Sarah Palin for President?

Hmm. I feel for Gov. Palin. Her defenders seem to be abandoning her now.
Even Doonesbury did a bullet point summary of her, and McCain.

Hey, folks! Have you been wondering why Republicans have suddenly stopping talking about "family values"?

Could it be because a divorced John McCain chose as his running mate a stay-at-work mom who hid her last unplanned pregnancy...

And who has a pregnant, unwed teenager with a self-described "******* redneck" of a boyfriend who "doesn't want kids"...

...And an ex-brother in law who Tasered her nephew, and a husband with a DUI who loves his country so much he joined a secessionist party?

All of which leaves the GOP clinging to one remaining family value -- the shotgun wedding! All previous values are null and void because "life happens"!

Course, they left out the abuse of power, defiance of law, and the email thing, but we've covered that already, even if her defenders want to ignore the fact that she's guilty and excuse it by trying to deflect her guilt as an election year ploy.

Hint- It is, but it doesn't change the fact she broke countless laws here.

Oh well, guess I'll just go preorder the new movie about her.
Seems the law isn't the only thing currently Nailin Paylin. :rofl:
Why hasn't the secessionist party thing been a bigger issue? I don't get that. Or the fact that he seems to be fuzzy on the issue of officeholder vs. spouse...
Good question. I mean, do we really want a VP who's intimate with someone who wants to seceed from the nation that the VP is sworn to defend?
My point on Palin was the fact that the media has hyped her so much that it seems like shes become more important than the guys actually running for President. If there is going to be investigations into peoples past I would think that THEY would be the more important targets at this point.

Maybe if they looked better in skirts.
My point on Palin was the fact that the media has hyped her so much that it seems like shes become more important than the guys actually running for President. If there is going to be investigations into peoples past I would think that THEY would be the more important targets at this point.

Maybe if they looked better in skirts.

To ignore the distinct possibility of the Vice President taking office and not investigate candidates for that position just as thoroughly as we do the Presidential candidates would be misguided and ... to use another person's term ... moronic.
The necessity and the level of attention are 2 different matters. This is soap opera attention rather than real political concern. Have other VP candidates generated this level of scrutiny?
Good question. I don't recall any other VP candidate being so heavily hammered.
However, most of the people with major PR issues seem to normally be vetted out before gaining the spot and her selection caught alot of people by surprise leading me to think the GOP didn't do it's usual due-diligence prior to offering her the VP spot that she didn't know much about.
Good question. I don't recall any other VP candidate being so heavily hammered.
However, most of the people with major PR issues seem to normally be vetted out before gaining the spot and her selection caught alot of people by surprise leading me to think the GOP didn't do it's usual due-diligence prior to offering her the VP spot that she didn't know much about.

I think that's a fair answer and to speculate a tad further, I think folks are wanting more information than ever on their candidates; the "change" movement and all that stuff. :idunno:

I'd frankly like to see a bit more info on Biden as well! He's not squeaky clean either.
facts not in evidence Bob
Oh, ok sorry. Guess I was mistaken.

Oh, no. There is evidence.

the report found that Palin, her husband Todd, and her subordinates used pressure and intimidation to try to force the firing of Michael Wooten, beginning before her swearing-in ceremony took place, and therefore broke the law.

The investigation said she violated Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act, which states, "… each public officer holds office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust."

So, 1 law broken.

But don't worry. She'll get away with that one.

While the report said Palin broke state ethics laws, it is not within the legislature domain to devise punishment, if any.

That is up to the state Personnel Board, which is made up of three members appointed by the Governor's office.

Palin herself re-appointed one member last year, and another member contributed to her gubernatorial campaign.

EMail Issue
"We shouldn't be in a position where public records have been lost because the governor didn't do what every other state employee knows to do, which is to use an official, secure state e-mail account to conduct state business," McLeod said after the 90-minute hearing.

"It's a dereliction of the governor and her duties," she said.

Ooh. I think you can be shot in the military for dereliction of duty. Must be serious.

Sarah Palin has been systematically violating the Open Records Act. As David Corn has noted at Mother Jones, Palin relied heavily on private email accounts for improper purposes. As governor of Alaska, she was obligated to maintain as public records her communications with respect to her discharge of official duties. Palin skirted this obligation by turning to private email accounts for government related dealings. In fact, the hacker in question helped flush out Palin’s violations. The hacker also helped establish a motive for the illegal conduct: Palin regularly involved her husband in official business, and it’s easy to understand why she did not want to leave behind evidence of her husband’s involvement.

I believe forwarding confidential government email to a non-government person is a crime.
I believe that detruction of evidence is also a crime.
I believe that as an elected government official, she was required to preserve such emails, as required by SOA ORA.

Or are you saying that it was ok for her to use an unsecure and unreliable email systemm and include her sessionalist husband in government business?

Palin’s use of private email accounts, like the one hacked, to skirt the requirements of Alaska law that her emails be maintained as public records, have been assailed in the courts. Today, the Anchorage Daily News reports, the Superior Court in Anchorage issued an order requiring Palin to preserve her private email accounts pending a final judicial determination of the matter. The ruling is based on a conclusion that the challenge to Palin’s efforts to keep her emails secret was likely to prevail. In a subsequent report, the paper notes that Alaska government offices are now scrambling to compile copies of correspondence sent using Palin’s private email accounts on the grounds that these emails are public records.

But, we're all wrong and you're right TF. She broke no laws. It's perfectly legal for someone to ignore a court supena, to use unofficial means to conduct official business, to include non-authorized persons in official business, etc. Just like it was ok for the current VP to hunt without a licence, get drunk, shoot someone, then wait several days to report the matter.
If anyone wishes to rebutte the claims she broke the law, please link to where the claims of laws being broken are debunked by a public official with the power to do so.

For example, in the case of her handling of the situation involving er ex-brother in law, "The investigation said she violated Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act,".
I'd like to see where she was cleared of that charge by someone with the power to do so. A lack of punishment doesn't negate the finding of impropriety.
The necessity and the level of attention are 2 different matters. This is soap opera attention rather than real political concern. Have other VP candidates generated this level of scrutiny?

Good question. I don't recall any other VP candidate being so heavily hammered.

Dan Quayle and Thomas Eagleton come to mind. Spiro Agnew had to resign as VP, but that was post-election.
For me, just the fact that she and her husband refused to cooperate with the authorities is enough for me.
Oh, ok sorry. Guess I was mistaken.
yeah, you were, you used the word "countless"

you documented ONE if that.

you were mistaken.

it's ok

BTW- your rock solid assertion that Cheney was drunk, got any evidence of that? cuz it has NEVER been reported that way.
yeah, you were, you used the word "countless"

you documented ONE if that.

you were mistaken.

it's ok

BTW- your rock solid assertion that Cheney was drunk, got any evidence of that? cuz it has NEVER been reported that way.

Of course it hasn't because technically, he probably wasn't. What he WAS was effected by the combined effects of "a couple of beers" and heart medications he must take. Some of us who take care of people with heart disease call it a death cocktail - because the person who's drinking and taking the meds could either kill someone else or themselves ... oh, that's right ... Q.E.D.

One day, we're gonna shake that hypnotic spell the GOP has over your mind. And yes, btw, I DO hate Hillary.
I hate Hillary too, but only because she's a lying carpetbagging socialist scum sucker who does nothing for my state or area.

Countless because I'm too busy to count them. I found 2 cases where Sarah Palin violated her oaths, and the legal requirements of her position, and the law. If I dig, considering what's out there, I am positive I will find more. So you have an oath breaker and a law breaker who has been found guilty of abusing her power and using said power for her own needs, who defies the law and the courts, who routinely routed government communications to unauthorized persons, who violated state record keeping laws in an obvious attempt to avoid accountability.........

Anyone who would support such a person for the role of Vice President of the United State of America, has no business being allowed the power of vote as they have no respect for the office, no concept of what is required of the office and no desire to put an honest law abiding and law resecting person into that office.

Which is what it needs. An honest, law abiding an law respecting person.
Which is what it hasn't had in years.
And the nation has suffered as a result.

The evidence, gathered under the $200M warchest of the Obamasiah's march to his throne, is timed politiclly pefect. It's a pure political move. None of which negates the facts that Sarah Palin is not qualified nor is she fit to hold the office of Vice President of the United State of America.

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