I am not certain if you are addressing me directly .. but I will be presumptuous and respond anyway... and yes you are right to state this obvious point.. larger people have plainly greater muscle mass than smaller people and the point is that their point of NATURAL equilibrium is naturally at a higher level of muscular mass than the smaller person.. and similarly there are those folk who have a NATURAL propensity for a higher baseline body fat percentages than others and I will say in the situation where someone is in their natural bodily equilibrium then they will be set exactly for training their optimum touch sensitivity IN AIKIDO.Blotan Hunka said:So are naturally muscular people less capable Akidoka than skinny ones. What about fat people?
however once this person begins to deviate either way.. increasing muscular mass or laying down greater fat then naturally this takes them away from their equilibrium which diminishes the ability to subtly sense and respond..
and naturally.. claiming no expertise in anything soever.. I am not advocating any system of training for you or for anyone else so please do not put yourself in the position to be offended.. I am simply offering a suggestion which has arisen through MY OWN AIKIDO practice and which other AIKIDOKA may be open to trying for themselves.. I have no axe to grind with anyone who trains weights I am merely giving an idea but if my idea is offensive to you or anyone else then absolutely you MUST disregard it

and yes.. thank you again for that Collateral scene.. though I still think the best scene by far was Felix talking Pedro Negro...ooooh
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,