Say something about the Aikidoka below You!


I am truly impressive and awesome to behold :uhyeah:. A good high breakfall is like going to the chiropractor, striaghtens me out.

The next person has been to seminars given by instructors ouside their primary style.
Some of them are under my bed, does that count?

But I would say false, since I don't "sleep" with them ;-)

The next Aikidoka does aikido when dancing.

False I am a terrible well as terrible Aikidoka tho LOL.

The next person has a young kid and has fan in playing with him/her by redirecting the kid while he/she runs around the house (I did it while shopping at wal-mart LOL all people looking at me).
True! and I do the same with my dog.

The next aikido-ka prefers to teach children rather than adults.

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