Real or Misrepresented

  • Thread starter Thread starter Master Todd Miller
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Originally posted by hardheadjarhead
Let's see. There's coq au vin, chicken pot-au-feu, croque madame, chicken vesuvio, sweet stuffed capon.....

I can't WAIT to see what is for dinner.
Steve Scott

Can I see a whine list please.

Mr. Miller I also bid you welcome. Seeing your initial post brought a smile to my face. I have noticed that since the initial exposure of your "problem" there has been a definite lessening of the strain put on the bandwidth by constant posts all over the forum by he who shall remain nameless. I can't really give any ideas on how to politely or delicately expose someone as my previous post betray a certain lack of tolerance for bar stool commandos (or in this case bar stool black belts). I do wish you well in your quest to deal with your problem and would even venture to guess that your presence here will probably cause the problem to resolve itself.

Seeing you here has renewed my faith in Karma.


One more question?

I have this situation in case you did not guess

What is the best way to expose? As far as forum rules?

Todd Miller

Sir, here are the forum rules with regards to your issue. As long as your posts are within these parameters...

Official Policy on “Fraud” Busting and Credential Verification.

Fraud Busting
Due to its nature, this forum encourages the asking and answering of questions. Many times one member will have questions and concerns about the history, skills, lineage, or paperwork of another member. In other cases, things may be stated on a webpage, flyer or article relating to a member that raises some questions. Sometimes, comments will have been made elsewhere and those issues carried over to MartialTalk.

MartialTalk and its staff encourages the polite and professional search for knowledge. Questions and concerns may be brought up, with the understanding that the other party is under no requirement to answer.

Most questions may be raised within the forums dedicated to a particular art or area of interest. (Example: Kenpo Lineage questions in the Kenpo forum). Others of a more serious note, are to be limited to the “Bad Budo” forum.

Excessive “Inquisitor” style questioning is not allowed and will be subject to administrative action. If you have had to ask a question more than 3 times, you are most likely running the risk of “excessive’.

In addition, “Hot Pursuit” actions will not be tolerated. The “Hot Pursuit” is defined as asking the same or similar questions in multiple threads and/or forums.

Members who become ‘obsessed”, ‘inquisitors’ or ‘interrogators’ will be subject to administrative action. Members who are involved in excessive arguments that disrupt the forum, may be subject to administrative action due to the disruption of the normal operation of this forum
What is the best way to expose? As far as forum rules?


For that, I refer you to this section of the forum rules that has to do with fraud busting.

It contains this section:

"Excessive “Inquisitor” style questioning is not allowed and will be subject to administrative action. If you have had to ask a question more than 3 times, you are most likely running the risk of “excessive’.

Several here...including myself...might fit this description given our activity recently. I plead mitigating circumstances given the provocation handed us.

MartialTalk is not a forum dedicated to credential checks or outing frauds. Our goal is to provide a friendly, and an open area to exchange ideas, share thoughts, relax and network. Activities that disrupt our primary focus are not encouraged.

This makes sense. We hope for flexibility on the part of the administrators regarding this, however. Several of us have pushed the envelope here, and others have crossed the line. Some who have done this have contributed no small share to this forum.

I note, too the fraternity of those who have dealt with this situation to which we circularly allude. People from several systems have joined together in defending each other's style against the amateurish criticisms of our "Ishmaelite".

This, I submit, is a very good thing at a certain level.

The situation, Mr. Miller, may have resolved itself, now that you're here.


Steve Scott
hardheadjarhead wrote:
These frauds pose as martial artists, cops, and Spec Ops guys (or some other elite unit). They then try and impress others with tales of their accomplishments and adventures.

What about those who are legit in this catagory who now operate dojo's? Granted they are few and fare between but there are some out there.
These are the type of people the ruin the good reputation of everyone else out there doing things right. They open up McDojo's and teach thing that would probably never be useful out on the streets. Its horrible in my oppinion. The worste part about it is that they manage to get away with it.
I see two different things here.

The McDojo guys are often just representative of a situation of poor quality control due to greed. Legitimate instructors (with certification and lineage) go excessively commercial and promote people too quickly. They end up with two year (or less) shake and bake black belts. These guys aren't of the ilk that I described...but they crank out a lot of sub caliber students.

The frauds who I mention are compulsive liars with REAL emotional problems. I don't think they typically run schools. Their lives are too disordered to be a success in that regard. I suppose I could be wrong. My experience is that they're in it merely for the illusion of power.


Steve Scott
Two unrelated thoughts...
Honorary ranks are like honorary academic degrees; they have a place, but should be based on substantial service to or on behalf of the arts. They probably should not go to practicing martial; artists.

On phony LE/Military credentials:

Pisses me off. But these are somewhat easier to verify.
What about those who are legit in this catagory who now operate dojo's? Granted they are few and fare between but there are some out there.

I'm a cop and I teach part time. How can people verify that ? Hmmm....check out the car I sometimes drive to class in....
(sorry, had to lighten the mood!)

I awarded an honorary rank to a woman here for her outstanding service to the children of our community. Her daughter is one of my black belts (came up through the ranks).

Nobody, anywhere, has any illusions that this woman is a martial artist or that this is a fraudulent award presented to a person purporting to be something she's not. She displayed many, many noble attributes worthy of a black belt. The award was a symbolic one, presented from me to her in recognition for outstanding achievement (work, I might add, that she continues now for senior citizens).

I didn't do this lightly or flippantly. And I make no apologies for it.

Chuck Norris gave George Bush the elder an honorary black belt. The only people that would argue with that might be the Democrats. A topic for Hannity and Colmes? Nah.


On another note.

The charge "McDojo" can be leveled at a legitimate (and good) school by those with a grievance against the instructor. One should keep that in mind. A franchised school or one with multiple branches doesn't necessarily mean it is illegitmate or that the quality of training is bad. A big school with a large student body isn't a reliable indicator that something is amiss.

I've also heard the term "mall dojo" used to indicate that a school is worthless. The premise doesn't support the conclusion here. There are a lot of factors to take into consideration when judging a school...I wouldn't call this one of them.


Steve Scott
Originally posted by ABN
Can I see a whine list please.

I don't know - as a bit of a food snob, I am very impressed with Steve's obvious knowledge of poultry preparation in the classical French style. It's very comforting to know I have a friend out there if I ever need to worry about how long to marinate my duxelles en canard, or maybe even whether my mirepoix and asparagus pesto will discolor if I add truffle oil (I doubt Steve only speaks bird ;) ).

Seriously, it's good to see people have other interests, and it was pretty funny. Think about some of the slams that have been posted before, and this one was tame by comparison, as well as both entertaining and informative.

And Mr. Miller - I bid you a hearty welcome as well!
Originally posted by pknox
I don't know - as a bit of a food snob, I am very impressed with Steve's obvious knowledge of poultry preparation in the classical French style. It's very comforting to know I have a friend out there if I ever need to worry about how long to marinate my duxelles en canard, or maybe even whether my mirepoix and asparagus pesto will discolor if I add truffle oil (I doubt Steve only speaks bird ;) ).

Seriously, it's good to see people have other interests, and it was pretty funny. Think about some of the slams that have been posted before, and this one was tame by comparison, as well as both entertaining and informative.

And Mr. Miller - I bid you a hearty welcome as well!

Wow, from Escrima to Escoffier, it seems there is quite a bit of diversity in this forum, and your right PK it is a very good thing to see. Also would you be using black or white truffle oil? (I've used the white with a sauteed asparagus with no discoloration...)

A good white truffle oil should be fine with your pesto. A little goes a long way. (thank goodness. It's expensive.) Escoffier is the Man!
Welcome Todd. I pass by your way on my way to Maine a couple times a year. Next time time permitting I'll stop and say howdy.Want a good laugh? Next time you get to White River Juntion VT check out the Tai Chi studio on Main St. If class is in session be carefull. The sidewalk is filthy.
Originally posted by ABN
Wow, from Escrima to Escoffier, it seems there is quite a bit of diversity in this forum, and your right PK it is a very good thing to see. Also would you be using black or white truffle oil? (I've used the white with a sauteed asparagus with no discoloration...)


Not to get too off topic, but much like many things in life, it all depends on the asparagus; white asparagus is generally considered a more "delicate" breed, and is thereby much more prone to discoloration - if you are using the white, the best thing to do is add a light truffle oil (as you said) at the last minute possible, and continue to stir, as the aeration seems to prevent all the oil from settling in one place. Granted, sometimes the lighter truffle oil is harder to find, but that situation is improving - there's always Williams Sonoma, and I've even seen it at my local Wegman's. If you do get stuck, a light white wine (perhaps a Chardonnay - mixed with a little almond or vanilla extract) will do in a pinch. Not the same taste, but not altogether displeasing in its own right.

As for the "standard" green asparagus, it is heartier, so you have a little more leeway - this also means you can safely use darker oils. Usually a wee bit of citrus based oil or extract (I use lemon, or occassionally blood orange if I'm feeling especially adventurous and have some in the pantry) will hold off the color change for long enough (hey, if it's tasty, it should be gone by then, right?) In any event, never add avocado, in any form, as that discolors everything, and much like a bad tattoo or an appearance on Jerry Springer, there is very little to be done once you've gone down that road (but if you're by yourself, go for it - quite tasty and an interesting texture, especially with any citrus flavors - I mean the avocado of course, not the tattoo ;) ).

That's it for my Jacques Pepin back to our regularly scheduled programming. :D

As to whine, are we having meat or fish? Red or white?

Getting back to topic...Mr. Miller wanted to know what I thought he should do regarding this particular individual.

I think he should pesto whip him. That should really truffle his feathers. I filet very strongly about this issue, obviously. I wish we could get pasta this issue, but it keeps popping up.


Steve Scott
Eric Young trained at our Dover School for a very short time and recieved his yellow belt in Hapkido. He was NEVER given any rank in Kuhapdo or Jeet Kune Do. When he left our school he had no black belt ranking in any Art and that was about one year ago.

About as polite as I get!

Todd Miller
I agree that he should be whipped! and then battered or at least beaten. I think it's fitting treatment for anyone who would behave in such au gratin manner. I believe he will roux the day he chose to follow this course. After all, how much recognition does one knead? He has definitely gone from being in a jam to a pickle. His muddled obsessions have so consomme'd him that any semblance of sanity that he has left is floating in the brie. Perhaps he could be cured? His mind is certainly smoked at this point. Only time will tell, like they say "que shiraz, shiraz." Hopefully this didn't sound too corny or canned, I bid you a fondue!

Originally posted by Master Todd Miller
Eric Young trained at our Dover School for a very short time and recieved his yellow belt in Hapkido. He was NEVER given any rank in Kuhapdo or Jeet Kune Do. When he left our school he had no black belt ranking in any Art and that was about one year ago.

About as polite as I get!

Todd Miller

Funny he never mentioned you in his website biography (soon to be a major straight to video feature once they run the script through the censors and through spell check).

Again Mr. Miller, welcome, thank you for clearing this up. It's good to see a happy ending to this comedy. Hopefully Mr. Young will take this as a strong warning vis avis misrepresentation in the future. ain't the internet a wonderful thing?

Thank you for confirming that which many of us were already convinced about, Mr. Miller. Since Mr. Young actually used your name in a post about his dubious claims (a case of borrowed authority) only you could have shut him down in his claims, hopefully permanently.

I have been at odds with 'hapki' since his early posts, as have others; and in the long run -- I actually am very glad he showed up. I wound up making cyber-friends here that I probably would not have made otherwise, at least not as quickly. HHJH, ABN and the rest of us who were playing whack-a-mole with him skirted the edge, recieved warnings -- I even recieved a mod warning for my 'spelling' post from earlier on this thread -- but I feel it did much more good than harm for this community.

I also know that the next time a 'hapki-bujitsu' pops out of a hole, the hunt will be on again. Bushido will never be comfortably be mixed with Bullshido. It HAS to be this way for some of us. To be otherwise would be likened to an example I sent to another MTalk member.

I likened it to asking Dr. Hatsumi to stand beside Ashida Kim and Frank Dux, expecting him to accept them as 'equals'; and not ever to take them to task about their lies. Considering the interplay between all involved, I realy dont think anything said was out of line, particularly if one followed it from the beginning.

I do hope, though, that Mr. Miller will not stop visiting, and posting here now that Mr. Young has been exposed. If nothing else -- hapki did us a great service by attracting Mr. Miller to this board. By Mr. Millers membership -- this board is stronger and healthier.

We started with a lemon and wound up with a cool and refreshing lemonaide!
Eric Young trained at our Dover School for a very short time and recieved his yellow belt in Hapkido. He was NEVER given any rank in Kuhapdo or Jeet Kune Do. When he left our school he had no black belt ranking in any Art and that was about one year ago.

Thank you, sir.

I agree that he should be whipped! and then battered or at least beaten. I think it's fitting treatment for anyone who would behave in such au gratin manner. I believe he will roux the day he chose to follow this course. After all, how much recognition does one knead? He has definitely gone from being in a jam to a pickle. His muddled obsessions have so consomme'd him that any semblance of sanity that he has left is floating in the brie. Perhaps he could be cured? His mind is certainly smoked at this point. Only time will tell, like they say "que shiraz, shiraz." Hopefully this didn't sound too corny or canned, I bid you a fondue!


This has made me very, very hungry. I shall excuse myself for the moment and partake of sustenance.

Au revoir!
