Say something about the Aikidoka below You!


The next person has had sensei demonstrate a particularly uncomfortable technique on them and had someone ask " can I see that again?"

The next person has had sensei demonstrate a particularly uncomfortable technique on them and had someone ask " can I see that again?"

TRUE! Just a couple of weeks ago, but sensei is always very careful with me and knows how much I can take. Also, the guy who asked to "see it again" and I are friends and I wouldn't be surprised if he did it on purpose. But hey, I've done it to him. :uhyeah:

The next person practices the jo kata at least once a week.

Robyn :asian:
False - I use to, but I'm learning a different system now.

The next person wears their gi to class.
The next person wears their gi to class.

True--Everything except the jacket and belt since we go from our house to straight there.

The next person has developed interest in the Japanese culture since they began studying Aikido.

Robyn :asian:
False - I was already interested, since I went to Japan in 1983.

The next person shows no sign of an injury during class, even though they have one.
TRUE! Some times. Cuong Nhu includes some Aikido techniques (there is more conceptual then technical). When we do Aikido, I tend to go home with sore wrists (side effect of missing cartiladge). But like I'll ever admit that in class.

The next poster has trained in a Chinese Art.
False...or true depending on how you view the history of kempo.
The sore wrists are more than a side effect of missing cartilage. It's a side effect of aikido in general. One of the things I always warn folks about when they come into the dojo to ask about aikido training is that for the first month or so they'll have sore wrists and elbows but that eventually it passes...not really, you just get use to it.

The next person forgot to take their obi to class once and had to wear a white belt during the class.
False, sorta. I forgot it at a differnit school that we half train with (long story), my Sensei was going back a few days latter, and he grabbed it for me. Not made that mistake since.

And I know that it's a product of Aikido in general, but I mean with how bad I got it. Do Aikido for three years, and still go home on a semi-regular basis with really stiff wrists for about an hour. It's the missing cartialdge.

The next person to post is allergic to coconut, just kidding. The next person has given themself a kick butt name, to make him/herself seem scarrier.
False. As a matter of fact I skipped a class one day that I had a sore throat and thought I was getting the flue. One of my dojo mate had just had a baby and didn't want to pass it to the baby indirectly.

The next person at his/her free style practice didn't manage to carry out a complete technique, but barely managed to defend him/herself.
False. As a matter of fact I skipped a class one day that I had a sore throat and thought I was getting the flue. One of my dojo mate had just had a baby and didn't want to pass it to the baby indirectly.

The next person at his/her first free style practice didn't manage to carry out a complete technique, but barely managed to defend him/herself.

Edit. I had forgotten a word and the edit option won't show...sorry.
The next person at his/her first free style practice didn't manage to carry out a complete technique, but barely managed to defend him/herself.

Edit. I had forgotten a word and the edit option won't show...sorry.

False---For my FIRST Randori, I was so flustered that my mind went blank and I got myself backed in a corner. Couldn't do anything! Now, if I can't get a technique to work (depending on what uke does), then I try to blend with what uke gives me and change into anything that works.

The next person had something embarrassing happen to them in class that made sensei and the rest of the class laugh. (And will hopefully share the story! :D)

True - but I'll never tell!

The next person keeps a small towel inside of their gi to wipe the sweat off on those really hot days.
False, but good idea :)

The next person has been surprised by their partner attacking faster than expected and did a technique a little too hard
False. Usually I am the one that carries out the attack fast, above all to my Sensei, and I receive a technique pretty hard.

The next person while doing a jo kata or subari accidentally wacked the Aikidoka practicing next to him/her.

But not hard.

The next Aikidoka has washed their Gi(or dried it) and have it become too small....


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