Man vs. Beast

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cobra
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I tell ya what. Cobra go into the woods and pick a fight with any animal you choose. Anything bigger then a house cat will do. Then, let me know how it turns out.

Ippon Ken said:
Pumas are stronger pound for pound than jaguars and leopards. They are strong enough to snap an Elk's neck, whether they do this as their primary killing tactic or not. Most animals are stronger pound for pound than humans. Especially most of the weaklings now living and thriving in America.

Yes Malamutes are pack/draft animals, but one 150 pound Malamute can pull over 1 ton.

A rabid Great Dane would kill your a$$!

Anyway what up with all the "What Ifs"? This ain't Marvel Comics.

I do real MAs. I can fight. I don't want to face a mad predator over 35 pounds because sharp teeth are good fighting implements. Go tangle with a Honey Badger or Wolverine tough guy.

Are you under 16?

Umm, do you know anything about animals? Jaguars are the most robust and muscular cats of ALL cats. Ask any zoologist who specializes in the study of felines. They refer to jaguars as the pit bull of the cat family. Leopards can haul a carcass almost twice their size up a tree. I don't think a cougar can do that. Like I said there have been tribes-people who have even bested jaguars in South America. Now are these common? No, these circumstances are rare. However it proves nothing is impossible.

Malamutes can pull 1 ton by themselves Do you mean steroid-taking monster Malamutes over 500 pounds (LOL)? A tiger can haul a maximum of one ton (2,000 pounds). Are you saying a 150 pound Malamute is stronger than a tiger? What planet are you on?

Rabid Great Dane? LOL, Great Danes aren't rabid. They are gentle giants that believe it or not many men can take down. An 80 pound German Shepard has a better chance than even a 140 pound Great Dane. Great Danes only have their size to intimidate other people and dogs. Most of the time they cower from a true fight with anything, they are no bred to fight. Especially the Great Danes of today.

Are you really saying you can't beat an animal at 35 pounds? LOL, how small are you? Just too clarify, most adult male humans can take most animals over 100 pounds down. If you can't take down a 35 pounds there must be something you must either anerexic at 60 pounds. Wolverines and Honey Badgers do courageous bluff; it isn't going to save them if they were to actually fight with a MUCH larger animal like a 140 pound cougar, 300 pound black bear, or even a 170 pound man. Use your head. That is like saying a 130 leopard can take a 500 pound male lion. Oh and no, humans aren't an exeption just because you think they are. It is simple logic. An animal 5 times smaller or even 3 times smaller cannot kill a much bigger. Look at lions and African Cape Buffaloes. As you will see lions can't really take down these prey animals that are healthy unless they get impaled while doing it.

Read up a little before you post.

Why would I want to tangle with anything? Why would you ask me too? If you study martial arts you should no fighting should be reserved ONLY for self defense. Do you really do MAs?

Am I under 16? I am 19, what does that got to do with anything.
Uuummmm.... I can think of a good reason why a dog might bite off a guy's genitals, if said guy was getting naked with the dog... just a thought... usually people get so upset about animal attacks, but there might have been provokation on the guy's part(s)....
oops...yes...a ten inch knife...that was just on a local radio station...and no paper clippings...or no secondary proof...also, judging by cobra's reputation...which is the lowest on the board...i'm not predisposed to believing that story...
Actually most wild animals are terrified of human contact. Therefore will run and hide to get out of there. The only time a wild animal would ever attack is if the animal feels cornered or your perceivced as a direct threat to thier young. The chances of running into a rabid animal in the wild is very rare due to the fast death rate of these animals. Dehydration will kill them before they have human contact.

Most animals have better sense than us most of the time due to the fact most of them will avoid a rabid dead animal. Vultures come to mind.
this is very true...which makes a so-called report of killing the cougar less believable...also, if you are percieved as a direct threat to an animal, you will only have problems with that animal as long as you are percieved as a threat...such as still being in their territory or acting in a manner that is percieved as threatening by the animal...

if an animal is threatened it will makes it's presence known(rattle snakes rattle...bears rear up on hind legs...all sorts of screeching and such) and allow you a chance to dissolve the situation

however, my point is that if an animal sees you as food...and it's are going to have a heck of time escaping without serious injuries or risk of death...there will be no warning...just a dinner bell ringing....
Heard a story on Paul Harvey some months back. Appears some hikers or a Forest Ranger came across the mutilated carcass of a Wolverine. There was a trail of blood leading from the carcass to a clearing a short distance away. There laid the mutilated carcass of a full grown Grizzly bear. It was deduced that they fought, Yogi won, and Yogi then took a short stroll to die from the damage inflicted by the little Wolverine.

I just had a great idea for a new "reality" show. We rent the Octagon from the UFC and put up plexiglass (kind of like the spit shield at the salad bar). We procure a Wolverine, starve it for say...4-5 days and put it in the Octagon. Next down the smoke filled ramp comes....COOOOOBBBBRRRAAAAAAAA! with a raw pork chop for an athletic supporter (cup). For the next weeks episode the challenger would wear whats left of Cobra as a cup and the fun could start all over again. I would chip in some of my beer money to finance things. What do you say Cobra, we would even offer a nice 401k!

white belt
white belt said:
Heard a story on Paul Harvey some months back. Appears some hikers or a Forest Ranger came across the mutilated carcass of a Wolverine. There was a trail of blood leading from the carcass to a clearing a short distance away. There laid the mutilated carcass of a full grown Grizzly bear. It was deduced that they fought, Yogi won, and Yogi then took a short stroll to die from the damage inflicted by the little Wolverine.

I just had a great idea for a new "reality" show. We rent the Octagon from the UFC and put up plexiglass (kind of like the spit shield at the salad bar). We procure a Wolverine, starve it for say...4-5 days and put it in the Octagon. Next down the smoke filled ramp comes....COOOOOBBBBRRRAAAAAAAA! with a raw pork chop for an athletic supporter (cup). For the next weeks episode the challenger would wear whats left of Cobra as a cup and the fun could start all over again. I would chip in some of my beer money to finance things. What do you say Cobra, we would even offer a nice 401k!

white belt

Actually, Cobra or anyone else might be able to kill wolverines. Many people overate the wolverine but they are no really as dangerous as most people think. They weigh as little as 35 pounds and it is unrealistic for much larger 170 pound animals whether it is a human or not to loose to a wolverine. Human or not, wolverines are not big enough.

However wolverines, are pound for pound one of the strongest animals under the class Carnivora. They can beat just about anything at least twice their size and they are VERY courageous. They have been known to even scare black bears up trees!

This doesn't guarantee a win ever! Any man can be super courageous but does it mean he has a chance against a lion over 3-5 times his size? No way could he (unless he had a weapon). Wolverines would not be able to stand up to a much bigger 130 pound gray wolf or a 140 pound puma, a bigger 300 pound black bear, or even a 170 pound man. Sure, wolverines can inflict nasty injuries on any of these animals, but not kill them. They are simply too small.

However, if there was a 100 pound wolverine, watch out! They would be kings of the weight class!

White Belt, where did you get that story? There is no way a 35 pound wolverine can best a 600 pound grizzly, or even a 130 pound wolf. It is simple common sense. Wolverines are tough but they aren't super animals.
Paul Harvey is a nationally syndicated news show played over the radio 6 days a week. Been around for 40 years or more.

You know the names Cobra AND Kane have GREAT Wolverine Octagon marketing potential. (nudge, nudge). Week two?

white belt

It was also noted that the Bear and Wolverine were fighting over an animal carcass for food.
white belt said:
Paul Harvey is a nationally syndicated news show played over the radio 6 days a week. Been around for 40 years or more.

You know the names Cobra AND Kane have GREAT Wolverine Octagon marketing potential. (nudge, nudge). Week two?

white belt

It was also noted that the Bear and Wolverine were fighting over an animal carcass for food.
No white belt, but I'm serious! Wolverines are too small to be considered a threat. There is no exception. Even if it is a 35 pound cat or dog, it makes no difference! Wolverines might be able to inflict nasty scars on other even larger animals, but no kill them. I took a zoology class last year at the collage and studied in particle primates and carnivores. So I know what I am talking about.

I think you heard the radio wrong. First of all, wolverines rarely come in contact with grizzlies. I am pretty sure it was a 90 pound black bear (they can reach this small believe it or not). It is simple logic, 35 pounds can't take down 600 pounds whether you like it or not. The only animals that can do take down a animal nearly10 times his size are man and that is only if he has a very powerful weapon (sword, long spear, crossbow, or gun).

Yeah!, my 100th post! I'm a green belt! :-partyon:
Thank you for the story. I stand corrected on the fact it was a Black Bear and not a Grizzly. Point is still well made, a 27 lb. Wolverine died in combat taking a full grown Black Bear with him. Now what is a man going to do with that frickin' critter situation? Reminds me of King Arthur in Monty Pythons "Holy Grail" when he and his men come across the "rabbit" guarding the cave. "Run awaaay!, Run awwaaay!".

Got to admit this is a good thread.

white belt

He's got huge sharp...well, he can jump about yea...LOOK AT THE BONES MAN!!!!

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