wow, this is one of the most amusing threads i've ever read, man against beast? i can only hope that you folks are jerking our collective chain, so to that challenge, i respond, things that kill;
dogs- bite = 750-1200psi - call rover over and look in his mouth, see the 4 sharp and pointy things, we callem canines (hmmm, wonder why?), look at the tips, for arguments sake thats about 1/4"sq, wouldn't that mean (don't flame me for my math) you now have ~3-4000psi? look at a breed like a bull terrier, why do they call it that? because they used them to attack full grown bulls by clamping it onto its nose and not letting go until one of them died! if that terrier(50-100lbs) took a fancy to your arm, you really think you'd kick his ***? probably not.
wolves-are timid, shy creatures that rarely if ever attack humans. if they did,then read the paragraph above and multiply by x, or an analogy, dogs are logistic clerks in a naval reserve unit, wolves are navy seals.
lions,bears and other things that bite- all of these animals are predators. they are killers, that is what they do, it's what they are, they are physically our superior in every way! taste, smell, touch, sight, hearing, speed, agility, reaction time, strength!
things that gore- with genuine respect to mas oyama, i don't think he ever fought a wild water buffalo(kills more people in africa than any other animal), crazy texas longhorn or massive brahma bull. i was chased once by a small brahma bull, nothing enhances your senses like hearing hooves and snorts getting closer as you repeat to yourself,(feets don't fail me now!). i remember seeing a video of a hunter getting stomped and gored by a horney whitetail buck! imagine if it had sharp teeth and claws!
things that swim- if you think you can take on the animal kingdom on land, why not water? sharks, eels, rays, barracuda, pirannhas, etc.
anyway this has been alot of fun, but i gotta go, let's do it again, ok?
