Say something about the Martial Artist below you!

True, I SHOULD be writing a paper for my Rhetorical Criticism class, but I'm gonna do it over the weekend.

The next person actually HAS something good to put after the "The next person"
Kinda true, but when I'm bad, I'm better (LOL).

The person below says that this time of year (autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, Springtime in the Southern Hemisphere) is their favorite season.
The person below says that this time of year (autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, Springtime in the Southern Hemisphere) is their favorite season.

True! It's so hot and humid most of the year here and I don't like being too cold. Fall & Spring are my favorite seasons.

The person below me has a purring cat on their lap right now.

Robyn :ultracool
next person is one that loves to cook right after a great workout.
Actually this is true, I love to cook after a great workout (I love my food).

The next person is one that enjoys showing of there muscles in public :S
the next person is willing to help when the oppotunity comes around.
Nope. I believe some things are better suffered by oneself.

The next person hopes Fred Thompson will be the next president of the USA
:lfao: Only if it is the kind with Ice Cream and toppings.

The next person is thinking about getting into local politics.
I'm actually thinking about how politics disgust me... I'm corrupt enough, thanks! Don't need any more...

Next person is also disgusted by corruption in politics and refuses to be involved on that principle.
True. POLI- Latin for 'many'. TICS- blood sucking parasites. Put those word-parts together, and you get 'politics'

The next person was surprised to find out weight-training was fun.