Sarah Palin for President?

Biden is a bit odd too.

Biden made the following remarks in Henderson, Nevada: "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking," Biden said.

"Remember I said it standing here. if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. And he's gonna have to make some really tough -- I don't know what the decision's gonna be, but I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it's gonna happen," Biden continued.

You know, if John McCain and Sarah Palin behaved like this, the Left and the MSM wouldn't ignore it, but rather make a real, real big stink over it... bias and double standard, no?
Biden is a bit odd too.

Biden made the following remarks in Henderson, Nevada: "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking," Biden said.
Biden is a lot odd. Today I watched part of an interview where he said "Obama doesn't want to spread the wealth around, he wants to give the middle class back the tax rates" it once had.

He needs to be more up on the language that his superior uses, and try not to appear like he has no idea what's going on.
Biden is a bit odd too.

Biden made the following remarks in Henderson, Nevada: "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking," Biden said.

"Remember I said it standing here. if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. And he's gonna have to make some really tough -- I don't know what the decision's gonna be, but I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it's gonna happen," Biden continued.

You know, if John McCain and Sarah Palin behaved like this, the Left and the MSM wouldn't ignore it, but rather make a real, real big stink over it... bias and double standard, no?

Let's see, John Kennedy had the Bay of Pigs after 2 months in office.[/i]check[/i]

Lyndon Johnson had the crisis of the assasination to begin with, escalated the war in Viet Nam, and had civil rights legislation and riots to deal with at home, all within the first two years of his presidencey. check

Nixon started troop withdrawals from Viet Nam, and the secret bombing of Cambodia and Laos in his first year in office, as well as presiding over forced integration of schools (busing).check

Gerald Ford had to deal with the resignation and pardon of Nixon, the "swine flu epidemic" ( :lfao:), the fall of Saigon and the Mayaguez incident, and two assasination attempts-all within only two years in office, and some within the first months.check

Jimmy Carter had to deal with the energy crisis in his first months in office-to some, the very definition of "manufactured crisis"-as well as a variety of international crises (Israel/Egypt, Russian invasion of Afghanistan, etc.) throughout his tenure, culminating with the taking of the Iranian Embassy. check

Ronald Reagan was shot two months into his first term, busted the air traffic controller's union that summer,escalated the Cold War almost upon inauguration, and had to deal with Lebanon and Grenada later in his first term. check-we''l forget about his second term,except for Iran-Contra....

George H.W. Bush had to deal with leftover deficits from the Reagan administration, and raised taxes-making him the last Republican president I voted for. He also invaded Panama to arrest Manuel Noriega in the first year of his first term-in fact, he'd been in office for less than 6 months, and had the Persian Gulf War and the collapse of the Soviet Union to deal with the very next year. check

Bill Clinton had no international crises of note during his first term.

George W. Bush-well, George and Rudy Giuliani don't even count to ten anymore, it's 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, which took place 8 months into his first term.

So, except for Bill Clinton, there have been crises early on for each presidency since Kennedy, and it's only likely to think that there'll be something for the next presidnet-whomever it may be. The fact that we're all still traumatized by 9/11, and that what Biden said raises the spectre of that sort of attack is what makes it repulsive-not that Obama is "untested," or even his saying that Obama is untested-McCain will be just as untested if he's sitting in the Oval Office on January 20th, and will be justr as likely to be tested in the months to come.
Bill Clinton had no international crises of note during his first term.

I can understand not having the blunder at Waco as an international crisis, but why not include:

1993 WTC bombing
1993 New Somalia mission UNOSOM II (led to Les Aspin's resignation)
1994 Invasion of Haiti
1994 Rwanda genocide
1995 US troops sent to Bosnia
I can understand not having the blunder at Waco as an international crisis, but why not include:

1993 WTC bombing
1993 New Somalia mission UNOSOM II (led to Les Aspin's resignation)
1994 Invasion of Haiti
1994 Rwanda genocide
1995 US troops sent to Bosnia
Good point. I forgot that Somalia was on Clintons watch.
what scares me tho elder, is biden going "you wont think our response is the right one, but it will be, and you got to trust us on this'

sounds a LOT like he is setting the stage for a total capitulationa nd surrender to the radical islamic types and a total withdrawl both from the middle east and from supporting isreal.
there have been crises early on for each presidency since Kennedy

There's a difference between a crisis and a test

The nature of the world today is that crises are happening all the time so odds are one is likely to happen early on in the first term of any president.

That's not the same as someone manufacturing a crisis for the goal of testing the mettle and resolve of the new president.
I can understand not having the blunder at Waco as an international crisis, but why not include:

1993 WTC bombing
1993 New Somalia mission UNOSOM II (led to Les Aspin's resignation)
1994 Invasion of Haiti
1994 Rwanda genocide
1995 US troops sent to Bosnia

Yeah, that's what I get for posting when I'm still half-asleep! Thanks.
My mother was telling me about some round table discussion on PBS this past week where one of the participants kept insisting that the clips of Palin being shown were actually Tina Fey's parody of her, and was quite offended by it.

I've read of a number of people unable to distingish between reality and parody.

I find this, quite amusing, to be honest.
I like Pie.......

oh, on topic, right.

In this day of media created candidates, and with the average voter prob havung seen the Fey-Palin more than the real Palin, I am not shocked that someone didnt know the difference.
Heh. You said pie.

Seriously though, I believe much of the Fey characture is straight quotes from Palin herself. Unless you put the 2 of them together, at a casual glance there is a good likeness to, so you might mistake them. Voice wise, no match at all. So, anyone familiar with the gov. should be able to tell the fakes from the original.
what scares me tho elder, is biden going "you wont think our response is the right one, but it will be, and you got to trust us on this'

sounds a LOT like he is setting the stage for a total capitulationa nd surrender to the radical islamic types and a total withdrawl both from the middle east and from supporting isreal.
Or, to get completely conspiratorial about it: use the "test" as a reason to institute NSPD-51 and declare martial law. ;)
The Esteemed Mrs. Palin has clawed her way up from obscurity, beginning with a mayorship of a forgettable backwater town in the wilderness, to the governorship of the land of snow and ice and oil and crab. She now chaffs under the leash of her handlers, lest she slip the lead and go public an air her indiscretions. Mired in a flailing campaign, and feeling that she should be the star attaction, she now seeks to position her pieces for a 2012 assault on the White House, hoping to unseat the team that crushed her hopes in 2008. One can only hope that 4 years will bring her wisdom.

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