I would say let them keep it. But when they want to promote to 2nd poom, they need to wear a poom belt or be stuck on their current rank. That way it's clearly stated to them that going to a poom belt isn't a demotion, it can be a promotion, it depends on the rank. Also, tell them that it's standard in Korea, the home of their art, and that all under 15s in Korea wear poom belts.
Say they can keep their black belts (you aren't taking them away), but if they want to test again, they need to wear a poom belt after that point. It's better to be an internationally certified 2nd Poom (and be standing in a more senior place in the class) than to keep their club 1st Dan dojang black belt.
Just my thoughts, but I think it's all in the phrasing.
You know, Andy, that's a great idea. I should clarify however that while I support the idea of a poom belt, I'm not fully convinced that I like the KKW poom program in its entirely including how they later convert to full dans. The way the school works now, kids as young as 10 can promote to 1st dan. However, they aren't eligible to test for 2nd dan until age 16 which I think matches KKW requirements, though I'd have to check for sure. I'm somewhat inclined to keep the same eligibility structure and not have any 2nd or 3rd poom at all, so we don't run into the need for conversions as they grow older.