Purple Belt
School Owners here is your mission: help others from dealing with student rather left alone.
How?: Its easy. Write a short description about the worst sudent you ever had. It could be a person with no hygeine, a student who hit on the instructors, a person who showed up just to insult the style, etc. then wrote how you dealed with the student (if you did anything at all).
The reward: There is none. If you want you can put in your signature or personal title: Best Instructor or something but in no way is this sponsored by Martial Talk. This is just to see the worst students you ever had. No prize will be given and there is no reward. Don't pm me saying I promised you something. I didn't. Okay? All clear? Do you understand that this is just a place to see who has had the worst studnet. A winner will be declared but thats all the person gets. Nothign else. Nada. If anything said on this thread is used in your own school and fails mt, KenpoSterre, or any poster can't be held liable. If you get hurt by using this information it is entrel your fault. Okay.
Now I know I can't get caught in legal junk now everyone can post aobut their worst student and we will choose who had dealed with the worst student.
How?: Its easy. Write a short description about the worst sudent you ever had. It could be a person with no hygeine, a student who hit on the instructors, a person who showed up just to insult the style, etc. then wrote how you dealed with the student (if you did anything at all).
The reward: There is none. If you want you can put in your signature or personal title: Best Instructor or something but in no way is this sponsored by Martial Talk. This is just to see the worst students you ever had. No prize will be given and there is no reward. Don't pm me saying I promised you something. I didn't. Okay? All clear? Do you understand that this is just a place to see who has had the worst studnet. A winner will be declared but thats all the person gets. Nothign else. Nada. If anything said on this thread is used in your own school and fails mt, KenpoSterre, or any poster can't be held liable. If you get hurt by using this information it is entrel your fault. Okay.
Now I know I can't get caught in legal junk now everyone can post aobut their worst student and we will choose who had dealed with the worst student.