Man vs. Beast

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white belt said:
Thank you for the story. I stand corrected on the fact it was a Black Bear and not a Grizzly. Point is still well made, a 27 lb. Wolverine died in combat taking a full grown Black Bear with him. Now what is a man going to do with that frickin' critter situation? Reminds me of King Arthur in Monty Pythons "Holy Grail" when he and his men come across the "rabbit" guarding the cave. "Run awaaay!, Run awwaaay!".

Got to admit this is a good thread.

white belt
Do you relize a black bear can weigh as little as 90 pounds when full grown even before hibernation? I'm sure the wolverine faught a 90 pound or less black bear. They never specified how much the weight of this black bear was so I am assuming it was that low. The wolverine still didn't win either.

Not only that, black bears believe it or not evolved as a prey species meaning they are not much of fighters. I'm sure a wolverine can seriously injure anything 90 pounds. Wolverines have been known to take animals even in the order carnivora twice their size. They have even took down prey animals 3 times their size! However, it isn't going to help them against a 140 pound cougar, 130 pound wolf, 170 pound man, or bigger bear. Like I said, it is simple common sense. Oh and there is a big differance between a black bear and a grizzly bear. Cheers!
There are Army training films teaching how to take out sentry dogs with a knife across their throat, or breaking their necks with your arms.
Kane said:
Saw the video, how could the guy fight back when he was stuck in a car with no way to defend himself?

Though even if he was out of the car, I still don't think the man could of hurt the leopard that much considering being scratched by a big cat is the most painful thing you can ever feel.
alright...we're getting into the land of hyperbole now..."the most painful thing you can feel"

have you ever felt it?

i'm gonna have to go with my jujutsu instructor who also has a masters and teaches anatomy and physiology...he's been doing martial arts for 40 years and when he was in the of the ways they would take out sentries is by stabbing them in the painful they couldn't even scream...

that sounds a lot more painful than a scratch...
bignick said:
alright...we're getting into the land of hyperbole now..."the most painful thing you can feel"

have you ever felt it?

i'm gonna have to go with my jujutsu instructor who also has a masters and teaches anatomy and physiology...he's been doing martial arts for 40 years and when he was in the of the ways they would take out sentries is by stabbing them in the painful they couldn't even scream...

that sounds a lot more painful than a scratch...
My 11 pound domestic cat can scratch hard. I can only imagine how strong being scratched by a ca that weighs between 130-200 pounds. Ouch!

Stabbing someone in the kidney would kill the man quicker. Scratches will leave you in pain for a long while unless the leopard can kill you right away.
I'm so glad this thread is back, especially in light of what happened in the news about a month ago. A man and a woman were visiting a chimpanzee they used to own, two other chimps got loose and attacked the man, almost killing him. They bit off his testicles! And a large part of his face, but that pales in comparison to the other. I'll take a jaguar, leopard, bear, or whatever, at least it would be over quick, but I'm not messing with a chimpanzee.
lonecoyote said:
I'm so glad this thread is back, especially in light of what happened in the news about a month ago. A man and a woman were visiting a chimpanzee they used to own, two other chimps got loose and attacked the man, almost killing him. They bit off his testicles! And a large part of his face, but that pales in comparison to the other. I'll take a jaguar, leopard, bear, or whatever, at least it would be over quick, but I'm not messing with a chimpanzee.
Talk about Monkey Steals The Peach!! Yeowch!
What an amazing thread! Slipped me by.

Ayway, i might as well try and add to it seein as its amused me for a good few minutes.

I'm pretty sure that i've read that chimp muscles (and presumably most other mammals) are 4 or 5 times stronger for their size than human muscles, just roll with me for a while 'til i can find the reference again. The reason being that humans need so much oxygen to fuel their humongous labour intensive brains that they can't spare any for muscles so it makes sense that from a purely strength based perspective animals only a quarter of our weight can prey on humans all they want, not to mention the teeth and claws.

Not that we can't take bigger things on, just something for the pot.
Actually humans are pretty strong, even relative to other species, we aren't all that far from our brachiating ancestors (and cousins). But if we aren't as strong as some other critters I'm pretty certain it isn't our brain that is the cause of the difference.

Our problem is our lack of effective natural weapons or natural armor, and that many modern humans haven't been trained on how to use what they have. A problem wild species don't have.

It seems like I've read somewhere that a chimp in a rage can pull a handle that measures force to 350 lbs with one hand. There are men who can do a 350 lb one handed deadlift, but they are very few and far between. It seems like the guy who got attacked also lost a couple of fingers but again, so what, in comparison to what else he lost. As far as being trained to use what we have, well, what works on a human might be counterproductive when trying to deal with an animal. Maybe putting a chimp in the guard results in a missing set of family jewels, not saying that's how it happened to the guy but I'd rather not find out.
Eldritch Knight, I did a yahoo search for chimpanzee strength, clicked on the one that said Google Answer: chimpanzee strength. Arnisador, that reminds of a thread I read on another forum quite a while back, where a kung fu guy played with some monkeys, forget which kind and said he learned a lot of good kung fu. He was lucky they were playing or he would have learned what it was like to get his face eaten off.

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