Sarah Palin for President?

Palin talks to Couric -- and if she's lucky, few are listening

Her third nationally televised interview, with CBS anchor Katie Couric, found Palin rambling, marginally responsive and even more adrift than during her network debut with ABCÂ’s Charles Gibson.

In a 40-minute session with Couric that aired Wednesday and Thursday nights, the Alaska governor defended her puzzling claim that geographic proximity makes her some sort of expert on Russia; went nearly blank when queried about McCain's achievements as a big-business regulator; agreed America "may find itself" on the road to another Great Depression; and, promoting a troop surge in Afghanistan, casually suggested that it "will lead us to victory there, as it has proven to have done in Iraq."
on one hand, the press, Couric included are hard at work trying to play "got ya" games with Palin, trying to make her look ill equipped, which they are NOT doing with Biden.

this is fundamentally unfair, BUT, it is the job she signed up for. And at the very least, she ought to be prepared for it.

I actually LIKE the statement about Afganistan, cuz it is TRUE, the surge worked, and the same thing would prob work in Afganistan.
It's true that they're grilling her in a way they haven't grilled the others. On the other hand, with the possible exception of Sen. McCain's record on financial legislation, those weren't trivia questions. And I agree--it's telling that she isn't prepared when she must know that she should be. That says something about dedication to me (like a martial arts instructor who can't answer questions about his own curriculum without looking things up).

I think it's true that the surge was more effective than many think, but she overstated the case there considerably ("will lead us to victory there, as it has proven to have done in Iraq"). Did someone hang a "Misson Accomplished" banner over Baghdad and not tell me?
Dubya did that banner thing years ago. You know, when we turned Iraq over to it's own government and pulled the last of our troops out. Oh wait, that hasn't happened yet. Well, the banner did.

I look at Palin this way. She's a female version of Dan Quail built in the mold of our lovable fueher. She'll be fine.

We on the other hand are FUBAR.
The headline is worth quoting here:
Son of Tenn. Democrat indicted in Palin hacking
Yup. Just as we all thought.

It's a male plan to attack the woman on the ballot.

Or, did you mean something different Don?
I wonder if they'll find him guilty.

Ah well.

I think Palin has done enough on her very own to prove she's not ready by any stretch of the reasonable imagination to hold that office.
...and for those at home playing the drinking game....Maverick!
Another tangential post for which I apologise but I saw this in the linked article above:

"Kernell, an economics student at the University of Tennessee, was brought into court wearing handcuffs and shackles on his ankles."

And I could not help but wonder if such 'precautions' are either really necessary or typical in an American court?

I have been on the jury for some pretty nasty crimes, the sort that has armed officers at the doors to the court and even then the defendants were not bound that way.
Another tangential post for which I apologise but I saw this in the linked article above:

"Kernell, an economics student at the University of Tennessee, was brought into court wearing handcuffs and shackles on his ankles."

And I could not help but wonder if such 'precautions' are either really necessary or typical in an American court?

I have been on the jury for some pretty nasty crimes, the sort that has armed officers at the doors to the court and even then the defendants were not bound that way.

That can be fairly typical here-it depends upon the jurisdiction.
everybody went crazy after the first speech, shes good, shes good. Now they say she sounds stupid. Dont get me started on the democrat side. I think either way we go, they both have the potential to screw things up way worse.

Anybody on here wanna run for president, i promise ill vote for ya.....

I was running, I put my support behind Bob Barr.
He can afford Starbucks more than I can. :D
didnt i say something about this WEEKS ago?? oh thats right,a nd i got flamed for it.............

No, you essentially called him guilty; said he did it; convicted him before trial. In fact, he's been charged but not yet tried nor convicted and in this country which you say liberals hate :shrug: he is, in fact, constitutionally innocent until proven guilty.
Another tangential post for which I apologise but I saw this in the linked article above:

"Kernell, an economics student at the University of Tennessee, was brought into court wearing handcuffs and shackles on his ankles."

And I could not help but wonder if such 'precautions' are either really necessary or typical in an American court?

I have been on the jury for some pretty nasty crimes, the sort that has armed officers at the doors to the court and even then the defendants were not bound that way.

If you are turning yourself in on or are apprehended on a criminal charge, regardless of how benign, you are effectively "arrested" until a judge arraigns you and either releases you or places bail (or no bail and then custody) on you. While you are under arrest you are subject to confinement.

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