Boxer's punch.......stronger than Carnivora bite?

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PAUL said:
Now, I said that I am not going to intentionally chase you around with your claim on that thread, and I ment it. I am not going to intentionally chase you around trying to debunk or harrass you. But, I can't promise that things aren't going to come up, as they did in this thread. I will try to drop it, if you'll actually drop it also instead of setting yourself up so wonderfully for the subject to be brought up again.


btw...thank you for recognize that I am trying my best to be polite about this matter. :asian:
But didn't drop the subject. I mean, when was the last time I brought up on how humans could beat up animals? I don't see how talking about animals is bringing it up.
Cobra said:
But didn't drop the subject. I mean, when was the last time I brought up on how humans could beat up animals? I don't see how talking about animals is bringing it up.

Either you get it or you don't. If you don't, then I can't help you beyond explaining it as I have.
Cobra said:
Ok let me clear this up. MJS and Paul have you noticed something about that thread? How when I started the thread with my first post. Why didn't I bring up the story in the beginning? Maybe because I knew that if I say that people will call me a liar and no one would beleive me (which is exactly what is going on!). Now I braught it up only cause someone said that a 50 pound Lynx massacred a man. It just made me want to say it.

Now the Man vs. Beast topic was about fighting beasts unarmed, right. Why would I bring up a story of me attcking a cougar with a weapon? Shouldn't I just say I beat up the cougar with my martial arts? And let me clarify, a 10 inch knife is like a tiny sword. Anyone I think could beat a cougar with a 10 inch knife (not even 2 or 3 inches). Or maybe not, who knows. So you don't believe me, but it is comming down to why I didn't say the story in the beginning.

In a later thread I explained to forget I said. So why don't you guys just forget I said that? Wether you believe that or not, just forget I said that!

Sir you made the claim.

You said no newspaper only radio.

I once again ask which radio station.

Thank You
Cobra said:
I honsetly didn't think people like MJS would always come back to it. People are entitled to believe what they think. But when people are continually going back to it, it is not cool anymore at all.

Now I understand Paul a lot on what he saying. Unlike MJS, he didn't keep going back to it until now. But atleast Paul is being polite about it.


You keep the subject in peoples mind by starting new threads on similar subjects.

You also made some statements and expect us to believe them. I have asked twice now and this will be the third time.

What Radio Station. I will pay for the phone calls. I will pay for the searching costs. I wil pay for the shipping of the tape in question. If it is true then I will let everyone know.

(* NOTE: Martial Talk does not validate peoples statements nor credentials - this is a single individual person making this statement and request as a member of this site. *)
To be perfectly honest with you "cobra" I think that you still fail to understand what is going on here. No matter how many times, Paul, myself or anyone else questions you about this, you always find some way to avoid the question. And this thread, like the others, are all very similar. Ragardless of if its the man vs beast or this one, the fact of the matter is, is that they are all still related. If you fail to see that, then I dont know what else to tell you. I do give you credit though for starting other non animal related threads. You talk about people always coming back to it...well maybe that is because you keep starting threads about animals, and you cant seem to provide anything to back up your claims. I noticed that Rich has asked you a few times to provide a newspaper article or radio station and you have failed to do so. Then you wonder why people say the things that they do??? Dude, I really dont think that you'll ever get it!

IMO, I really think that this topic should be dropped.

I agree 100%. Cobra is making huge claims and refusing to answer any questions about proof.....troll? I think if Cobra could proived the proof that we have all asked for I would be the first in line to publically appologize for not believing him and thinking he is just trolling. Since that hasn't happen and I don't see it happeneing, I also think we should just drop these threads. I for one will probably be ignoring them now.


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