Sarah Palin for President?

"Kernell, an economics student at the University of Tennessee, was brought into court wearing handcuffs and shackles on his ankles."

And I could not help but wonder if such 'precautions' are either really necessary or typical in an American court?

I have been on the jury for some pretty nasty crimes, the sort that has armed officers at the doors to the court and even then the defendants were not bound that way.

This was probably an initial hearing before a judge to settle the right to hold him and the terms thereof, not a jury trial. Usually for the jury trial he'd be unrestrained and allowed to wear a business suit.
No, you essentially called him guilty; said he did it; convicted him before trial. In fact, he's been charged but not yet tried nor convicted and in this country which you say liberals hate :shrug: he is, in fact, constitutionally innocent until proven guilty.

yeah, and OJ didnt kill Nicole either.........
No, you essentially called him guilty; said he did it; convicted him before trial. In fact, he's been charged but not yet tried nor convicted and in this country which you say liberals hate :shrug: he is, in fact, constitutionally innocent until proven guilty.
Innocent until proven guilty is a legal concept.

It's not meant as a way to keep me from my constitutional right to (perhaps) think my neighbor is scum. Neither is it meant to keep me from believing that a man who I (may have) wittnessed committing a crime is innocent until his court case. It is meant to give a person a fair trial, and if found guilty to give the proper recompense. Of course, our constitutionally protected right to believe someone is a criminal doesn't give us the right to punish them nor to unjustly publicize it.
yeah, no political bias there, i mean sure, it happened years ago, and it is onyl getting looked at NOW, but I am sure that means nothing

the guy just tasered a 10 year old, no reason to get fired.............:confused:
yeah, no political bias there, i mean sure, it happened years ago, and it is onyl getting looked at NOW, but I am sure that means nothing

the guy just tasered a 10 year old, no reason to get fired.............:confused:
If only all goverors were so hands on concerning such issues.

"Gov. Palin knowingly permitted a situation to continue where impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates in order to advance a personal agenda," the report states.

Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan's refusal to fire State Trooper Mike Wooten from the state police force was "likely a contributing factor" to Monegan's July dismissal, but Palin had the authority as governor to fire him, the report by former Anchorage prosecutor Stephen Branchflower states.

However, it states that her efforts to get Wooten fired broke a state ethics law that bars public officials from pursuing personal interest through official action.

Rather than sling barbs though, one could always read the report.

It's an interesting read, and quite clearly indicates she crossed the line.

This was personal. I highly doubt she woud have spent as much time on another cop who shot moose without a licence or zapped a kid, if said cop wasn't personal.
yeah, no political bias there, i mean sure, it happened years ago, and it is onyl getting looked at NOW, but I am sure that means nothing

the guy just tasered a 10 year old, no reason to get fired.............:confused:

The investigation was started before she was named McCain's running mate and she hasn't been in office long enough for it to have happened "years ago"...
well, what do you know, the more you find out, the more you..........find out.

Democratic state senator and staunch Barack Obama supporter Hollis French of Alaska boasted in early September that he would provide an "October Surprise" which would upset the McCain-Palin campaign. Indeed, he originally planned to time it for October 31, four days before the election, for maximum impact, until other legislators forced him to abandon that particular strategy.

well, that takes care of that
Now if only all of congress were to be subjected to a similar invetigation.

I sure hope not. As Jack Nicholson famously stated, "You can't handle the truth!"

Probably most of us could not.... one of my discovered truths at hitting the half century mark was that most stones are best left unturned.

:fart:A full look at Congress? Yeah, that one would stink!
The current VP got drunk and shot someone in the face. Our CIC is an reformed alcoholic and drug user, his predecessor a skirt chasing draft dodger. We've had humorous drunks, wife cheaters, and other morally poor individuals as well. One can see how someone who uses their power for personal reasons would fit in quite well with this crowd. Both Obama and Palin have ties to terrorists. I remember the current warmer of that seat saying we should go out and spend, else the terrorists win. Come this November, they will.
Hell, the insurance companies drag everyday joes through the mud to avoid paying benefits. Politics is much deeper and dirtier.
As far as Palins "abuse of power" goes. I think that her opponents would get a lot more traction if she had made money with her position. The story here is "almost sympathetic"- standing by her family. Hell even the victim admits that "troopergate" was "only part" of the reason he got fired.

Not that it makes what she did right. But in the long history of politicians "dirty laundry"...if this is the worst they could dig up on her its almost a reccomendation.
The current VP got drunk and shot someone in the face.
That was a right of passage in the city where I grew up...

But seriously, if "good person" is part of the requirements for the job, we should remember that Lincoln kept picking "good, ethical" generals to lead the Northern army. They kept loosing. After he picked a druken womanizer (based on his ability to win battles) things turned around a bit. On the other hand, Grant wasn't such a hot president.

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