"No Outside Game," or Another Thread About Hybrid Arts

not to mention my muscles are all screwed up. But that is the thing about Sanchin Ryu, it was designed for the common person.
I posted this on another forum the other day, so I'll post it here as well...

Saying that Wing Tsun doesn't have long range (or ground) game is silly. This just shows certain practitioners lack of understanding and application, their Sifu's lack of ability to teach, or their very flawed training methods.

Either you can fight, or you can't. Period.

No concact
Kicking range
Punching range
Trapping/clinch/stand up grappling range
Ground defense

We have an answer for all of that.

I've seen a lot of schools that don't spar and only Chi Sao. They don't mingle with other schools/lineages and they don't cross train with other arts. Therefore they are only functional at that one range that they train. It's not that the system doesn't have it, it's that they don't have it.

Wing Tsun is a concept based art. It's all about how you train. Our lineage has always had ground defense. No competition sport grappling like BJJ, but solutions for dealing with an opponent on the ground and getting back to your feet, anti-grappling, takedown defense, etc. The idea is to not be on the ground, and if it does happen, to spend as little time as possible down there. A lot of this is neglected though in a lot of Kwoons.

I have a video in the WC forum on Fb where I went to the local Gracie Barra BJJ school and handled their instructors with WT on the ground, playing by their rules, so it can be done. Not advisable, but not impossible either.
I posted this on another forum the other day, so I'll post it here as well...

Saying that Wing Tsun doesn't have long range (or ground) game is silly. This just shows certain practitioners lack of understanding and application, their Sifu's lack of ability to teach, or their very flawed training methods.

Either you can fight, or you can't. Period.

No concact
Kicking range
Punching range
Trapping/clinch/stand up grappling range
Ground defense

We have an answer for all of that.

I've seen a lot of schools that don't spar and only Chi Sao. They don't mingle with other schools/lineages and they don't cross train with other arts. Therefore they are only functional at that one range that they train. It's not that the system doesn't have it, it's that they don't have it.

Wing Tsun is a concept based art. It's all about how you train. Our lineage has always had ground defense. No competition sport grappling like BJJ, but solutions for dealing with an opponent on the ground and getting back to your feet, anti-grappling, takedown defense, etc. The idea is to not be on the ground, and if it does happen, to spend as little time as possible down there. A lot of this is neglected though in a lot of Kwoons.

I have a video in the WC forum on Fb where I went to the local Gracie Barra BJJ school and handled their instructors with WT on the ground, playing by their rules, so it can be done. Not advisable, but not impossible either.
Is there any way to see that video without joining Facebook?
Yeah I'll see what I do. I was asked not to post it publicly, so it's posted in a private WC group. But I'll get it to where you can check it out.
Sweet, thanks. It isn't often I hear of TMA anti grappling solutions being tested(successfully) against trained grapplers. I want to anylize it. :)
Ok, now you're tagged lol. There was another Greg Saunders in the group and I tagged the wrong guy at first.