No Briton has come on here and badmouthed your country, your society, your laws or your politicians.
Not recently, anyway. It
has happened-though usually as an offensive response against our gun laws in defense of your own gun laws.
Someone calls their kid by a funny name, we laugh at it, what did you expect?
Go ahead and laugh, but don't expect us to-it's not funny.See
this post, again, and recognize that we don't find it funny-that's all, for the most part. Partisans being what they are, some are just gonna get defensive about all things for their party. Over here, both sides have declared the other's families off limits, but that won't stop some from dragging stuff out-in Palin's case, stuff is probably going to get dragged out that has nothing whatsoever to do with her family, and they'll get defensive about those things too-(as though trying to ban books from the library, and then trying to fire the librarian when she refused to do so are in the least bit defensible in this country...

We laughed like hell at Posh when she called her son Brooklyn. Same thing. Who's laughing at the kid, not me I just feel sorry for any kid whose mother calls it a weird name, no we laugh at the parents. Why would you think we'd laugh at a child? that's what politicians are for!!
Er....who's "Posh?" With a name like that, "Brooklyn" isn't such a surprise-and not a bad name for a girl-you wouldn't have blinked twice at "Brooke" or "Lynn"; she got both.
Again though, you should take it for granted that most Americans don't follow your media as much as you'd think, don't know most of the people in your government below the PM, don't have the vaguest notion how your government works, don't know anything about or follow any of your sports teams, might know vaguely that a band that they like is from England, but probably couldn't tell you where in England they're from, or what that means about them. We don't have many British restaurants over here-none in New Mexico, I think, a few on the coasts, maybe-the only one I really know of for certain is the Spotted Pig in Manhattan, and they serve Italian food as well. We don't get a lot of the books that you wind up seeing from the rest of Europe-and, I know it seems unfair since you probably get just about everything published over here, but, for now, that's the way it is.
We mostly just don't care. Sorry.
And don't bring up that whole "you can blow the world up, of course we're concerned thing." Either you're concerned, or you're laughing at what seems to you to be an unfortunate name choice (believe me, the fact that you're over there laughing your collective arses off about it hasn't even made the tiniest blip in the media over here-I'll say it again,
we mostly just don't care, sorry. :lol: ). You can have it both ways, but you can't say that one is
because of the other. There are a lot of reasons why you and I, and a lot of other U.S. citizens with me might not want Sara Palin anywhere near "the button," especially a 72 year old cancer patient and former POW's heart attack away from it, but for some reason all of those things haven't been discussed-we're stuck with her "motherhood" (irrelevant), her daughter's pregnancy (socially relevant, but totally spinnable) and her daughter's name (incomprehensible to most of the people voting.)
We get it-she named her daughter
Tatas, and, apparently, her daughter has a pair-it's funny. Move on, now. Sure, we'll criticize your welfare system, your gun laws, what some see as your "political correctness," your quasi-socialism, whatever-feel free to do the same with us-just don't expect all of your criticism-or your jokes-to siginify anything to us, because-even though what we each speak resembles in some ways, the same language-it's
not, and even though there's a fair amount of kinship between us, there's also an ocean and 300 years of becoming something different between us, and
we are not the same.