I'm going to carefully step into this thread...
There has, unfortunately, been a paradigm shift in earning a BB. To illustrate this, here are two examples that I've mentioned before. The first example is a former member here stating that he had had issued poom belts to as young as 4 years old. He further stated that he wished the KKW would do away with poom belts altogther and that he saw no issue in a 4 year old child being a black belt. On the other side of the coin was several Okinawan men that trained with George Mattson Sensei while he visited the country. All of them wore white belts during the training. However, they obviously weren't white belts. Mattson Sensei discovered after the training session that they were all Godan (5th degree BB). When asked why they weren't wearing their BB, they stated that they just never got around to getting one and that they didn't think a different colored cloth would improved their training.
So here we see two viewpoints, perhaps on the opposite sides of the issue.
So this raises some honest questions. Does little Johnny 'need' to be a BB at age 4 or 7 or 12? Does littly Johnny need to be a 3rd Dan at 15 or a 'master' at 18? Is this a carrot to keep the kid interested? If so, that doesn't speak very highly of the training itself maintaining interest. Do the parents 'need' little Johnny to be a BB at a young age? If so, are they feeding little Johnny a fast-food mentality on the arts or are they promoting a life-long pursuit for the sake of the training itself?
This thread is not going to change the industry...because that is exactly what some segments of the martial arts have become, an industry. It is not going to change the minds of either side of the issue. For some, there is too much money invested to change. For some, there is too much money to be made to change. For some, it will be a source of continual aggrivation. For some, it will be a source of continual amusement.
It is what it is and unfortunately it is the child, imho, that suffers in the long run.