McCain Picks A Woman

Some interesting quotes:

Palin thinks Pledge written by Founding Fathers
by JLFinch
Sun Aug 31, 2008 at 02:56:04 PM PDT

Good lord, this woman is a female George Bush.

Here is Palin's response to a candidate questionnaire for the Alaska 2006 gubernatorial race:

11. Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?

SP: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance

So, she has/had no idea that it was written in the 1800's, not 1700's.

Oh, and she's running for a position that she has no idea what the job actully is.
"As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day? "

Ya know, I'm in awe that I might actually know more about this that the best the Republican party could get.

Everyone knows that the job of the Veep is to travel the world on *** kissing missions, and attend Russian funerals. Sheesh.;)
Another interesting read.

Personally, I don't like her. My views and hers are quite opposite on a number of key issues.

Same here but I do not like Obama either. So I go back to Mickey Mouse for President campaign.
She thought the Pledge of Allegiance was written in the time of the Founding Fathers? Perhaps she thinks that if English was good enough for Jesus, it ought to be good enough for us.

The job of the Vice President is to preside over the Senate...and to be ready to assume the reigns of power should the President become incapacitated. This is a woman who was, not long ago, the mayor of a small village that had only been known for producing one thing: Porn star April Flowers.

We have to ask ourselves if this woman is ready to be President. Of the four, she's got the weakest background. Her education regarding our history seems to have some holes in it.

I wouldn't be surprised if the press eats her alive. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't.


Okay. Here's the REAL reason John McCain picked Sarah Palin:

As was noted by one observer, he keeps fiddling with his wedding ring...or loosening it, perhaps.


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As could be expected, Palin is under close scrutiny. This just came out about her daughter:

To the family's credit, they're standing by their kid.

According to one blogger (pollster Del Ali of Research 2000), Palin doesn't believe in any form of birth control...even between married couples. If true this stance will be highlighted by the left because of the situation with her daughter.

Time has her as being FOR birth control:,28804,1837523_1837531_1837538,00.html

Ali's post:

It isn't certain yet (at least to my mind) what her position is.


As could be expected, Palin is under close scrutiny. This just came out about her daughter:

That whole thing is weird... the conspiracy theory that is.

No one around her knew she was pregnant right up until the end. Her water broke in Texas, she decided to give a speech first, then fly 8 hours back to Alaska before giving birth. Her daughter had spent 5 months at home due to mono leading up the birth. There was definitely something odd...

In my mind hoping on a 8 hour plane ride at that point, rather then seeing a doctor is not a good idea at all. I also can't see how a person could devote the time needed to be VP with a special needs infant AND a teenage daughter that is going to be a mom.
Her water broke in Texas, she decided to give a speech first, then fly 8 hours back to Alaska before giving birth.

Generally, the airlines won't let a third trimester woman fly, let alone one actively giving birth. She may have hidden it though, or flown privately.
Generally, the airlines won't let a third trimester woman fly, let alone one actively giving birth. She may have hidden it though, or flown privately.

Oh come on! Conspiracy theories are so much more fun than what probably really happened. That's why the story got legs and now people outside of the cult have become familiar with "Daily Koz".

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