Say something about the Aikidoka below You!

False, I always buy my gi 1/2 size larger than I need then intentionally shrink it to fit.

The next aikido-ka has sweated so hard during class that the dye in their obi has faded onto their gi.
False, even though I do sweat a lot

The next person has tried to do "aikido" movements that were shown in a MA movie (like Steven Segals or the likes) in class.

The next person has tried to do "aikido" movements that were shown in a MA movie (like Steven Segals or the likes) in class.


False for the most part. In the past I have tried to do techniques that I know I'm not good at smoothly and in a way that "looks extra cool". I would always get stuck partway through. Now I just worry about getting it right.

The next person has named or would like to name a pet after an Aikido technique or termanology (like Koshi, Irimi, etc.).

Robyn :asian:

The next person bought a blue hakama, didn't wash it, and bled all over the mat and on their partners gi's!
False. But I have bled all over my gi before.

The next aikido-ka looks at testing for the next rank not as a promotion in grade but as just a chance to play with new techniques.
False - I still view it as another new beginning.

The next person loves to train but hates to test.

rank isn't important to me, I love to learn.

The next person has been injured, and gone back before they should have, because it was harder not to train than to train injured.
The next person has been injured, and gone back before they should have, because it was harder not to train than to train injured.

True--I gave myself a minor concussion and got up after a minute and thought I was okay to continue. I got really dizzy and ended up sitting out (like I should have right away). I rested for several days and then tried to participate in the next class thinking I can just "take it easy". That didn't work either. I learned I had to just sit out and suffer while recovering--wasn't worth causing worse damage.

The next person is now close friends with their sensei.

Robyn :asian:
False (and true)

Have had many different sensei over the years, some of them have become close friend, som were friends before I started, others are just senseis......

The next person has written their name in kanji on evething they could get their hands on.

False. My handwriting in english is bad enough that my signature already looks like it's in kanji.

The next aikido-ka has met someone from MT in person.
True - we train at the same dojo.

The next aikidoka loves to drive to the dojo in the winter time with their car windows rolled down!

The next person always takes his Gi with him om vacations, just in case.....


My wife would not really appreciate that.

The next Aikidoka has stepped into the doorway of a room and bowed before entering, to the amusement of the people there.

The next Aikidoka "hits" his hakama when sitting down, even if he's not wearing them.

True - once during a weekend long seminar.

The person below me wishes their dojo had air conditioning in the summer.
The person below me wishes their dojo had air conditioning in the summer.

False--we have air conditioning which we are all very thankful for and have to use most of the year. Sometimes we wish it would cool faster though.

The next person has at least one pillar (or post) in the center of their dojo (or at one they trained at before) and has accidentally been thrown or threw somebody else into it.

In order to make the thread a little more interesting, I started a new one in the General Martial Arts talk section. We can still play here as Aikidoka, but I thought it would be nice to share with everyone.
False, I train in a garage dojo and a pillar in the middle of a garage is not a good idea hee hee.

The next person started slightly bowing to people when thanking them for something even if out of dojo and not Aikidoka (I do it LOL).
False, I train in a garage dojo and a pillar in the middle of a garage is not a good idea hee hee.

The next person started slightly bowing to people when thanking them for something even if out of dojo and not Aikidoka (I do it LOL).

True--I still do that on occasions. Even if I'm talking to someone on the phone!

The next person can do really impressive breakfalls with no fear!

Robyn :ultracool

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