Sarah Palin for President?

Nobody on MT knows me outside of MT but if you did you would know that rarely, if ever, make any major political statements one way or the other (democrat or republican) since I do not trust any politicians and am a big believer in the old joke

Q: How do you know when a politician is lying?
A: Their mouth is open

But the thought of Sarah Palin that close to the Presidency scares the hell out of me so I do not think I would support her for president.
The necessity and the level of attention are 2 different matters. This is soap opera attention rather than real political concern. Have other VP candidates generated this level of scrutiny?

Historically... They have not, to my awareness. They should, as an indicator of the presidential candidate's ability to select subordinates for positions. After all, it is the candidate's first choice of successor, should he be rendered incapable of acting as president.

I think that Matt Damon brings up some very good points. Gov. Palin could very well be our next (next) President of the United States. Do you think she's up for the job?

Or does it even matter?
Well, here's an interactive photo of President Palin in her office... click on various items around the office and open the windows, open the office door several times click on the animals, BUT... BUT... Click on the red phone LAST... (trust me on that one)... oh and be sure to click on the desk panels too... :uh yeah:
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Well, here's an interactive photo of President Palin in her office... click on various items around the office and open the windows, open the office door several times click on the animals, BUT... BUT... Click on the red phone LAST... (trust me on that one)... oh and be sure to click on the desk panels too... :uh yeah:

Hrmph. Was hoping for some bikini footage in there somewhere...
Mrs. Palin continues to show her stuff.

Palin charges Alaska for kids' travel

# Story Highlights
# Gov. Sarah Palin's expense reports say daughters performed official business
# Girls sometimes invited to events, other times surprise guests to organizers
# Travel includes trips to watch dad race, $707.29-per-night New York hotel
# Alaska law allows payment of expenses for anyone on official state business

Remind me to take my cats with me on official business and write them off.

But on the other hand, at least she apologized for calling parts of America "UnAmerican".

I did like the Cobert Report where they spoke to the current mayor of that town Palin used to be mayor of. Asked her if being mayor prepared her for running the country, woman said it did, but seemed to currently have less to do in a month than i do in a day. McCain shoulda drafted Hillary. She at least has experience running a country. LOL!
some parts of america ARE decidedly "anti-american" in thier views.

San Fran

case closed.

So lemme get this right, someone is making hay over the fact the gov took thier kids with them to events they were going to? They are making noise because she took her minor children with her..........

yeah, thats HORRIBLE...........................
No, they are making an issue of the fact that Sarah Palin somehow thinks that a 7 yr old can "perform official duties" and as such the State can be charged for it.

I've got no problem with her taking her kids places.
But if she isn't leaving them home with the babysitter, she, not the taxpayers of Alaska, should be paying for their air-fare, food and lodging.

# Story Highlights
# Gov. Sarah Palin's expense reports say daughters performed official business
# Girls sometimes invited to events, other times surprise guests to organizers
# Travel includes trips to watch dad race, $707.29-per-night New York hotel
# Alaska law allows payment of expenses for anyone on official state business

So, she commited FRAUD, stole money from the state, for personal gain.

She's a real ethical person folks.

some parts of america ARE decidedly "anti-american" in thier views.
When you look at alot of those "un american" areas, and compare them with the attitudes that founded this country, it's sometimes a different picture. Palin views anyone not supporting the GOP ticket or who is critical of herself as "Un American". She'd probably have me shipped off to a Syrian torture cell.....if I dated her sister.
The problems with Sarah Palin are numerous and obvious.

- She abused her position as governor in a personal matter
- She is cozy with Sessionalists.
- She regularly sent government information to non-authorized individuals
- She used a public webmail service rather than the secure government one for official business.
- She falsifies her expense reports to cart her family around.
- Etc.

These are all serious indications of how she would treat both the VP spot, and the office of President should she get that center chair. She seems to think she's untouchable, should be able to do what she wants without accountability.

It seems that rather than dispute the legality of what she is accused of, and in some cases has been found guilty of of, the defense is usually "this is all politically based, and designed to make her look bad so people will vote for Evil Obamaman".

I don't care if the reason is to make her look bad.
If she was innocent, she would be cleared.
I haven't seen any legitimate proof to where she has been cleared, where it was writen that certain laws don't pertain to her, etc.
It's always the "its a political attack" defense.
Thats bull hokey.

The law is the law, and she isn't above it.
Show me she didn't break the laws, and I might change my position.
But save the "its just politics" defense.
The problems with Sarah Palin are numerous and obvious.

- She abused her position as governor in a personal matter
- She is cozy with Sessionalists.
- She regularly sent government information to non-authorized individuals
- She used a public webmail service rather than the secure government one for official business.
- She falsifies her expense reports to cart her family around.
- Etc.

These are all serious indications of how she would treat both the VP spot, and the office of President should she get that center chair. She seems to think she's untouchable, should be able to do what she wants without accountability.

It seems that rather than dispute the legality of what she is accused of, and in some cases has been found guilty of of, the defense is usually "this is all politically based, and designed to make her look bad so people will vote for Evil Obamaman".

I don't care if the reason is to make her look bad.
If she was innocent, she would be cleared.
I haven't seen any legitimate proof to where she has been cleared, where it was writen that certain laws don't pertain to her, etc.
It's always the "its a political attack" defense.
Thats bull hokey.

The law is the law, and she isn't above it.
Show me she didn't break the laws, and I might change my position.
But save the "its just politics" defense.


Neither Democrats, Republicans, Liberals nor Conservatives have a trademark on what it means to be "American." It's a "moranic" argument.
It seems that rather than dispute the legality of what she is accused of, and in some cases has been found guilty of of, the defense is usually "this is all politically based, and designed to make her look bad so people will vote for Evil Obamaman".

But isn't this usual for politicians all over the world? Claiming the media or their political opponents or who ever are behind the "attacks" on their character. I know I've seen it here in Finland and our politicians are not even nearly as colorfull as american politicans seem to be :)
But isn't this usual for politicians all over the world? Claiming the media or their political opponents or who ever are behind the "attacks" on their character. I know I've seen it here in Finland and our politicians are not even nearly as colorfull as american politicans seem to be :)

Yes. It's called the side-step. Clinton was so good at it he earned the nickname Slick Willy (ironic, no?)
she flew commercial, and got re-imbursed.

When this level of scruitny is given to EVERY state Gov plus the congress critters and senetors, i'll give a crap, till then? just more gottcha games by the media that ignores every story that might hurt the Obamasiah and lust for stories that might hurt McCain Palin
Guys, I have to say that even those of you whose comments I sometimes shake my head at are a lot better informed and more eloquent than some of those that are in the following random videos I've dragged off the Net:

McCain does the best he can with this one and I congratulate him on his expressed sentiment

This one left me open mouthed with disbelief that someone could hold such notions
I love the way the media seems to go out looking for someone with funny opinions and proclaimed Christian values to paint "Christians" as right wing nut jobs.

If they went out and dug up every Muslim they could find that espoused opinions that "supported terrorism" I think there would be an enormous uproar.

"Christians" though, they are fair game.

People of EVERY denomination have wierd views.

Anybody thats been here long enough should know that by now.

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