Senior Master
Not Augustine, but Francis. Inosanto has spent a lot of time with Francis Fong and studied at one point with Moy Yat. And I agree. I think Inosanto likely has a very good understanding of Wing Chun and what it can and can't do.
The only thing I would say is this. I know the video being discussed very well. He is discussing how you can't understand JKD without understanding Wing Chun. He also admits that he left WC behind some time ago and then came back to it, interning it wasnt to long ago.
First let me preface I have HUGE respect for Guro Dan. He is the father of the Kali System I also study. That said,
First, in the video he never actually says WC has not outside game. He hedges and says (paraphrase) "for longer ranges maybe another structure would work BETTER.". The key word is better. Think of some of the sideways stances you see from other systems, one could argue they are better for outside fighting BUT that's not the same as saying WC has NO outside fighting.
Second for 40 years he has operated, been trained and trained others with the idea that WC was "improved" upon by Bruce Lee first with Jun Fan and then JKD. While I personally believe Guro Inosanto's passion right now lies more with the arts of South East Asia (he seems to focus his personal seminars on these arts of late) he has worked with, Silat, Kali etc, how easy would it be to say today "you know what? I now think my best friend and teacher was wrong and that WC has a decent outside game."
That is why I think it very telling that he says "maybe another structure will be BETTER" vs saying "WC just doesn't have it."