Sarah Palin for President?

True. I believe Grants presidency was the most corrupt in US history. Course, Lincolns was even worse on destroying the Constitution than Bush II's.
I haven't exerienced any infringments upon the rights that I've had all my life.
Check with the DHS or FBI and see what phone calls of yours are on their top 10 list, travel by air and enjoy all the extra just for show security games, maybe let them have your laptop or pda for a few months, etc. But the full discussion of that's a different thread I think.
John McCain was.

This makes both of them that have been found by their peers to have committed ethical lapses while in office.
That's ok. I think there's a member of congress who was stripped of his judgeship for corruption.
You are likely thinking of Alcee Hastings, who was removed from the Federal bench for misconduct. The sheeple promptly returned him to Washington by electing him to the House of Representatives.

It is simply amazing that folks don't think that they deserve any better, or that almost anyone else would be better. For heaven's sake, just give an average Joe or Jane a try... you might be very surprised

I haven't read the first story through completely yet, but this sentence stood out
That’s right, the Palins are only 2 or 3 degrees removed from the man that McCain swears he would pursue to the gates of hell (Osama Bin Laden)
And I can't help thinking of this

To me, both Obama's and Palin's links to terrorists seem tenous at best and quite frankly ludicrous, but I guess in the cut-throat business of America's presidential elections some people are ready to try anything.
Pretty much. It's all about instilling FUD into the american voter, to vote your way or stay home.
Glenn and McCain: cleared of impropriety but criticized for poor judgment

The Ethics Committee ruled that the involvement of McCain in the scheme was also minimal, and he too was cleared of all charges against him. McCain was criticized by the Committee for exercising "poor judgment" when he met with the federal regulators on Keating's behalf.

I don't consider this exoneration for only "minimal involvement" in the scheme to mean he was above criticism...his peers on the Senate Ethics Committee did indeed find he had had a lapse in ethics.
Poor Palin. Looks like she's got to find that undelete option on Yahoo now.....
Court Rules That Palin Must Save Yahoo Emails 2008-10-12 15:19

Posted by timothy on Sunday October 12, @03:19PM
from the hope-yahoo's-ok-with-that dept.

quarterbuck writes "An Anchorage judge has ruled that Governor Sarah Palin must save her emails, as they were apparently used for state business. Last week a Tennessee man was arrested over hacking one of her Yahoo email accounts. The Washington Post also reports that Sarah Palin, her husband, and officials had set up email accounts known only to each other."

Whats wierd. Look how long this thread is.

Is there one on McCain or Obama that generates as much interest?

I dont think McCains running mate has enough experience. Neither does Bidens.
That's because the Democratic VP candidate hasn't essentially expressed that she would nuke anyone who disagreed with Corporate ... sorry, American ... policy.

That wasn't exactly what she said but it's what is the logical consequence of her response to the question asked :).

Keep that nutjob away from your nuclear codes, in the name of the mythical sky god :eek:.
Some excerpts from the WP article mentioned above.

the governor did considerable state business from a Yahoo e-mail address -- an arrangement that avoided the safeguards and accountability of the state's secure e-mail system.

The Yahoo breach also affected the functioning of state government.

"Until she was hacked, we were communicating just about daily," Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell told the Associated Press the following week. "Now I'm talking with her chief of staff."

"On one hand, I'm pleased that the judge saw fit to order the retrieval and preservation of these e-mails, to the extent of going to the providers to get them," said McLeod, a Republican who was formerly close to Palin. "But on the other hand, I'm amazed that I even have to go to court to get the governor to comply with Alaska's public record laws."

McLeod is also seeking the release by Palin of some 1,100 e-mails the governor held back from an earlier public records request, citing executive privilege. McLeod's lawyer asserts that Palin waived that privilege by routinely copying messages to her husband, Todd, who is not a state employee.

So, uses her office to settle personal matters (guilty), abused her authority (guilty) and went to significant lengths to avoid accountbility (guilty) as well as repeated disregard for the law (guilty) and apparently provided confidential state business correspondence to non-authorized persons (guilty).


But of course, this is all the work of evil Democrats out to hurt the image of this sweet and oh so hot milf, who only wants to return abortion to back alley butchers and entertain religious extremests. They -made- her do this. I'm sure if they trace it back far enough, Obama himself held, well, not a gun because he wants to disarm everyone but the cops and the crooks so maybe it was his fingers, to her head and forced her to CC her hubby on all those important emails, after first forcing her to sign up with Yahoo's "highly reliable and efficient" email systems, rather than use the ones her own state government used.

Poor woman. It's all a setup isn't it?

It's Joe Biden in a thong!!!!!!!

I'm blind!


As an aside...

On Archangel M's post:
Whats wierd. Look how long this thread is.

Is there one on McCain or Obama that generates as much interest?
I'm just going to ask a big thing of you: that you recognize that tactic as errant. I know you probably don't see it as a tactic ... but it is. And I *SO* want this little poison dart that BOTH - the left AND the right - use in effort to strengthen their point or weaken the other guys' point to go away.

Because ... it's like hitting your sister and getting caught - you tell your mom, "She's hitting me too!" It's not effective and really, if we have ANY hope of America coming out of this STUPID Us versus Them thing that distracts us from the real issues, it is that we look at the evidence and accusations honestly.

We have to stop defending our politicians just because they're a member of our preferred party. We have to stop voting for the lesser evil because we can't let the other one who simply must be more evil get in office. We have to start looking at what they say, reading the COPIOUS volumes involved in the legislative movements of our congress, supreme court and executive branches critically and comparatively ... regardless of our party.

And I *really* hope you don't take this as a personal attack. I chose your quote because it was timed and phrased just perfectly in illustration of the diametrical position campaign advertising has brainwashed us all to believe.

I sincerely hope you read this in the vein it was intended - a passionate request to bridge that party gap.

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