Palin's Motherhood in the media

What does that have to do with anything I wonder? Barak is named afer an Evil Villain from Space Ghost. OOOH what a bad man. John McCain is named after a Toilet. Yadda frickin Yadda.

Maybe she named her kid after her favorite toy blocks as a kid, or the town in Wisconson that hosts their Local Renfair.

Satire and a sense of humour isn't understood in the States then?
Actually, it is very well understood and many people are very good at it.

I know that many people appreciate a nice piece of satire. it's what we use to keep our politicians in their place. The more ridiculous the better.
I neither agree or disagree with her politics. I just like winding you up lol!
In that case, let me add:
Just another way for some people to act foolish, with the aim of annoying others. Really classy, isn't it?
Nope. Actually, it's the "Hot Topic" of the day to Attack the woman on everything BUT her lousy politics. So it just seemed like a continuation of that wonderful tradition.

I have absolutely nothing against her or her party, nor do I support any party, these aren't my politics. We just like satirising polititians. People who give their children silly names are up for being satirised, I mean look at the Beckhams calling their son Brooklyn! Being in the public eye and calling your kids funny names leaves it open to being laughed at. the media here has made a big thing of the name Bristol as it's also another names for womens breasts!
isnt that the definition of trolling?

Not in the least, that definition is given when someone decides that someones else's post which was put up in good faith( as mine was) isn't to their liking so they start bad mouthing it because they don't understand it then they start bad mouthing the poster.

In this country the name Bristol is known for three things basically, boobs, slaves and sherry. The last two being the main business from the port of Bristol. to us it's either odd ( slaves and the black community here have thought this) or funny (boobs just about everyone else) that one would call your daughter Bristol so much is being made of both, it's vastly over shadowing any politics and causing much amusement here. the unmarried teenager aspect of it isn't causing much comment. the name as I said however along with her sons is being satirised here a lot.
The fact that Dems are even talking about Bristol Palin is the issue, she's a child and has nothing to do with her mothers' candidacy. Those that are making this an issue have a focus problem or they have nothing substantive to say, IMO.

As to the adequacy of the vetting process, who cares? McCain picked his running mate knowing what he knew. We can all speculate exactly what that is, but it's really just mental masturbation. Maybe he knew everything there is to know about Gov. Palin, maybe he just threw a dart at a map. The ticket is what it is, the voters will decide whether he made the right choice.

As to arguing that Gov. Palin would be closer to the oval office given McCains' age and medical history, bring it on. She has more executive experience than Obama/Biden combined, and her ability to make a decision vs. Obama's should be embarrassing to the Dems. Leaders aren't expected to always make the right decision, but they shouldn't be afraid to make one. Voting "Present" as much as he did should have resulted in a recall, he simply didn't do the job for which he was elected.

Maybe the Dems should focus on McCain (not Palin) vs. Obama, they're more likely to come out ahead with that approach.

Hatemongers are talking about Bristol Palin - or making jokes about her brother - because its a way for extremists with no rules and no values to attack her mother. How many of those who were spinning the absurdity that Hillary's incompetent and losing primary campaign was a great achievement for the feminine gender are now actively smearing a woman who actually is on a national ticket? For too long, we've been passive and allowed this ilk to dominate our political discourse.

I don't think the dirt is one sided by any means. Michelle Obama a terrorist? Barack HUSSEIN Obama? Obama's just Paris? Should we be scared of Obama? How about that tasteless magazine cover?

Geez, why don't some on the 'right' just come out and say "Don't vote for him because he's black!" ?

Do we want an election dominated by,"Biden lifted speech material in the 1980's!" and "Oh yeah, well Palin's husband had a DWI in the 80's!" ? Who's for just leaving Chelsea Clinton, Bristol Palin and all the other kids alone?

We have perhaps the best choice available to us in decades. Obama's brought many thousands into the process, or back into the process, when most politicians have the opposite effect. I'll take a silly comment made by Joe Biden out of passion and concern any day over the carefully crafted lies we've been fed for years. McCain's unpredictable? Good - let's let our enemies worry for a change.... and what happens to a martial artist that does become 'predictable'? Palin's inexperienced - better that than experience being corrupt. Don't like them - well in Bob Barr, Ron Paul and Ralph Nader there are respectable 3d party options.

McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden could give us the best debates since Lincoln - Douglas...... if we aren't too lazy to listen and if the issues aren't drowned out by the screeches of lunatics from either fringe.
"Hatemongers are talking about Bristol Palin - or making jokes about her brother - because its a way for extremists with no rules and no values to attack her mother."

Surely you must have non political jokes/comments about politicians though? They can't all be hatemongers? All elections and the campaigning of candidates are fodder to satirists, they can't all be extremists? We have some excellents satirists who will go right across the board in what they satirise, you can't tell what their political allegiences are if they have any at all.
The vast majority of people that we're discussing here as "hatemongers" or what have you actually attempt to come across as professional journalists and not satirists. The thing about satirists in this country is that they usually identify themselves as such. Also, with satire, there is usually at least a hint of humor involved in the act. Many of the folks putting the stuff out about Palin ID themselves as what are supposed to be objective journalists while at the same time getting a "thrill" up the leg when they listen to Obama talk.

While liking to wind someone up isn't trolling it can be seen as baiting. This thread has the potential to go south very quickly as does any discussion of politics here. What say we attempt to keep the argument on a mature level, avoid baiting each other and actually manage to carry on the conversation without any trouble.
I merely pointed out that I wonder if she had realised she had called her daughter after a slaving port something which has actually caused concern in this country when added to the fact she's white and her prospective son in law has designated himself a redneck which we have been lead to believe for a long time is a racist. The black press here is picking up on it and a great deal of satire has been brought out on that.
Someone accused me of trolling, which I refute saying it was satire. My other comments were not about serious journalists but myself. I also asked whether all people making jokes about the names were haters, a sensible question.
However it seems my son was right, when it comes to politics Americans have no sense of humour. I'll leave you to it.
However it seems my son was right, when it comes to politics Americans have no sense of humour. I'll leave you to it.

We've got plenty of sense of humor when it comes to politics, and most of us can see how you on the other side of the pond might find the name amusing.

We don't.

I've called breasts a lot of things:boobies,boobs, tatas, meatbags, milkshakes, ****, teets, Abbott and Costello, B1&B2,baloons, baloobas, baps, bazookas, bazooms, bert and ernie, berthas, bijongas, bombs, blinkers, bumpers, cans, cantaloupes, melons, peaches, pillows, dirty-pillows, muffins, mounds, milkwagons..........well, you get the idea. :lol:

I've never called them "Bristols," though I did find them called that in a dictionary of slang. It's strictly British-maybe Canada, I guess, but pretty plainly not used here......hence, not funny.

Ditto for the former slave port-we wouldn't see the significance, and would probably find it no different than naming a girl "Charlotte," or "Savannah", even if we did. Both are the names of former slave ports in this country.

Most amusing thing to me is that it's (Bristol) listed in my names dictionary as meaning "meeting place by the bridge," and that it's a boys name.-though, I have to admit, one I find a bit.....fey for a boy.

Though it would likely beat "Trig," or "Track" (boot camp ought to have been a blast for him!) :lol:

(And, frankly Irene, most Americans don't watch the BBC, don't read your papers, and don't care what you're laughing at, most of the time....sorry.)
We've got plenty of sense of humor when it comes to politics, and most of us can see how you on the other side of the pond might find the name amusing.

We don't.

I've called breasts a lot of things:boobies,boobs, tatas, meatbags, milkshakes, ****, teets, Abbott and Costello, B1&B2,baloons, baloobas, baps, bazookas, bazooms, bert and ernie, berthas, bijongas, bombs, blinkers, bumpers, cans, cantaloupes, melons, peaches, pillows, dirty-pillows, muffins, mounds, milkwagons..........well, you get the idea. :lol:
The next street down from my grandparent's house was Bristol, that is what Bristol will always mean to me. Abbot and Costello? Really?
(And, frankly Irene, most Americans don't watch the BBC, don't read your papers, and don't care what you're laughing at, most of the time....sorry.)
Very true. To make fun of someone's child is low.
The vast majority of people that we're discussing here as "hatemongers" or what have you actually attempt to come across as professional journalists and not satirists. The thing about satirists in this country is that they usually identify themselves as such. Also, with satire, there is usually at least a hint of humor involved in the act. Many of the folks putting the stuff out about Palin ID themselves as what are supposed to be objective journalists while at the same time getting a "thrill" up the leg when they listen to Obama talk.

While liking to wind someone up isn't trolling it can be seen as baiting. This thread has the potential to go south very quickly as does any discussion of politics here. What say we attempt to keep the argument on a mature level, avoid baiting each other and actually manage to carry on the conversation without any trouble.

Problem is, a discussion of politics anywhere in America today has the potential to go nuclear pdq. Not long ago, I could be for Obama and you for McCain without it becoming a mud slinger that I wanted to repeal the Bill of Rights or you wanted to blow up the world. If the country's going to survive, we need to reclaim that rational discourse. You are fortunate to be in a position to enforce it.

As to those media creatures, I can only defer to the late Alexander Solzhenitsyn's famed speech at Harvard. He nailed them - and what they are doing to the country - better than I ever could. You can search it and read it on line. Well worth the time.

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