My rank is not in TKD so I'm speaking in general terms. I easily meet your criteria for teaching. However there is only one glitch, I'm not a good teacher, I admit it, I lack the patience. Teaching is not for everyone.
I consider myself a lifelong practitioner of the arts and leave the teaching for those that are better at it. A good teacher doesn't always make a good fighter and a good fighter doesn't always make a good teacher.
I personally know 1st and 2nd's that are excellent teachers and I would trust them to do a better job than I could.
Excellent point,
Q-G. In an even further break from the specifics of TKD, I used to teach Teacher Certification courses, for those who wanted to become secondary teachers (7th -12th grade). Some of my students were better teachers than I (and I've been told I'm not bad
) before sitting through one class. They just 'had it'. Others could have taken enough coursework for a PhD, and still would have sucked at teaching. Imho, it's an art, and only a little of it can be taught to someone who doesn't have the raw ability up front. Now those who do, still need training, don't get me wrong.
After five years of that, I quit because the government/and their minion educational-powers-that-be could not grasp that fact; all they counted was how many hours a candidate had in the teacher ed classroom, and how many tests they could pass (which keep increasing in number, btw).
Now here's a fun addendum I just remembered, speaking of bureaucracy (and I hope this isn't seen as too OT, cuz it is about who qualifies to be a teacher, and how they are promoted). When it came time for me to move up a grade on the pay scale of my full time teaching gig, I needed six semester units of teacher ed course work.
I assumed that teaching 15 credits a year for the last several years would qualify me. But noooo, I had to take the courses, couldn't teach them. So I asked the question: You mean if I sat in two of my own classes, I'd qualify, but since I taught them--and learned ten times more--I don't qualify? That's right, they replied.
So, I don't get too worked up over whether someone approves of my pedigree, or whatever. The proof of the puddin' is in the eatin'.