showing respect for people who are helping you, etc. are all part of the package.

EDIT: And teaching about relationships is highly tangential to MA, so MA training is unlikely to be a big help in that area, other than helping people have better self-control.

This this this forever.
Don't tell him that. Listen, that fat Senior Moderator paycheck already goes to his head. If he thinks people like him, too, he'll be simply impossible to deal with.

You mean I'm not already impossible to deal with?
Dammit, and I was trying so hard...
That was the song I had in my head when I typed "conclave". I'll be the one with the Harley in his room.
Do you listen to Howard Stern? All I can think of is the recent Wack Pack Conclave whenever anyone says conclave.
So I ask this question. If you were not a contractor and you hired someone to build an addition on your house.. who you thought they knew what they were doing. And later found out that you got ripped off and paid tons of money to find out it was all done wrong. Or if you hired someone to fix your car and to just find that it was worse. How would you feel?

Sorry, but I would feel like an idiot for not doing any research before handing over "tons of money".

In today's society, with a plethora of information at everyone's fingertips, there is absolutely no excuse for anyone to ever hand over "tons of money" without knowing what they're getting or who they're getting it from.

Scam artists have been taking advantage of gullible fools since mankind first traded a spear point for a hunk of mammoth. Much easier (and more reasonable) to preach "don't be a gullible fool!" than it is to try and save people from their own poor judgement.

That's just my take on it.
My original post was actually pertaining to several people.

The post you are talking about... from the past.
The problem skrib is that he isn't qualified... I know for a fact. I know his Sifu. So I am saying he misrepresented himself here also.

I know him too, as well as his teacher. The teacher confirmed that he had given permission to teach...not the whole system, mind you, but he certainly has knowledge. Also, that was a while back. What's the point in holding on to this? Seriously. Move on and train. What about YOUR code of conduct? Try looking in a mirror.
I don't care too.
I didn't relate it back to that post because I have noticed it in many regards. Several individuals in my area that are misrepresenting themselves to the public. It's a problem in Martial Arts. Esp. in my area. The public goes in believing the "instructor" of the school. They have no basis to judge. They most of the time lack any training themselves... So how can they judge. So this is really a GENERAL problem happening. People saying they are what they are not. And I do not wish to single anyone out. Hence I posted it general as not to reflect on any one individual. In General I have seen people purchase certificates, falsely say they are something that they are not. And it goes unchecked. And there is not any governing body to hold anyone accountable. It's a shame... I let it go locally. There is nothing that I could or want to do about it.

I bring it up here... because I thought it would hold for an interesting conversation where Martial Arts is headed. Many people depend on it's reputation to make a living. Thankfully I do not.

I also know this person doesn't make ANY claims to be a Sifu. He is merely teaching people what he knows about Wing Chun to show people what it is like. He even defers people to those who taught him. If he knows enough to teach the basics but then doesn't claim to be a Grandmaster himself, I don't see what is wrong with that.
I know the situation and I know who the OP is talking and I know the teachers of the person the OP is talking about.....and all I have to say is I agree with the OP

Well, I also know the situation, and I also know you don't know the person being discussed OR the entire situation. You just went by what NYFIGHTSOURCE said simply because you have known him longer. There is a whole other side to the story that you never bothered to get. And hey, that's your right. However, if you don't know everything, then you should keep your mouth shut...or your fingers off the keyboard, as it were. Since you are only on the peripheral (and, from what I understand, know the person in question only through brief discussions here), there is no way you have all the details.

Also, seeing the character your buddy NY has shown here, he is the LAST person whose version of events I'd find credible. I would consider them to be HIS truth, but not the WHOLE truth. Personally, in a situation where there is more than one person involved, I don't see how anyone can just blindly follow the version of one side just because they know the person telling it.

Is that what you are, Xue? A blind follower? A sheep? Seems like it to me.
Well, I also know the situation, and I also know you don't know the person being discussed OR the entire situation. You just went by what NYFIGHTSOURCE said simply because you have known him longer. There is a whole other side to the story that you never bothered to get. And hey, that's your right. However, if you don't know everything, then you should keep your mouth shut...or your fingers off the keyboard, as it were. Since you are only on the peripheral (and, from what I understand, know the person in question only through brief discussions here), there is no way you have all the details.

Also, seeing the character your buddy NY has shown here, he is the LAST person whose version of events I'd find credible. I would consider them to be HIS truth, but not the WHOLE truth. Personally, in a situation where there is more than one person involved, I don't see how anyone can just blindly follow the version of one side just because they know the person telling it.

Is that what you are, Xue? A blind follower? A sheep? Seems like it to me.
i think you maybe talking to an empty room, i dont know if xue has left the forum, just ive not seen him post in quite a while

its seems a bit pointless therefore to vent your spleen at someone who very well may not see your sentiments
Well, I also know the situation, and I also know you don't know the person being discussed OR the entire situation. You just went by what NYFIGHTSOURCE said simply because you have known him longer. There is a whole other side to the story that you never bothered to get. And hey, that's your right. However, if you don't know everything, then you should keep your mouth shut...or your fingers off the keyboard, as it were. Since you are only on the peripheral (and, from what I understand, know the person in question only through brief discussions here), there is no way you have all the details.

Also, seeing the character your buddy NY has shown here, he is the LAST person whose version of events I'd find credible. I would consider them to be HIS truth, but not the WHOLE truth. Personally, in a situation where there is more than one person involved, I don't see how anyone can just blindly follow the version of one side just because they know the person telling it.

Is that what you are, Xue? A blind follower? A sheep? Seems like it to me.

i think you maybe talking to an empty room, i dont know if xue has left the forum, just ive not seen him post in quite a while

its seems a bit pointless therefore to vent your spleen at someone who very well may not see your sentiments

It's almost always pointless to start replying to a thread that hasn't had any input in over a year.
He has 3 posts...all in this thread.

Yeah because I just joined and happened to see it...thought it was worth a remark since I do know the situation...didn't pay attention to the dates. It happens.
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