Man vs. Beast

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cobra
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Whatever, why don't you ask the family of the young man who was killed just a couple months ago in Southern California. Was attacked by a 40lb Mountain Lion while changing the chain on his bicycle. He wasn't a little tiny guy and he was very physically fit. He was at least 4 times the Mountain Lions weight. I don't know exactly how it happened but somehow I don't think he just let the ML kill him.
Or how bout you ask the woman who managed to make (presumably) the same cougar in the same park on the same trail leave without attacking her after it attacked her friend a few days after it killed the guy you are mentioning. There aren't many animal attacks in the world because most predators don't think that humans are worth the trouble. I have to agree with them, we are tougher than most people think.
I believe it is very possible to defend yourself against animals, I just had a problem with the false information Cobra was using to build his confidence in himself. Defending yourself against an animal you allready know is a fight or die situation. Most times the animals will be as strong if not stronger than yourself and alot quicker. Its about getting yourself out of the situation. I don't think tackling the animal and trying to choke it out is a good strategy, but I've never really tried it.

kenpo12 said:
Whatever, why don't you ask the family of the young man who was killed just a couple months ago in Southern California. Was attacked by a 40lb Mountain Lion while changing the chain on his bicycle. He wasn't a little tiny guy and he was very physically fit. He was at least 4 times the Mountain Lions weight. I don't know exactly how it happened but somehow I don't think he just let the ML kill him.

I have been attacked by a cougar before while hiking and killed it! It was on the radio! It was two years ago form Redwood Valley, California. Probably the station was heard only in my area. And, okay it was with a 10 inch knife, but I found many weakness.

You guys don't probably believe me but it is true. How I won was;

First, I wasn't ambushed. I know if I was I wouldn't have survived to tell this story. He came up on me (I'm not sure why) and just stared at me. I stared back not ever taking my eyes off and slowly waled backwards slowly taking out my knife. Then he attaked me by bitting my arm because I lunged at him with the knife when he charged (I was wondering why he never went for neck) then I kicked his leg and got him in the Rear Naked Choke and quickly cut his thraot with me knife. He didn't seem that strong then. And it was a full grown female cougar that weighed 185 pounds.

Why did I win? It wasn't cause I'm a black belt in martial arts (which I am close to) or I wasn't super strong. I know a lot about cougars and I knew if I kicked his front leg he would go down like a table which has lost one of it's legs. But that is my point! Human greatest strenght is there mind and I was intelligent enough about cougars to know it's weakness. If you know how they react, then you would know what to do.

I may of had a 10 inch knife, but I'm sure i wouldn't have to use any less pressure to crush the windpipe. For humans it 1/2 pound of pressure. If a cougars is more, let us say 10 times more, it would be 5 pounds of pressure which isn't much more. Abd like I said before, you guys may or may not believe me but I abhore the idea that some of you guys think humans are so helpless.
kenpo12 said:
I see what you are saying but there is one major flaw in your reasoning. The human body is an amazing piece of machinery but in most cases is not longer used to maximum efficiency when our animal counter parts do use their bodies for what they were intended, hunting and killing. Most people nowadays sit behind a desk 40hrs a week and maybe get 4 - 10 hours of exersize a week. You pit that against an animal who spends almost every waking hour doing something physical including, chasing prey, killing, hiding, evading other predators, etc. The weapons that we have are our equalizer, not our muscles.

That's the truth. It's a shame that people are so out of touch with their bodies.
KennethKu said:
A grown bear can break a cow's back with one swipe. Good luck to ya.
Its better than trying to reason with the animal, from what I understand there not to tough with the English langauage. I suppose laying down and playing dead while the bear feasts on you sounds like the better alternative, but a grizzly will break into your house and kill you for food if he's hungry enough. Bon appetite'
I'll fight any animal if nessicary.

But, to sit here in a conversation and discredit the factor of strengh, wieght, weapons and killing/hunting experience of these animals bacause your unstoppable spin-kick will rule the day is pretty niave(wtf? Nye-eve).

The fact of the matter is, animals have built in weapons, and that is how they survive.

We have a built in weapon, too, and it's called our brains.

So, if I decide to "fight" a wild dog, couger, or bear empty-handed, then I am not using my built in weapon.

And, if I decide to put myself in a situation where I have the stong possability of running into a wild animal, and I have no effective escape method, or weapon available, then I am definatily not using my built in weapon.

Just a thought.
PAUL said:
I'll fight any animal if nessicary.

But, to sit here in a conversation and discredit the factor of strengh, wieght, weapons and killing/hunting experience of these animals bacause your unstoppable spin-kick will rule the day is pretty niave(wtf? Nye-eve).

The fact of the matter is, animals have built in weapons, and that is how they survive.

We have a built in weapon, too, and it's called our brains.

So, if I decide to "fight" a wild dog, couger, or bear empty-handed, then I am not using my built in weapon.

And, if I decide to put myself in a situation where I have the stong possability of running into a wild animal, and I have no effective escape method, or weapon available, then I am definatily not using my built in weapon.

Just a thought.
Fishermen in the northwest encounter wildlife all the time. Mostly they just sit still and hope the animal goes away, and mostly they do. Some carry a gun, but don't have it in there hand when need be. These aren't stupid people, but things happen.
Sean (
Cobra said:
I have been attacked by a cougar before while hiking and killed it! It was on the radio! It was two years ago form Redwood Valley, California. Probably the station was heard only in my area. And, okay it was with a 10 inch knife, but I found many weakness.

You guys don't probably believe me but it is true. How I won was;

First, I wasn't ambushed. I know if I was I wouldn't have survived to tell this story. He came up on me (I'm not sure why) and just stared at me. I stared back not ever taking my eyes off and slowly waled backwards slowly taking out my knife. Then he attaked me by bitting my arm because I lunged at him with the knife when he charged (I was wondering why he never went for neck) then I kicked his leg and got him in the Rear Naked Choke and quickly cut his thraot with me knife. He didn't seem that strong then. And it was a full grown female cougar that weighed 185 pounds.

Why did I win? It wasn't cause I'm a black belt in martial arts (which I am close to) or I wasn't super strong. I know a lot about cougars and I knew if I kicked his front leg he would go down like a table which has lost one of it's legs. But that is my point! Human greatest strenght is there mind and I was intelligent enough about cougars to know it's weakness. If you know how they react, then you would know what to do.

I may of had a 10 inch knife, but I'm sure i wouldn't have to use any less pressure to crush the windpipe. For humans it 1/2 pound of pressure. If a cougars is more, let us say 10 times more, it would be 5 pounds of pressure which isn't much more. Abd like I said before, you guys may or may not believe me but I abhore the idea that some of you guys think humans are so helpless.

I can relate. I once had a pack of cougers on my tail, while I was jogging near area 51. There was 12 of them. They were each 350 lbs or so, and they had missles attached to their backs. These missles were controlled by their minds. This was part of a new government experiment where cougers were pumped up with steroids and had mind controlled missles attached to their backs; except these cougers had escaped, and were going to pillage all the nearby towns, looting and and gang raping everything in site! I had to stop them....except I had gone jogging, in the nude (I always jog in the nude), and I only had a 1 1/2 inch bladed neck-knife on me! The Alpha male fired the first missle, which I safely deflected with my knife, breaking the knife! I was weaponless, and naked as a newborn. But, I was able to survive, man. Not because I have 15 black-belts in secret jungle styles, and not because I can bench 600 lbs (which I can, btw, because I am so frikin sweet). i won sheerly on my knowledge of cougers. I did my PHd disertation on the animal, so I know his weaknesses! When you have 3 PHd's, 15 black belts in secret jungle styles, AND can bench 600lbs, 12 roided up Cougers with Missles are NO MATCH.

Using my vast knowledge, I knew that a Cougers weakness was his throat, which only takes, like 1/2 lb of preassure to crush (my 2nd PHd was on the human anatomy). My only problem was the missles. Luckily (Because my third Doctorate was in Rocket Perpelsion Systems) I also knew that with correct technique, it only takes 1/4 a pound of @$$ strength to catch a missle in between bare-@$$ cheeks, and it takes 5 pounds of pressure to blow a missle back out of the @$$ just hard enough to hit the couger in the throat and kill it, without exploding the missle (or hemroiding).

So I did this 12 times with ease, in what I call the "Rear naked ***-choke" technique, killing the mutated beasts. The government then came in blackhawks. The Army covered up the couger experiment, and they sent me off to train the military in fort benning.

Crazzy MAAAN. I tell ya...F-in Crazy! But ya see...the human mind can always overcome! :rolleyes:
Touch'O'Death said:
Fishermen in the northwest encounter wildlife all the time. Mostly they just sit still and hope the animal goes away, and mostly they do. Some carry a gun, but don't have it in there hand when need be. These aren't stupid people, but things happen.
Sean (

The thing that should happend is they should have a method of protecting themselves if needed. But hey, what do I know. :ultracool
PAUL said:
I can relate. I once had a pack of cougers on my tail, while I was jogging near area 51. There was 12 of them. They were each 350 lbs or so, and they had missles attached to their backs. These missles were controlled by their minds. This was part of a new government experiment where cougers were pumped up with steroids and had mind controlled missles attached to their backs; except these cougers had escaped, and were going to pillage all the nearby towns, looting and and gang raping everything in site! I had to stop them....except I had gone jogging, in the nude (I always jog in the nude), and I only had a 1 1/2 inch bladed neck-knife on me! The Alpha male fired the first missle, which I safely deflected with my knife, breaking the knife! I was weaponless, and naked as a newborn. But, I was able to survive, man. Not because I have 15 black-belts in secret jungle styles, and not because I can bench 600 lbs (which I can, btw, because I am so frikin sweet). i won sheerly on my knowledge of cougers. I did my PHd disertation on the animal, so I know his weaknesses! When you have 3 PHd's, 15 black belts in secret jungle styles, AND can bench 600lbs, 12 roided up Cougers with Missles are NO MATCH.

Using my vast knowledge, I knew that a Cougers weakness was his throat, which only takes, like 1/2 lb of preassure to crush (my 2nd PHd was on the human anatomy). My only problem was the missles. Luckily (Because my third Doctorate was in Rocket Perpelsion Systems) I also knew that with correct technique, it only takes 1/4 a pound of @$$ strength to catch a missle in between bare-@$$ cheeks, and it takes 5 pounds of pressure to blow a missle back out of the @$$ just hard enough to hit the couger in the throat and kill it, without exploding the missle (or hemroiding).

So I did this 12 times with ease, in what I call the "Rear naked ***-choke" technique, killing the mutated beasts. The government then came in blackhawks. The Army covered up the couger experiment, and they sent me off to train the military in fort benning.

Crazzy MAAAN. I tell ya...F-in Crazy! But ya see...the human mind can always overcome! :rolleyes:
Hah hah, very funny. I know you think I am lying don't you?
Blindside said:

Indexed from this page is a list of confirmed cougar attacks from 1890 to the present. The incident that I mentioned in May of 1996, where is yours?

The accounts are pretty amazing, including an encounter with at least one martial artist.

I do not know, it should be there if it does have everything. Does the site owner have a e-mail?

Heck, I knew know would believe me. That is why I never brought this story up, and I probably shouldn't. If you don't believe me that is fine, but I don't like it when pople like people like that one guy about the mutated cougar with missiles. I was serious when I said that, and it would of been okay if that guy just said he doesn't believe me instead of making that dumb story up.
I can understand the quote about mutated cougars, in your post you said:

And it was a full grown female cougar that weighed 185 pounds.

Do you realize that female cougar averages about 100 pounds and that one of the largest on record only weighed 130? So not only did you get into a fight with a cougar, you killed one that would qualify for Boone and Crockett status with your knife. I can't imagine why he is skeptical.

Blindside said:
I can understand the quote about mutated cougars, in your post you said:

Do you realize that female cougar averages about 100 pounds and that one of the largest on record only weighed 130? So not only did you get into a fight with a cougar, you killed one that would qualify for Boone and Crockett status with your knife. I can't imagine why he is skeptical.

I don't know, that is what they told me. Maybe they are the wrong ones.

You know what though, I probably shouldn't have posted this at all. No one believes me anyway and people now probably vision me as a lier. That is why I didn't post it on the startin post. If anyone reads this message, just forget I even ran into a cougar.
wow, this is one of the most amusing threads i've ever read, man against beast? i can only hope that you folks are jerking our collective chain, so to that challenge, i respond, things that kill;

dogs- bite = 750-1200psi - call rover over and look in his mouth, see the 4 sharp and pointy things, we callem canines (hmmm, wonder why?), look at the tips, for arguments sake thats about 1/4"sq, wouldn't that mean (don't flame me for my math) you now have ~3-4000psi? look at a breed like a bull terrier, why do they call it that? because they used them to attack full grown bulls by clamping it onto its nose and not letting go until one of them died! if that terrier(50-100lbs) took a fancy to your arm, you really think you'd kick his ***? probably not.

wolves-are timid, shy creatures that rarely if ever attack humans. if they did,then read the paragraph above and multiply by x, or an analogy, dogs are logistic clerks in a naval reserve unit, wolves are navy seals.

lions,bears and other things that bite- all of these animals are predators. they are killers, that is what they do, it's what they are, they are physically our superior in every way! taste, smell, touch, sight, hearing, speed, agility, reaction time, strength!

things that gore- with genuine respect to mas oyama, i don't think he ever fought a wild water buffalo(kills more people in africa than any other animal), crazy texas longhorn or massive brahma bull. i was chased once by a small brahma bull, nothing enhances your senses like hearing hooves and snorts getting closer as you repeat to yourself,(feets don't fail me now!). i remember seeing a video of a hunter getting stomped and gored by a horney whitetail buck! imagine if it had sharp teeth and claws!

things that swim- if you think you can take on the animal kingdom on land, why not water? sharks, eels, rays, barracuda, pirannhas, etc.

anyway this has been alot of fun, but i gotta go, let's do it again, ok? :-popcorn:

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